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Created October 7, 2009 17:14
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map.root :controller => "games", :action => "index"
# games_routing_spec
it "recognizes and generates root as #index" do
{ :get => "/" }.should route_to(:controller => "games", :action => "index")
# output
spec spec/routing/games_routing_spec.rb --color -f s
GamesController routing
- recognizes and generates root as #index (FAILED - 1)
- recognizes and generates #index
- recognizes and generates #new
- recognizes and generates #show
- recognizes and generates #edit
- recognizes and generates #create
- recognizes and generates #update
- recognizes and generates #destroy
Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError in 'GamesController routing recognizes and generates root as #index'
The generated path <"/games"> did not match <"/">
If you're expecting this failure, we suggest { :get => "/" }.should_not be_routable
Finished in 0.155328 seconds
8 examples, 1 failure
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