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Last active September 23, 2024 20:49
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  • Save strugee/e310f23d38e2ec8e4c8ab792caf685d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save strugee/e310f23d38e2ec8e4c8ab792caf685d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
set -euo pipefail
if ! type apg >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo fatal: apg not found 1>&2
exit 1
if ! type jq >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo fatal: jq not found 1>&2
exit 1
cd /mailu
if ! sudo docker compose exec smtp which mail >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo fatal: mailx not found in smtp container 1>&2
exit 1
function api_call() {
result="$(curl \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: $API_KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
code=$(echo "$result" | jq '.code // 200') # TODO report this API bug to Mailu (code isn't always returned)
if ! [ $code == 200 ]; then
echo fatal: received non-200 response: $code 1>&2
echo "$result" | jq
exit 1
echo "$result"
set +u
if [ -z "$API_KEY" ]; then
read -ep 'API key (or set $API_KEY in the environment): ' API_KEY
set -u
read -ep 'Email local part: ' LOCAL_PART
read -ep 'Personal email: ' PERSONAL_EMAIL
read -ep 'Display name: ' DISPLAY_NAME
echo Initiating email migration: $ from Gmail to Mailu.
PW="$(apg -m 32 -a 1 -n1 -E '\"|')"
echo Provisioning mailbox.
api_call -X 'POST' \
'' \
-d '{
"email": "'$LOCAL_PART'",
"raw_password": "'"$PW"'",
"comment": "",
"quota_bytes": 1000000000,
"global_admin": false,
"enabled": true,
"change_pw_next_login": true,
"enable_imap": true,
"enable_pop": true,
"allow_spoofing": false,
"forward_enabled": false,
"reply_enabled": false,
"displayed_name": "'"$DISPLAY_NAME"'",
"spam_enabled": true,
"spam_mark_as_read": true,
"spam_threshold": 80
echo Generating migration authentication token.
token=$(api_call -X 'POST' \
-d '{
"comment": "Gmail to Mailu migration, DO NOT DELETE OR CHANGE 5681fa6c",
"AuthorizedIP": []
}' | jq -r .token)
echo Success: $token
read -ep 'Save this token and hit enter: ' _
echo Sending invitation mail.
sudo docker exec -i mailu-smtp-1 mail -b -c $PERSONAL_EMAIL -r 'AJ Jordan <>' -s 'Your address is being migrated' -- $ <<EOF
As you may be aware, SeaGL is transitioning off of Google for Work. We are currently in the process of moving volunteer emails off Gmail, including yours. The replacement email system is called Mailu.
A new Mailu email inbox has been created for your existing email, $ You can log in at immediately, though mail may not be flowing into Mailu yet. Your password is:
and you will be required to change it when you first log in. If you get errors about your username/password being incorrect, please check the documentation (below). I encourage you to set this account up ahead of time on all your devices, before your active email account switches from Gmail to Mailu.
You can find documentation in our Nextcloud Collective at [1], or you can access the same page without needing to log into Nextcloud at [2]. In particular, this document contains information about the step-by-step process for what the migration will look like for you as a user.
If you ever need help or have questions, you can reply to this email or (even better) mention me on Matrix in the A/V and Devops staff room!
AJ (SeaGL AV/Devops committee chair)
echo Done.
set -euo pipefail
if ! echo $TERM | grep -q screen; then
echo $(basename $0): refusing to run outside of a screen 1>&2
exit 1
read -ep 'Email local part: ' LOCAL_PART
echo Migrating email $ from Gmail to Mailu.
echo "You will need to add $ to the 'Migrated to Mailu' address list on"
read -p 'When completed, press enter to proceed: ' _
echo '1. Click the button to turn off identity questions for 10 minutes.'
echo '2. Reset the password (do not have Google generate it):'
apg -m 32 -a 1 -n 1
read -p 'When completed, press enter to proceed: ' _
echo 'Sign in to and enable IMAP. Then, visit and enable insecure app access.'
read -p 'When completed, press enter to proceed: ' _
read -p 'Gmail password: ' GMAIL_PW
read -p 'Mailu auth token: ' MAILU_TOKEN
echo Initiating migration...
sudo docker run --rm gilleslamiral/imapsync imapsync --user1 $ --password1 "$GMAIL_PW" --host2 --user2 $ --password2 "$MAILU_TOKEN" --sep2 '\' --gmail1 --sslargs1 SSL_verify_mode=1 --sslargs2 SSL_verify_mode=1
echo Migration completed.
read -p 'Suspend (not delete) '$LOCAL_PART' in Google Admin and hit enter: ' _
echo Updating Mailu routing table information...
sudo sed -i "/$" /mailu/overrides/postfix/
sudo docker compose -f /mailu/docker-compose.yml restart smtp
echo All mail is flowing to the Mailu mailbox.
echo Revoking Mailu authentication token...
sudo sqlite3 /mailu/data/main.db 'DELETE FROM token WHERE comment LIKE '"'%5681fa6c%'"' AND user_email == '"'$'"' RETURNING *;'
echo Procedure completed. Congrats! $ has successfully been migrated!
echo Please notify the user.
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