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Created January 15, 2016 18:12
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#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- mode: erlang -*-
%%! -pa ranch/ebin -sname ranch_race +P 1000000 +A 200 +K true -env ERL_MAX_PORTS 1000000
%% This script is tested only in Linux environment.
%% I could not make it work with Mac OS (it limits connection rate).
%% Warning: you are likely going to hit max open files limit.
%% Before running this script you should raise max fds by executing:
%% sudo -E -- bash -c "ulimit -n 1000000; sudo -E -u $USER bash --login"
-export([init/1, handle_info/2, terminate/2]).
%% escript entry function
main([]) ->
stop -> exit({shutdown, stopped})
start_stress(WorkerCount) ->
{ok, Port} = start_listener(),
_ = [spawn_link(?MODULE, stress_worker, [Port]) || _ <- lists:seq(1, WorkerCount)],
start_listener() ->
application:set_env(sasl, errlog_type, error),
{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(?MODULE, 1000, ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}, {max_connections, infinity}, {reuseaddr, true}], ?MODULE, []),
{ok, ranch:get_port(?MODULE)}.
stress_worker(Port) ->
{ok, S} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port, [{active, false}, {reuseaddr, true}]),
%%% Ranch protocol based on gen_server like described at
start_link(Ref, Socket, Transport, _Opts) ->
gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [Ref, Socket, Transport], []).
init([Ref, Socket, Transport]) ->
{ok, {state, Ref, Socket, Transport}, 0}.
handle_info(timeout, State={state, Ref, _Socket, _Transport}) ->
ok = ranch:accept_ack(Ref),
{stop, {shutdown, got_timeout}, State};
handle_info(Message, State) ->
io:format("Got unexpected message: ~120p~n", [Message]),
{stop, {shutdown, unexpected_message}, State}.
terminate(_, _) -> ok.
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