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iPad HTML5 video quirks and hacks
* Example how to preload HTML5 video on the iPad (iOS 3.2+)
* @author Miller Medeiros
* Released under WTFPL
var vid = document.createElement('video');
vid.src = 'lol_catz.mp4';
//this function should be called on a click event handler otherwise video won't start loading
function initVideo(){; //start loading, didn't used `vid.load()` since it causes problems with the `ended` event
if(vid.readyState !== 4){ //HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA
vid.addEventListener('canplaythrough', onCanPlay, false);
vid.addEventListener('load', onCanPlay, false); //add load event as well to avoid errors, sometimes 'canplaythrough' won't dispatch.
vid.pause(); //block play so it buffers before playing
}, 1); //it needs to be after a delay otherwise it doesn't work properly.
//video is ready
function onCanPlay(){
vid.removeEventListener('canplaythrough', onCanPlay, false);
vid.removeEventListener('load', onCanPlay, false);
//video is ready;
* Restart video on iPad iOS 3.2+
* @author Miller Medeiros
* Released under WTFPL
function restartVideo(){
vid.currentTime = 0.1; //setting to zero breaks iOS 3.2, the value won't update, values smaller than 0.1 was causing bug as well.;
//loop video
vid.addEventListener('ended', restartVideo, false);
* Enforce a specific amount of decimal digits
* @author Miller Medeiros
* Released under WTFPL
function enforcePrecision(n, nDecimalDigits){
return +(n).toFixed(nDecimalDigits);
//seek to random position but limiting (and enforcing) the number of decimal digits to 1 to avoid iOS bug
vid.currentTime = enforcePrecision(Math.random() * vid.duration, 1);
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