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Forked from sbeam/gist:3849340
Created October 29, 2012 00:20
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capybara helper for select2-ajax elements
# select2_ajax helper to make capybara work with ajax-enabled Select2 elements
# assumes 'placeholder' option is used in Select2 (if it is using ajax, it should be)
# usage:
# it "should have a select2 field for searching by team name" do
# @team = Factory :team
# select2_ajax, :from => "Select a Team", :minlength => 4
# click_button "Join"
# page.should have_content "You are now on '#{}'."
# end
module CapybaraExt
def select2_ajax value, options={}
raise "Must pass a hash containing 'from'" if not options.is_a?(Hash) or not options.has_key?(:from)
placeholder = options[:from]
minlength = options[:minlength] || 4
click_link placeholder
js = %Q|container = $('.select2-container:contains("#{placeholder}")');
$('input[type=text]', container).val('#{value[0,minlength]}').trigger('keyup');
window.setTimeout( function() {
$('li:contains("#{value}")', container).click();
}, 1000);|
# require select2 helper in spec_helper
require_relative './select2_helper'
RSpec.configure do |config|
# include the module in Rspec config
config.include CapybaraExt
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