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Last active January 13, 2024 23:31
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Crystal combined `unreachable` tallies

This gist contains a database with combined tallies of methods call counts in It uses a new compiler feature crystal tool unreachable --tallies, proposed in crystal-lang/crystal#13969 It helps identify unreachable methods across multiple entry points (compiler, compiler_spec and std_spec) .

The following query finds the most interesting entries in this dataset, methods that are never called. Excluded are library methods, deprecated methods and pseudo methods in Crystal::Macros.

SELECT name, file, line, length
FROM combined
  count = 0
  AND annotations NOT LIKE '%@[Deprecated'
  AND name NOT LIKE 'Crystal::Macros%'
  AND name NOT LIKE 'Lib%'

Open in Datasette Lite

## Generate database of def tallies
## $ make
SOURCES := $(shell find src -name '*.cr')
SPEC_SOURCES := $(shell find spec -name '*.cr')
CRYSTAL := bin/crystal
SQLITE := sqlite3
SQLITE-UTILS := sqlite-utils
.PHONY: all
all: ## Generates a database of def tallies
all: csv
unreachable-tallies-%.csv: spec/ $(SOURCES) $(SPEC_SOURCES)
$(CRYSTAL) tool unreachable -i src --format=csv --tallies $< > $@
unreachable-tallies-compiler.csv: src/compiler/ $(SOURCES)
$(CRYSTAL) tool unreachable -i src --format=csv --tallies $< > $@
unreachable.db: unreachable-tallies-std_spec.csv unreachable-tallies-compiler_spec.csv unreachable-tallies-compiler.csv
rm -f $@
$(SQLITE) $@ < scripts/unreachable.sql
$(SQLITE-UTILS) insert $@ tallies unreachable-tallies-std_spec.csv --csv --convert 'row["entrypoint"] = "spec/"'
$(SQLITE-UTILS) insert $@ tallies unreachable-tallies-compiler_spec.csv --csv --convert 'row["entrypoint"] = "spec/"'
$(SQLITE-UTILS) insert $@ tallies unreachable-tallies-compiler.csv --csv --convert 'row["entrypoint"] = "src/compiler/"'
.PHONY: csv
csv: unreachable-compiler.csv unreachable-stdlib.csv
unreachable-compiler.csv: unreachable.db
@echo "SELECT name, file, line, length FROM combined \
WHERE count = 0 AND annotations NOT LIKE '%@[Deprecated' \
AND name NOT LIKE 'Crystal::Macros%' AND name NOT LIKE 'Lib%' \
AND file LIKE 'src/compiler/%' \
ORDER BY file" | $(SQLITE) --csv --header $< > $@
unreachable-stdlib.csv: unreachable.db
@echo "SELECT name, file, line, length FROM combined \
WHERE count = 0 AND annotations NOT LIKE '%@[Deprecated' \
AND name NOT LIKE 'Crystal::Macros%' AND name NOT LIKE 'Lib%' \
AND file NOT LIKE 'src/compiler/%' \
ORDER BY file" | $(SQLITE) --csv --header $< > $@
.PHONY: clean
rm -f unreachable-*.csv unreachable.db
.PHONY: help
help: ## Show this help
@printf '\033[34mtargets:\033[0m\n'
@grep -hE '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) |\
sort |\
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf " \033[36m%-15s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
@printf '\033[34moptional variables:\033[0m\n'
@grep -hE '^[a-zA-Z_-]+ \?=.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) |\
sort |\
awk 'BEGIN {FS = " \\?=.*?## "}; {printf " \033[36m%-15s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
@printf '\033[34mrecipes:\033[0m\n'
@grep -hE '^##.*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) |\
awk 'BEGIN {FS = "## "}; /^## [a-zA-Z_-]/ {printf " \033[36m%s\033[0m\n", $$2}; /^## / {printf " %s\n", $$2}'
name file line length
Crystal::CodeGenVisitor#debug_codegen_log src/compiler/crystal/codegen/ 2013 3
Crystal::CrystalLLVMBuilder#printf src/compiler/crystal/codegen/ 41 9
Crystal::CrystalLLVMBuilder#to_unsafe src/compiler/crystal/codegen/ 72 3
Crystal::LLVMBuilderHelper#gep src/compiler/crystal/codegen/ 84 3
Crystal::LLVMBuilderHelper#gep src/compiler/crystal/codegen/ 88 3
Crystal::LLVMBuilderHelper#gep src/compiler/crystal/codegen/ 92 3
Crystal::LLVMBuilderHelper#gep src/compiler/crystal/codegen/ 96 3
Crystal::LLVMBuilderHelper#not_equal? src/compiler/crystal/codegen/ 72 3
Crystal::LLVMBuilderHelper#ret src/compiler/crystal/codegen/ 152 3
Crystal::Codegen::Target#musl? src/compiler/crystal/codegen/ 147 3
Crystal::LLVMTyper#union_value_type src/compiler/crystal/codegen/ 50 3
Crystal::Compiler#run_dsymutil src/compiler/crystal/ 339 8
Crystal::Compiler::CompilationUnit#bc_name_new src/compiler/crystal/ 874 3
Crystal::CodeError#to_s_with_source src/compiler/crystal/ 43 5
Crystal::FFI::CallInterface#inspect src/compiler/crystal/ffi/ 67 5
Crystal::FFI::Closure#cast src/compiler/crystal/ffi/ 17 3
Crystal::LibFFI#closure_free src/compiler/crystal/ffi/ 168 1
Crystal::LibFFI::Cif#initialize src/compiler/crystal/ffi/ 95
Crystal::FFI::Type#inspect src/compiler/crystal/ffi/ 78 5
Crystal::Repl::Compiler#append src/compiler/crystal/interpreter/ 3289 3
Crystal::Repl::Compiler#append src/compiler/crystal/interpreter/ 3315 5
Crystal::Repl::Compiler#append src/compiler/crystal/interpreter/ 3327 3
Crystal::Repl::Compiler#append src/compiler/crystal/interpreter/ 3331 5
Crystal::Repl::Compiler#put_def src/compiler/crystal/interpreter/ 3243 2
Crystal::Repl::Interpreter#current_local_vars src/compiler/crystal/interpreter/ 512 7
Crystal::Repl::LocalVars#names src/compiler/crystal/interpreter/ 77 3
Crystal::Loader#close_all src/compiler/crystal/ 97 2
Crystal::Loader#load_library src/compiler/crystal/ 80 3
Crystal::NoReturnMacroType#to_s src/compiler/crystal/macros/ 181 3
Crystal::NonGenericMacroType#to_s src/compiler/crystal/macros/ 173 3
Crystal::Program#ast_node src/compiler/crystal/macros/ 146 3
Crystal::UnionMacroType#to_s src/compiler/crystal/macros/ 194 5
Crystal::AbstractDefChecker#this_warning_will_become_an_error src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ 399 3
Crystal::MetaVar#local_vars? src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ 490 3
Crystal::CleanupTransformer#simple_constant? src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ 1108 3
Crystal::CleanupTransformer#simple_constant? src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ 1112 31
Crystal::AndTypeFilter#not src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ 90 4
Crystal::NotFilter#not src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ 215 3
Crystal::OrTypeFilter#not src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ 119 4
Crystal::MainVisitor#first_time_accessing_meta_type_var? src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ 606 12
Crystal::MatchContext#self_type src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ 96 3
Crystal::Matches#[] src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ 168 3
Crystal::Type#lookup_similar_instance_var_name src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ 76 3
Crystal::TypeDeclarationProcessor#check_non_nilable_for_generic_module src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ 332 27
Crystal::TypeDeclarationProcessor#has_syntax_nil? src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ 360 11
Crystal::TypeDeclarationProcessor#raise_not_initialized_in_all_initialize src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ 762 3
Crystal::Arg#clone_without_location src/compiler/crystal/syntax/ 1029 3
Crystal::Call#clone_without_location src/compiler/crystal/syntax/ 701 8 src/compiler/crystal/syntax/ 680 3
Crystal::Def#clone_without_location src/compiler/crystal/syntax/ 1110 11
Crystal::If#clone_without_location src/compiler/crystal/syntax/ 774 3
Crystal::NumberLiteral#has_sign? src/compiler/crystal/syntax/ 318 3
Crystal::Lexer#string src/compiler/crystal/syntax/ 2810 3
Crystal::ToSVisitor#to_s src/compiler/crystal/syntax/ 1571 3
Crystal::ToSVisitor#to_s src/compiler/crystal/syntax/ 1575 3
Crystal::ToSVisitor#visit src/compiler/crystal/syntax/ 787 35
Crystal::Doc::Type#full_name_without_type_vars src/compiler/crystal/tools/doc/ 342 3
Crystal::Doc::Type#lookup_macro src/compiler/crystal/tools/doc/ 439 3
Crystal::Doc::Type#to_s src/compiler/crystal/tools/doc/ 468 4
Crystal::Formatter#indent src/compiler/crystal/tools/ 4799 3
Crystal::Formatter#write_indent src/compiler/crystal/tools/ 4840 4
Crystal::Formatter#write_keyword src/compiler/crystal/tools/ 5110 4
Crystal::Playground::Agent#initialize src/compiler/crystal/tools/playground/ 7 3
Crystal::ClassVarContainer#class_vars? src/compiler/crystal/ 1014 3
Crystal::GenericType#add_inherited src/compiler/crystal/ 1658 4
Crystal::NamedTupleInstanceType#var src/compiler/crystal/ 2609 3
Crystal::TupleInstanceType#var src/compiler/crystal/ 2477 3
Crystal::Type#private= src/compiler/crystal/ 721 2
Crystal::TypeDefType#type_def_type? src/compiler/crystal/ 2709 3
Crystal::VirtualType#name src/compiler/crystal/ 3457 3
Crystal::WarningCollection#exclude_lib_path? src/compiler/crystal/ 20 3
name file line length
JSON::PullParser#assert spec/std/json/ 5 4
JSON::PullParser#assert_array spec/std/json/ 72 3
JSON::PullParser#assert_error spec/std/json/ 88 5
JSON::PullParser#assert_object spec/std/json/ 84 3
JSONAttrEmptyClassWithUnmapped#initialize spec/std/json/ 29 1
JSONAttrModuleTest#initialize spec/std/json/ 326 1
JSONAttrModuleTest2#initialize spec/std/json/ 336 1
top-level make_tu spec/std/ 5 3
top-level parse_time spec/std/time/ 8 3
YAMLAttrEmptyClassWithUnmapped#initialize spec/std/yaml/ 25 1
YAMLAttrModuleTest#initialize spec/std/yaml/ 317 1
YAMLAttrModuleTest2#initialize spec/std/yaml/ 327 1
String#call spec/support/ 69 3
String#float64 spec/support/ 105 3
Array(T)#[]= src/ 465 3
Array(T)#[]= src/ 530 3
Array(T)#delete_at src/ 865 3
Array(T)#fill src/ 904 3
Array(T)#fill src/ 910 3
Array(T)#fill src/ 928 3
Array(T)#fill src/ 948 3
Array(T)#fill src/ 954 3
Array(T)#fill src/ 979 3
Array(T)#to_unsafe_slice src/ 2159 4
Array(T).additive_identity src/ 332 3
Array::FlattenHelper(T)#initialize src/ 2183
Atomic(T)#lazy_get src/ 225 3
Benchmark#ips src/ 108 11
Benchmark#realtime src/ 138 3
BigDecimal#% src/big/ 216 3
BigDecimal#clone src/big/ 752 3
BigDecimal#div src/big/ 315 3
BigDecimal#to_big_d src/big/ 574 3
BigDecimal#to_big_f src/big/ 570 3
BigDecimal#to_f32! src/big/ 736 3
BigDecimal#to_i16! src/big/ 620 3
BigDecimal#to_i64! src/big/ 632 3
BigDecimal#to_i8! src/big/ 614 3
BigDecimal#to_u16! src/big/ 691 3
BigDecimal#to_u64! src/big/ 705 3
BigDecimal#to_u8! src/big/ 684 3
BigFloat#<=> src/big/ 113 3
BigFloat#initialize src/big/ 14 3
BigFloat#to_i16! src/big/ 257 3
BigFloat#to_i8! src/big/ 253 3
BigFloat#to_u16! src/big/ 298 3
BigFloat#to_u8! src/big/ 294 3
Crystal::Hasher#float src/big/ 492 15
Number#+ src/big/ 418 3
Number#- src/big/ 422 3
BigInt#to_big_r src/big/ 770 3
BigInt#to_f! src/big/ 746 3
BigInt#to_f32! src/big/ 750 3
BigInt#to_f64! src/big/ 754 3
BigInt#unsafe_truncated_divmod src/big/ 347 11
Crystal::Hasher#int src/big/ 967 11
Float#to_big_i src/big/ 869 3
BigRational#inspect src/big/ 316 3
BigRational#to_s src/big/ 307 4
Crystal::Hasher#float src/big/ 419 11
Int#/ src/big/ 367 3
BigDecimal#to_json_object_key src/big/ 85 3
BigFloat#to_json_object_key src/big/ 58 3
BitArray#hash src/ 631 5
Colorize::Object(T)#on src/ 412 3
Colorize::ObjectExtensions#colorize src/ 192 3
Complex#== src/ 44 3
Complex#to_c src/ 49 3
Complex#to_f src/ 63 3
Complex#to_i src/ 72 3
Compress::Deflate::Reader.gzip src/compress/deflate/ 43 3
Compress::Deflate::Reader.gzip src/compress/deflate/ 49 4 src/compress/gzip/ 62 3 src/compress/gzip/ 75 4 src/compress/gzip/ 47 3 src/compress/gzip/ 60 4
Compress::Zip::Reader#each_entry src/compress/zip/ 97 5 src/compress/zlib/ 25 4 src/compress/zlib/ 23 3 src/compress/zlib/ 29 4 src/compress/zlib/ 36 4
CRAP::Parser#react src/ 129 6
Crypto::Bcrypt::Password#inspect src/crypto/bcrypt/ 83 3
Crypto::Bcrypt::Password#to_s src/crypto/bcrypt/ 79 3
Crystal::DWARF::AT#unknown? src/crystal/dwarf/ 163 3
Crystal::DWARF::Abbrev#children? src/crystal/dwarf/ 236 3
Crystal::ELF::SectionHeader::Flags#short src/crystal/ 107 10
Crystal::FiberChannel#initialize src/crystal/ 11 3
Crystal::FiberChannel#receive src/crystal/ 19 4
Crystal::FiberChannel#send src/crystal/ 15 3
Crystal::Hasher#float src/crystal/ 214 7
Crystal::Hasher#float_normalize_reference src/crystal/ 139 18
Crystal::Hasher#int src/crystal/ 126 3
top-level main src/crystal/ 140 3
top-level __crystal_once src/crystal/ 49 3
top-level __crystal_once_init src/crystal/ 44 3
Crystal::Scheduler#enqueue src/crystal/ 92 3
Crystal::Scheduler#set_current_thread src/crystal/ 133 3
Crystal::Scheduler#yield src/crystal/ 184 4
Crystal::Scheduler.yield src/crystal/ 65 3
Crystal::SmallDeque(T, N)#unsafe_fetch src/crystal/ 13 3
Crystal::SpinLock#unsync src/crystal/ 38 8
Thread.unsafe_each src/crystal/system/ 52 3
Crystal::System::Dir.rewind src/crystal/system/unix/ 34 3
Crystal::LibEvent::Event.callback src/crystal/system/unix/ 14 3
Crystal::LibEvent::Event::Base#loop_break src/crystal/system/unix/ 70 3
Crystal::LibEvent::Event::Base#new_dns_base src/crystal/system/unix/ 74 3
Crystal::LibEvent::Event::Base#run_loop src/crystal/system/unix/ 62 3
Crystal::LibEvent::Event::DnsBase#getaddrinfo src/crystal/system/unix/ 83 4
Crystal::LibEvent::Event::DnsBase#initialize src/crystal/system/unix/ 80 2
Crystal::LibEvent::Event::DnsBase::GetAddrInfoRequest#cancel src/crystal/system/unix/ 92 3
Crystal::LibEvent::Event::DnsBase::GetAddrInfoRequest#initialize src/crystal/system/unix/ 89 2
Crystal::System::FileDescriptor#system_blocking? src/crystal/system/unix/ 34 4
Crystal::System::FileInfo#system_flags src/crystal/system/unix/ 34 7
Crystal::System::FileInfo#system_group_id src/crystal/system/unix/ 54 3
Crystal::System::FileInfo#system_owner_id src/crystal/system/unix/ 50 3
Crystal::System::Process.chroot src/crystal/system/unix/ 286 13
Crystal::System::Process.start_interrupt_loop src/crystal/system/unix/ 73 3
Crystal::System::Thread#to_unsafe src/crystal/system/unix/ 7 3
Crystal::System::Sigset#to_unsafe src/crystal/system/unix/ 193 3
Crystal::System::Socket#system_close_on_exec= src/crystal/system/unix/ 238 4
Crystal::System::Socket#system_close_on_exec? src/crystal/system/unix/ 233 4
Crystal::System::Socket#system_close_read src/crystal/system/unix/ 111 5
Crystal::System::Socket#system_close_write src/crystal/system/unix/ 117 5
Crystal::System::Socket#system_keepalive= src/crystal/system/unix/ 175 3
Crystal::System::Socket#system_keepalive? src/crystal/system/unix/ 171 3
Crystal::System::Socket#system_linger src/crystal/system/unix/ 179 5
Crystal::System::Time.android_tzdata_sources src/crystal/system/unix/ 81 3
Crystal::ThreadLocalValue(T)#set src/crystal/ 21 5
CSV#[]? src/ 261 3
CSV#[]? src/ 275 3
CSV::Lexer::IOBased#consume_string src/csv/lexer/ 41 3
Deque(T)#+ src/ 124 3
Deque(T)#concat_indexable src/ 230 8
Deque(T).additive_identity src/ 131 3
Digest#hexfinal src/digest/ 196 9
Dir#inspect src/ 328 3
Dir#pretty_print src/ 332 3
Dir#rewind src/ 162 4
Dir.each src/ 217 7 src/ 35 3
Dir.[] src/dir/ 23 3
Dir.[] src/dir/ 34 3
Dir.glob src/dir/ 74 7
Dir.glob src/dir/ 107 5
Dir.glob src/dir/ 120 5
ECR#process_file src/ecr/ 9 3
Enum#^ src/ 313 3
Enum#value src/ 124 3
Enumerable(T)#index src/ 736 3
Enumerable(T)#index! src/ 747 3
Enumerable(T)#index! src/ 758 3
Enumerable(T)#skip src/ 1700 9
Enumerable::Reflect(X)#initialize src/ 2263
ENV.inspect src/ 121 12
ENV.pretty_print src/ 134 12
TypeCastError#initialize src/ 101 3
File#touch src/ 975 3
File::Info#flags src/file/ 101 3
File::Info#group_id src/file/ 116 3
File::Info#owner_id src/file/ 111 3
File::Info#symlink? src/file/ 142 3
File::Type#device? src/file/ 26 3
FileUtils#rm_r src/ 411 5
Float::Printer::DiyFP#new src/float/printer/ 56 3
top-level __crystal_malloc src/ 2 3
top-level __crystal_malloc64 src/ 17 9
top-level __crystal_malloc_atomic src/ 7 3
top-level __crystal_malloc_atomic64 src/ 28 9
top-level __crystal_realloc src/ 12 3
top-level __crystal_realloc64 src/ 39 9
GC.add_finalizer src/gc/ 192 3
GC.add_root src/gc/ 203 4
GC.disable src/gc/ 180 3
GC.lock_read src/gc/ 309 5
Hash(K, V)#first_value? src/ 1803 3
Hash(K, V)#last_key? src/ 1821 3
Hash(K, V)#last_value? src/ 1839 3
HTTP::Client#connect_timeout= src/http/ 349 3
HTTP::Client#dns_timeout= src/http/ 368 3
HTTP::Client#dns_timeout= src/http/ 387 3
HTTP::Client#write_timeout= src/http/ 315 3
HTTP.serialize_headers src/http/ 293 4
HTTP::Cookie#to_cookie_header src/http/ 126 5
HTTP::Cookies#fill_from_headers src/http/ 295 5
HTTP::Cookies.from_headers src/http/ 288 3
HTTP::Headers#inspect src/http/ 294 3
HTTP::Request#content_length src/http/ 119 3
HTTP::Server#listen src/http/ 432 5
HTTP::Server#listen src/http/ 442 5 src/http/server/handlers/ 40 3
HTTP::WebSocket#on_ping src/http/ 55 2
HTTP::WebSocket#on_pong src/http/ 61 2
HTTP::WebSocket#ping src/http/ 89 4
HTTP::WebSocket::Protocol#ping src/http/web_socket/ 245 7
Number#humanize src/ 279 5
Indexable(T)#equals? src/ 739 7
Indexable(T)#rindex! src/ 901 3
Indexable::Mutable(T)#sort! src/indexable/ 324 7
Indexable::Mutable(T)#sort! src/indexable/ 375 11
Indexable::Mutable(T)#sort_by! src/indexable/ 438 11
Indexable::Mutable(T)#unstable_sort! src/indexable/ 347 7
Indexable::Mutable(T)#unstable_sort! src/indexable/ 407 11
Indexable::Mutable(T)#unstable_sort_by! src/indexable/ 468 11
INI::ParseException#location src/ 12 3
Int#modulo src/ 606 3
Int#round src/ 251 3
Intrinsics.read_cycle_counter src/ 193 3
IO#tty? src/ 946 3
IO#write_utf8 src/ 494 3
IO::ByteFormat#encode src/io/ 84 3
IO::ByteFormat#encode src/io/ 100 3
IO::Evented#read_timeout src/io/ 19 3
IO::Evented#write_timeout src/io/ 35 3
IO::FileDescriptor#blocking src/io/ 43 3
IO::FileDescriptor.fcntl src/io/ 59 3
IO::Hexdump#read src/io/ 44 3
IO::Hexdump#write src/io/ 49 3
Iterable(T)#each_cons_pair src/ 50 3
Hash(K, V)#== src/json/ 354 3
JSON::Any#to_s src/json/ 287 3
JSON::Builder#scalar src/json/ 258 3
JSON::Builder#scalar src/json/ 263 3
Deque(T).from_json src/json/ 61 6
JSON::PullParser#column_number src/json/ 585 3
JSON::PullParser#line_number src/json/ 580 3
Path#to_json_object_key src/json/ 78 3
Symbol#to_json src/json/ 84 3
top-level gets src/ 116 3
top-level p src/ 435 6
top-level p src/ 450 3
top-level pp src/ 468 6
top-level pp src/ 483 3
top-level read_line src/ 123 3
LLVM.multithreaded? src/ 87 3
LLVM.start_multithreaded src/ 72 7
LLVM.stop_multithreaded src/ 81 5
LLVM::BasicBlockCollection#[] src/llvm/ 36 3
LLVM::BasicBlockCollection#[]? src/llvm/ 32 3
LLVM::Builder#call src/llvm/ 53 5
LLVM::Builder#call src/llvm/ 59 6
LLVM::Builder#call src/llvm/ 67 7
LLVM::Builder#call src/llvm/ 75 8
LLVM::Builder#call src/llvm/ 85 6
LLVM::Builder#call src/llvm/ 108 3
LLVM::Builder#invoke src/llvm/ 290 5
LLVM::Builder#invoke src/llvm/ 296 6
LLVM::Builder#load src/llvm/ 126 5
LLVM::Builder#load_volatile src/llvm/ 143 3
LLVM::Builder#load_volatile src/llvm/ 147 3
LLVM::Builder#set_metadata src/llvm/ 340 3
LLVM::Builder#store_volatile src/llvm/ 139 3
LLVM::Context#== src/llvm/ 118 3
LLVM::Context#md_node src/llvm/ 106 3
LLVM::Context#md_string src/llvm/ 102 3
LLVM::Context#parse_ir src/llvm/ 110 7
LLVM::DIBuilder#create_array_type src/llvm/ 189 3
LLVM::DIBuilder#create_compile_unit src/llvm/ 35 12
LLVM::DIBuilder#create_enumeration_type src/llvm/ 174 3
LLVM::DIBuilder#create_struct_type src/llvm/ 179 3
LLVM::DIBuilder#create_subroutine_type src/llvm/ 169 3
LLVM::DIBuilder#create_union_type src/llvm/ 184 3
LLVM::DIBuilder#extract_metadata_array src/llvm/ 193 7
LLVM::DIBuilder#get_or_create_array src/llvm/ 97 3
LLVM::DIBuilder#get_or_create_type_array src/llvm/ 52 3
LLVM::DIBuilder#insert_declare_at_end src/llvm/ 163 4
LLVM::Attribute.kind_for src/llvm/ 152 3
LLVM::Metadata#initialize src/llvm/ 477
LLVM::Function#call_convention src/llvm/ 14 3
LLVM::Function#function_type src/llvm/ 56 3
LLVM::Function#return_type src/llvm/ 61 3
LLVM::Function#varargs? src/llvm/ 66 3
LLVM::FunctionCollection#[] src/llvm/ 27 4
LLVM::FunctionCollection#add src/llvm/ 5 4
LLVM::FunctionCollection#add src/llvm/ 10 5
LLVM::FunctionCollection#each src/llvm/ 37 7
LLVM::FunctionPassManager#finalize src/llvm/ 33 3
LLVM::FunctionPassManager#initialize src/llvm/ 5 2
LLVM::FunctionPassManager#run src/llvm/ 8 9
LLVM::FunctionPassManager#run src/llvm/ 18 10
LLVM::FunctionPassManager#to_unsafe src/llvm/ 29 3
LLVM::FunctionPassManager::Runner#initialize src/llvm/ 43 2
LLVM::FunctionPassManager::Runner#run src/llvm/ 46 3
LLVM::JITCompiler#get_pointer_to_global src/llvm/ 30 3
LLVM::JITCompiler#run_function src/llvm/ 20 4
LLVM::MemoryBuffer#to_unsafe src/llvm/ 33 3
LLVM::MemoryBuffer.from_file src/llvm/ 2 7
LLVM::Module#name= src/llvm/ 18 3
LLVM::Module#new_function_pass_manager src/llvm/ 90 3
LLVM::Module#write_bitcode_to_fd src/llvm/ 65 3
LLVM::Module#write_bitcode_to_file src/llvm/ 52 3
LLVM::Module#write_bitcode_with_summary_to_file src/llvm/ 57 3
LLVM::ModulePassManager#finalize src/llvm/ 17 3
LLVM::ModulePassManager#initialize src/llvm/ 5 3
LLVM::ModulePassManager#run src/llvm/ 9 3
LLVM::ModulePassManager#to_unsafe src/llvm/ 13 3
LLVM::ParameterCollection#types src/llvm/ 23 3
LLVM::PassManagerBuilder#disable_simplify_lib_calls= src/llvm/ 21 3
LLVM::PassManagerBuilder#disable_unroll_loops= src/llvm/ 17 3
LLVM::PassManagerBuilder#finalize src/llvm/ 41 3
LLVM::PassManagerBuilder#initialize src/llvm/ 5 3
LLVM::PassManagerBuilder#opt_level= src/llvm/ 9 3
LLVM::PassManagerBuilder#populate src/llvm/ 29 3
LLVM::PassManagerBuilder#populate src/llvm/ 33 3
LLVM::PassManagerBuilder#size_level= src/llvm/ 13 3
LLVM::PassManagerBuilder#to_unsafe src/llvm/ 37 3
LLVM::PassManagerBuilder#use_inliner_with_threshold= src/llvm/ 25 3
LLVM::PassRegistry#initialize src/llvm/ 9 2
LLVM::PassRegistry#initialize_all src/llvm/ 20 5
LLVM::PassRegistry#to_unsafe src/llvm/ 26 3
LLVM::PassRegistry.instance src/llvm/ 5 3
LLVM::PhiTable#size src/llvm/ 19 3
LLVM::Target#description src/llvm/ 32 3
LLVM::Target#inspect src/llvm/ 52 3
LLVM::Target#name src/llvm/ 28 3
LLVM::Target#to_s src/llvm/ 44 7
LLVM::Target.each src/llvm/ 2 7
LLVM::Target.first src/llvm/ 10 3
LLVM::Target.first? src/llvm/ 14 4
LLVM::TargetData#to_data_layout_string src/llvm/ 32 3
LLVM::TargetMachine#target src/llvm/ 5 4
LLVM::Type#undef src/llvm/ 40 3
LLVM::ValueMethods#call_convention src/llvm/ 70 3
LLVM::ValueMethods#const_int_get_zext_value src/llvm/ 107 3
LLVM::ValueMethods#dump src/llvm/ 115 3
LLVM::ValueMethods#global_constant? src/llvm/ 78 3
LLVM::ValueMethods#kind src/llvm/ 14 3
LLVM::ValueMethods#linkage src/llvm/ 58 3
LLVM::ValueMethods#thread_local? src/llvm/ 50 3
Log::Backend#initialize src/log/ 11 2
Log::StaticFormatter#pid src/log/ 147 3
Log#context= src/log/ 80 3
Log#with_context src/log/ 125 5
Log::Metadata#== src/log/ 182 3
Log::Metadata#hash src/log/ 186 3
Log.setup src/log/ 9 5
Math#acos src/math/ 86 3
Math#acosh src/math/ 191 3
Math#asin src/math/ 71 3
Math#asinh src/math/ 176 3
Math#atan src/math/ 101 3
Math#atanh src/math/ 206 3
Math#besselj src/math/ 459 3
Math#besselj0 src/math/ 478 3
Math#besselj1 src/math/ 497 3
Math#bessely src/math/ 516 3
Math#bessely0 src/math/ 535 3
Math#bessely1 src/math/ 554 3
Math#cbrt src/math/ 365 3
Math#copysign src/math/ 707 3
Math#cos src/math/ 41 3
Math#cosh src/math/ 146 3
Math#erf src/math/ 380 3
Math#erfc src/math/ 395 3
Math#exp src/math/ 221 3
Math#exp2 src/math/ 251 3
Math#expm1 src/math/ 236 3
Math#fma src/math/ 595 3
Math#frexp src/math/ 702 3
Math#hypot src/math/ 574 3
Math#ilogb src/math/ 610 3
Math#ldexp src/math/ 647 3
Math#log1p src/math/ 281 3
Math#logb src/math/ 627 3
Math#max src/math/ 722 3
Math#min src/math/ 737 3
Math#scalbln src/math/ 669 3
Math#scalbn src/math/ 664 3
Math#sin src/math/ 26 3
Math#sinh src/math/ 131 3
Math#tan src/math/ 56 3
Math#tanh src/math/ 161 3 src/mime/ 133 5
NamedTuple(T)#first_key_internal src/ 683 4
NamedTuple(T)#first_value_internal src/ 688 4
Nil#crystal_type_id src/ 53 3
OAuth::AccessToken#authenticate src/oauth/ 8 3
OAuth::AccessToken#to_json src/oauth/ 58 9 src/oauth/ 34 23
OAuth::AuthorizationHeader#to_s src/oauth/ 20 3
OAuth::Consumer#handle_response src/oauth/ 158 8
OAuth::Error#initialize src/oauth/ 2 3
Object#!~ src/ 18 3
OpenSSL::Cipher#padding= src/openssl/ 119 7
OpenSSL::Cipher#random_iv src/openssl/ 85 4
OpenSSL::Cipher#random_key src/openssl/ 79 4
OpenSSL::Cipher#reset src/openssl/ 91 3
OpenSSL::MD5.hash src/openssl/ 10 3
OpenSSL::MD5.hash src/openssl/ 14 5
OpenSSL::SSL::Context#add_x509_verify_flags src/openssl/ssl/ 489 9
OpenSSL::SSL::Context#default_verify_param= src/openssl/ssl/ 476 10
OpenSSL::SSL::Context#finalize src/openssl/ssl/ 259 3
OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client#set_cert_verify_callback src/openssl/ssl/ 89 15
OpenSSL::SSL::Socket#read_timeout src/openssl/ssl/ 232 8
OpenSSL::SSL::Socket#read_timeout= src/openssl/ssl/ 241 8
OpenSSL::SSL::Socket#write_timeout src/openssl/ssl/ 250 8
OpenSSL::SSL::Socket#write_timeout= src/openssl/ssl/ 259 8 src/openssl/ssl/ 81 9
OpenSSL::X509::Certificate#digest src/openssl/x509/ 98 9
OpenSSL::X509::Certificate#dup src/openssl/x509/ 23 3
OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.from_der? src/openssl/x509/ 35 8
OpenSSL::X509::Extension#dup src/openssl/x509/ 32 3
OpenSSL::X509::Extension#nid src/openssl/x509/ 40 4
OpenSSL::X509::Name#dup src/openssl/x509/ 38 3
Path#hash src/ 1105 8
Path#sibling src/ 949 7
Path#to_uri src/ 1357 4
Path.[] src/ 123 3
Path.posix src/ 143 3 src/ 163 3
Pointer(T)#move_from src/ 210 7
Pointer::Appender(T)#pointer src/ 52 3
Pointer(T)#initialize src/ 135
Proc(*T, R)#=== src/ 195 3
Proc(*T, R)#=== src/ 199 3
Process.chroot src/ 418 3
Process.fork src/ 111 7
top-level system src/ 447 5
Process::Status#exit_status src/process/ 88 3
top-level __crystal_raise_overflow src/ 272 3
top-level __crystal_raise_string src/ 267 3
Random::ISAAC#new_seed src/random/ 27 4
Range(B, E)#covers? src/ 289 3
Regex#match src/ 581 3
Regex#matches? src/ 664 3
Regex::MatchData#clone src/regex/ 378 3
Regex::MatchData#dup src/regex/ 374 3
Set(T)#=== src/ 355 3
Set(T).additive_identity src/ 246 3
Slice(T)#[]? src/ 274 4
Slice(T)#move_from src/ 531 6
Slice(T)#move_to src/ 538 3
Socket#close_on_exec= src/ 382 3
Socket#close_on_exec? src/ 378 3
Socket#close_read src/ 262 3
Socket#close_write src/ 267 3
Socket#getsockopt src/ 351 3
Socket#keepalive= src/ 324 4
Socket#keepalive? src/ 320 3
Socket#linger src/ 329 3
Socket#receive src/ 256 4
Socket.udp src/ 34 3
Socket::Address#initialize src/socket/ 49 2
Socket::Addrinfo::Error#error_code src/socket/ 86 3 src/socket/ 96 3
Socket::Server#accept? src/socket/ 71 10
TCPServer#initialize src/socket/ 56 3 src/socket/ 31 3
TCPSocket#initialize src/socket/ 48 3
UNIXServer#initialize src/socket/ 56 3
UNIXSocket#receive src/socket/ 113 4
Spec.after_each src/spec/ 138 3
Spec.after_suite src/spec/ 174 3
Spec.around_each src/spec/ 198 3
Spec.before_each src/spec/ 120 3
Spec.before_suite src/spec/ 156 3
StaticArray(T, N)#index src/ 412 9
StaticArray(T, N)#initialize src/ 87 2
String#delete_at src/ 1120 3
String#do_unicode_normalize src/ 1586 24
String#to_i src/ 372 3
String#unicode_normalize src/ 1573 4
String#unicode_normalize src/ 1581 4
String#unicode_normalized? src/ 1623 10
String#unsafe_byte_at src/ 1387 3 src/string/ 30 5
String::Formatter(A)#pad_int src/string/ 376 5
String::Grapheme.break? src/string/grapheme/ 211 3
StringScanner#skip_until src/ 226 4
StringScanner::StringMatchData#[] src/ 419 3
StringScanner::StringMatchData#[]? src/ 412 6
SystemError::ClassMethods#from_errno src/ 80 3
SystemError::ClassMethods#from_winerror src/ 114 3
SystemError::ClassMethods#from_wsa_error src/ 122 3
Time.parse_iso8601 src/ 1154 3
Time.parse_local src/ 1246 3
Time::Format::Parser#http_date_rfc1123? src/time/format/custom/ 93 3
Time::Format::Formatter#hour_minute_second_iso8601 src/time/format/custom/ 113 3
Time::Format::ISO_8601_TIME.format src/time/format/custom/ 191 5
Time::Format::ISO_8601_TIME.format src/time/format/custom/ 198 5
Time::Format::ISO_8601_TIME.parse src/time/format/custom/ 184 5
Time::Format::Formatter#char? src/time/format/ 233 3
Time::Format::Parser#short_day_name_with_comma? src/time/format/ 221 7
Time::Format::Parser#time_zone_gmt src/time/format/ 456 4
Time::Location::ZoneTransition#inspect src/time/ 178 13
Time::Location::InvalidTZDataError.initialize src/time/location/ 9 3
Int#year src/time/ 604 3
Int#years src/time/ 599 3
Time::Span#sign src/time/ 234 7
Time::Span#total_weeks src/time/ 172 3
Tuple(*T)#+ src/ 501 3
Tuple(*T)#[] src/ 293 3
Tuple(*T)#plus_implementation src/ 505 12
Tuple(*T).[] src/ 319 3
Unicode.put src/unicode/ 14803 3
Unicode.put src/unicode/ 14811 3
Unicode.canonical_combining_class src/unicode/ 577 3
Unicode.canonical_compose! src/unicode/ 504 3
Unicode.canonical_compose! src/unicode/ 508 36
Unicode.canonical_composition src/unicode/ 581 3
Unicode.canonical_decompose src/unicode/ 416 3
Unicode.canonical_decompose src/unicode/ 420 11
Unicode.canonical_order! src/unicode/ 456 3
Unicode.canonical_order! src/unicode/ 460 42
Unicode.compatibility_decompose src/unicode/ 433 3
Unicode.compatibility_decompose src/unicode/ 437 17
Unicode.quick_check_normalized src/unicode/ 546 30
Unicode::Hangul.canonical_composition src/unicode/ 614 16
Unicode::Hangul.canonical_decompose src/unicode/ 599 14
Union(*T)#initialize src/ 19
UUID#to_unsafe src/ 388 3
UUID#to_json_object_key src/uuid/ 40 3
VaList#initialize src/ 8 2 src/ 11 9
WasiError#to_errno src/ 90 81
WinError#formatted_message src/ 79 12
WinError#to_errno src/ 96 79
XML::Builder#attribute src/xml/ 140 4
XML::Builder#attributes src/xml/ 156 3
XML::Builder#document src/xml/ 43 4
XML::Builder#end_attribute src/xml/ 134 3
XML::Builder#start_attribute src/xml/ 124 3
XML::Builder#start_attribute src/xml/ 129 3
XML::Node#comment? src/xml/ 81 3
XML::Node#processing_instruction? src/xml/ 393 3
XML::Node#xml? src/xml/ 482 3
XML::NodeSet#object_id src/xml/ 44 3
XML::NodeSet#to_unsafe src/xml/ 52 3
YAML::Nodes::Parser#add_to_documents src/yaml/nodes/ 71 3
YAML::Nodes::Parser#new_documents src/yaml/nodes/ 13 3 src/yaml/ 39 4
YAML::Schema::Core::Parser#add_to_mapping src/yaml/schema/core/ 51 3
Iterator(T)#to_yaml src/yaml/ 47 5
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