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Last active March 22, 2020 05:38
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# include <Siv3D.hpp>
namespace HogeGUI
struct IControl
ID id;
bool used;
RectF rect;
virtual void update() = 0;
virtual void draw() = 0;
enum WindowType
Background, Nomal, Forground,
struct Window
ID id;
bool used;
String title;
RectF rect;
Vec2 cursor;
WindowFlags flags;
bool grab;
RectF contentRect;
RectF clientRect;
Vec2 contentMov;
bool vScrollbar_show;
VerticalScrollbar vScrollbar;
bool hScrollbar_show;
HorizontalScrollbar hScrollbar;
Array<std::shared_ptr<IControl>> controls;
WindowType type;
const size_t DefaultWindow = 0;
const WindowFlags defaultWindowFlags = NoTitlebar | NoResize | NoMove | NoBackground;
const WindowFlags tooltipFlags = NoMove | AutoResize | NoTitlebar | AlwaysForground | NoFocus;
const int TitlebarHeight = 24;
const Font* font;
const double ScrollbarR = 8;
const double ScrollbarPadding = 5;
static Color windowColor = Color(230, 230, 230);
static Color titlebarColor = Color(210, 210, 210);
static Array<Window> windows;
static Array<Array<size_t>> windowOrder = Array<Array<size_t>>(WindowType::count);
static size_t cullentWindow;
static size_t hoveringWindow;
static bool debug_drawRect = false;
size_t AddWindow(Window window, WindowType type)
window.type = type;
windows << window;
auto idx = windows.size() - 1;
windowOrder[type] << idx;
Console.writeln(U"ウィンドウ作成 id={}"_fmt(;
return idx;
void DelWindow(size_t idx)
if (idx == DefaultWindow)
Console.writeln(U"ウィンドウ削除 id={}"_fmt(windows[idx].id));
for (auto tOrder = windowOrder.begin(); tOrder != windowOrder.end(); tOrder++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < tOrder->size();)
auto& order = tOrder->operator[](i);
if (order == idx)
if (order > idx)
Window& GetCullentWindow()
return windows[cullentWindow];
template<class T>
std::shared_ptr<T> GetControl(Window& window, ID id)
for (auto ctrl = window.controls.begin(); ctrl != window.controls.end(); ctrl++)
if ((*ctrl)->id == id)
auto ptr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<T, IControl>(*ctrl);
if (ptr)
ptr->used = true;
return ptr;
return std::shared_ptr<T>();
void AddControl(Window& window, std::shared_ptr<IControl> ctrl, ID id)
Console.writeln(U"コントロール追加{} id={}"_fmt(, id));
ctrl->id = id;
ctrl->used = true;
window.controls << ctrl;
ID GetID(const String& str)
return std::hash<String>()(str);
ID GetID(const Rect& rect)
return std::hash<Rect>()(rect);
ID GetID(const s3d::Texture& tex)
return std::hash<uint32>()(;
void UpdateWindow(Window& window)
window.clientRect = RectF(window.rect.size);
window.cursor = Vec2(10, 10);
window.used = false;
if (!(window.flags & WindowFlag::NoTitlebar))
if (!(window.flags & WindowFlag::NoMove))
auto titleRect = RoundRect(window.rect.pos, window.rect.w, TitlebarHeight, 3);
if (WindowHovered() && titleRect.leftClicked())
window.grab = true;
if (window.grab)
if (!MouseL.pressed())
window.grab = false;
auto mov = Cursor::DeltaF();
window.rect.pos += mov;
window.rect.x = Clamp<double>(window.rect.x, -window.rect.w + 20, Scene::Width() - 20);
window.rect.y = Clamp<double>(window.rect.y, 0, Scene::Height() - TitlebarHeight);
window.clientRect.y += TitlebarHeight;
window.clientRect.h -= TitlebarHeight;
window.hScrollbar.rect = window.clientRect;
window.vScrollbar.rect = window.clientRect;
window.hScrollbar_show = window.contentRect.w > window.clientRect.w && !(window.flags & WindowFlag::NoScrollbar);
window.vScrollbar_show = window.contentRect.h > window.clientRect.h && !(window.flags & WindowFlag::NoScrollbar);
if (window.hScrollbar_show)
window.clientRect.h -= ScrollbarR * 2 + ScrollbarPadding;
if (window.vScrollbar_show)
window.clientRect.w -= ScrollbarR * 2 + ScrollbarPadding;
Transformer2D transform(Mat3x2::Translate(window.rect.pos), true);
if (window.hScrollbar_show)
window.hScrollbar.max = window.contentRect.w; = 10;
window.hScrollbar.range = window.clientRect.w;
window.contentMov.x = 0;
if (window.vScrollbar_show)
window.vScrollbar.max = window.contentRect.h;
window.vScrollbar.range = window.clientRect.h; = 10;
window.vScrollbar.range = window.clientRect.h;
window.contentMov.y = 0;
window.contentRect = RectF(-window.contentMov, Vec2());
Transformer2D transform(Mat3x2::Translate(window.rect.pos + window.clientRect.pos + window.contentRect.pos), true);
auto& controls = window.controls;
for (auto control = controls.begin(); control != controls.end(); control++)
(*control)->used = false;
void DrawWindow(Window& window)
if (window.flags & WindowFlag::AutoResize)
window.rect.size = window.contentRect.size;
if (!(window.flags & WindowFlag::NoTitlebar))
window.rect.h += TitlebarHeight;
if (!(window.flags & WindowFlag::NoBackground))
RoundRect(window.rect, 3).draw(windowColor).drawFrame(1, titlebarColor);
if (!(window.flags & WindowFlag::NoTitlebar))
auto titleRect = RoundRect(window.rect.pos, window.rect.w, TitlebarHeight, 3);
font->operator()(window.title).drawAt(, Palette::Black);
auto& controls = window.controls;
if (controls.size())
ScopedViewport2D viewport(Rect(window.clientRect.movedBy(window.rect.pos)));
Transformer2D transform(Mat3x2::Translate(window.contentRect.pos));
for (auto control = controls.begin(); control != controls.end(); control++)
Transformer2D transform(Mat3x2::Translate(window.rect.pos));
if (window.vScrollbar_show)
if (window.hScrollbar_show)
if (debug_drawRect)
Transformer2D transform(Mat3x2::Translate(window.rect.pos + window.clientRect.pos + window.contentRect.pos));
for (auto control = controls.begin(); control != controls.end(); control++)
(*control)->rect.drawFrame(1, Palette::Pink);
Transformer2D transform(Mat3x2::Translate(window.rect.pos));
window.clientRect.drawFrame(1, Palette::Yellow);
window.contentRect.movedBy(window.clientRect.pos).drawFrame(1, Palette::Red);
void Init()
auto window = Window{ .id = GetID(U"DefaultWindow"),.used = true, .rect = Scene::Rect(), .flags = defaultWindowFlags };
AddWindow(window, Background);
cullentWindow = DefaultWindow;
font = new Font(16);
void FrameBegin()
windows[DefaultWindow].rect = Scene::Rect();
for (int type = WindowType::count - 1; type >= 0; type--)
auto& order = windowOrder[type];
for (int idx = order.size() - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)
cullentWindow = order[idx];
auto& window = GetCullentWindow();
if (!(window.flags & WindowFlag::NoFocus) && window.rect.intersects(Cursor::PosF()))
hoveringWindow = cullentWindow;
if (MouseL.down() || MouseR.down())
goto _break;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < windows.size(); idx++)
cullentWindow = idx;
windows[DefaultWindow].used = true;
cullentWindow = DefaultWindow;
void FrameEnd()
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < windows.size();)
if (!windows[idx].used)
for (int type = 0; type < WindowType::count; type++)
auto& orders = windowOrder[type];
for (auto order = orders.begin(); order != orders.end(); order++)
auto& window = windows[*order];
auto& controls = window.controls;
controls.remove_if([window](std::shared_ptr<IControl> ctrl)
if (!ctrl->used)
Console.writeln(U"コントロール削除{} id={}"_fmt(, ctrl->id));
return true;
return false;
void Shutdown()
void WindowBegin(size_t idx)
windows[idx].used = true;
cullentWindow = idx;
void WindowBegin(const String& title, WindowFlags flags, Size size, Point pos)
size_t id = GetID(title);
for (size_t i = 1; i < windows.size(); i++)
auto& window = windows[i];
if ( == id)
size_t idx = AddWindow(Window{ .id = id, .title = title, .rect = Rect(pos,size),.flags = flags }, (flags & WindowFlag::AlwaysForground) ? Forground : Nomal);
void WindowBegin(ID id, const String& title, WindowFlags flags, Size size, Point pos)
for (size_t i = 1; i < windows.size(); i++)
auto& window = windows[i];
if ( == id)
size_t idx = AddWindow(Window{ .id = id, .title = title, .rect = Rect(pos,size),.flags = flags }, (flags & WindowFlag::AlwaysForground) ? Forground : Nomal);
void WindowEnd()
cullentWindow = DefaultWindow;
void WindowSetSize(SizeF size)
GetCullentWindow().rect.size = size;
void WindowSetPos(Vec2 pos)
GetCullentWindow().rect.pos = pos;
bool WindowHovered()
return cullentWindow == hoveringWindow;
bool WindowItemHovered()
return GetCullentWindow().clientRect.intersects(Cursor::Pos()) && WindowHovered();
void WindowSetFocus()
Console.writeln(U"ウィンドウを最前面に移動 id={}"_fmt(GetCullentWindow().id));
size_t cullent = cullentWindow;
auto& window = GetCullentWindow();
windowOrder[window.type].remove_if([cullent](size_t idx) {return idx == cullent; });
Vec2& WindowGetCursor()
return GetCullentWindow().cursor;
Vec2 CalcPos(Window& window, Optional<Vec2> pos, SizeF size)
Vec2 disppos;
if (pos)
disppos = *pos;
window.cursor = *pos;
disppos = window.cursor;
window.cursor.y += size.y + 5;
Vec2 br = disppos + size + Vec2(10, 10);
window.contentRect.w = Max(window.contentRect.w, br.x);
window.contentRect.h = Max(window.contentRect.h, br.y);
return disppos;
struct ButtonStringCtrl : IControl
String text;
bool clicked = false;
void update() override
clicked = WindowItemHovered() && rect.leftClicked();
void draw() override
rect.rounded(4).draw(Palette::White).drawFrame(1, Palette::Gray);
font->operator()(text).drawAt(, Palette::Black);
bool Button(const String& text, Optional<Vec2> pos)
Window& window = GetCullentWindow();
ID id = GetID(text);
std::shared_ptr<ButtonStringCtrl> ctrl = GetControl<ButtonStringCtrl>(window, id);
if (!ctrl)
ctrl = std::shared_ptr<ButtonStringCtrl>(new ButtonStringCtrl());
ctrl->rect.size = font->operator()(text).boundingRect().size + SizeF(14, 14);
ctrl->text = text;
AddControl(window, ctrl, id);
ctrl->rect.pos = CalcPos(window, pos, ctrl->rect.size);
return ctrl->clicked;
struct ButtonTextureCtrl : IControl
ColorF color;
Texture texture;
bool clicked = false;
ButtonTextureCtrl(const s3d::Texture& tex) :texture(tex) {}
void update() override
clicked = WindowItemHovered() && rect.leftClicked();
void draw() override
rect.rounded(4).draw(Palette::White).drawFrame(1, Palette::Gray);
texture.drawAt(, color);
bool Button(const Texture& texture, const ColorF& color, Optional<Vec2> pos)
Window& window = GetCullentWindow();
ID id = GetID(texture);
std::shared_ptr<ButtonTextureCtrl> ctrl = GetControl<ButtonTextureCtrl>(window, id);
if (!ctrl)
ctrl = std::shared_ptr<ButtonTextureCtrl>(new ButtonTextureCtrl(texture));
ctrl->rect.size = texture.size() + SizeF(14, 14);
AddControl(window, ctrl, id);
ctrl->rect.pos = CalcPos(window, pos, ctrl->rect.size);
ctrl->color = color;
return ctrl->clicked;
struct LabelCtrl : IControl
ColorF col;
String text;
void update() override
void draw() override
font->operator()(text).draw(rect.pos, col);
void Label(const String& text, ColorF color, Optional<Vec2> pos)
Window& window = GetCullentWindow();
ID id = GetID(text);
std::shared_ptr<LabelCtrl> ctrl = GetControl<LabelCtrl>(window, id);
if (!ctrl)
ctrl = std::shared_ptr<LabelCtrl>(new LabelCtrl());
ctrl->rect.size = font->operator()(text).region().size;
AddControl(window, ctrl, id);
ctrl->rect.pos = CalcPos(window, pos, ctrl->rect.size);
ctrl->text = text;
ctrl->col = color;
struct TextBoxCtrl : IControl
bool isInit = false;
s3d::TextBox textbox;
s3d::TextBox::State state;
double width;
String& text;
String label;
TextBoxCtrl(String& text) :text(text) {}
void update() override
if (isInit == false)
textbox = s3d::TextBox(*font, rect.pos, width);
isInit = true;
state = textbox.update(WindowItemHovered() && MouseL.down());
text = textbox.getText();
void draw() override
if (textbox.isActive())
if (text.size() == 0)
font->operator()(label).draw(rect.pos + Vec2(5, 1), Palette::Gray);
void TextBox(const String& label, String& text, double width, Optional<Vec2> pos)
Window& window = GetCullentWindow();
ID id = GetID(label);
std::shared_ptr<TextBoxCtrl> ctrl = GetControl<TextBoxCtrl>(window, id);
if (!ctrl)
ctrl = std::shared_ptr<TextBoxCtrl>(new TextBoxCtrl(text));
AddControl(window, ctrl, id);
ctrl->rect.size.x = width;
ctrl->rect.size.y = font->height() + 2;
ctrl->rect.pos = CalcPos(window, pos, ctrl->rect.size);
ctrl->width = width;
ctrl->label = label;
struct ImageCtrl : IControl
ColorF color;
Texture texture;
ImageCtrl(const Texture& tex) :texture(tex) {}
void update() override
void draw() override
texture.draw(rect.pos, color);
void Image(const s3d::Texture& texture, const ColorF& color, Optional<Vec2> pos)
if (texture.isEmpty())
Window& window = GetCullentWindow();
ID id = GetID(texture);
std::shared_ptr<ImageCtrl> ctrl = GetControl<ImageCtrl>(window, id);
if (!ctrl)
ctrl = std::shared_ptr<ImageCtrl>(new ImageCtrl(texture));
ctrl->rect.size = texture.size();
AddControl(window, ctrl, id);
ctrl->rect.pos = CalcPos(window, pos, ctrl->rect.size);
ctrl->color = color;
const int CheckBoxRectSize = 12;
struct CheckBoxCtrl : IControl
bool& checked;
String label;
RectF checkRect;
CheckBoxCtrl(bool& checked) :checked(checked) {}
void update() override
if (WindowItemHovered() && rect.leftClicked())
checked = !checked;
void draw() override
checkRect.drawFrame(1, Palette::Black);
if (checked)
font->operator()(U"").drawAt(, Palette::Black);
font->operator()(label).draw(rect.pos + Vec2(CheckBoxRectSize + 3, 0), Palette::Black);
void CheckBox(const String& label, bool& checked, Optional<Vec2> pos)
Window& window = GetCullentWindow();
ID id = GetID(label);
std::shared_ptr<CheckBoxCtrl> ctrl = GetControl<CheckBoxCtrl>(window, id);
if (!ctrl)
ctrl = std::shared_ptr<CheckBoxCtrl>(new CheckBoxCtrl(checked));
ctrl->rect.size = font->operator()(label).region().size;
ctrl->rect.w += CheckBoxRectSize + 3;
ctrl->label = label;
AddControl(window, ctrl, id);
ctrl->rect.pos = CalcPos(window, pos, ctrl->rect.size);
ctrl->checkRect = RectF(Arg::leftCenter = ctrl->rect.leftCenter(), CheckBoxRectSize);
struct CallbackCtrl : IControl
std::function<void(RectF)> func;
void update() override
void draw() override
void Callback(const String& name, const std::function<void(RectF)>& func, SizeF size, Optional<Vec2> pos)
Window& window = GetCullentWindow();
ID id = GetID(name);
std::shared_ptr<CallbackCtrl> ctrl = GetControl<CallbackCtrl>(window, id);
if (!ctrl)
ctrl = std::shared_ptr<CallbackCtrl>(new CallbackCtrl());
AddControl(window, ctrl, id);
ctrl->rect.size = size;
ctrl->rect.pos = CalcPos(window, pos, ctrl->rect.size);
ctrl->func = func;
void VerticalScrollbar::update(double& value)
if (rect.mouseOver() && WindowHovered())
value += Mouse::Wheel() * inc;
value = Clamp<double>(value, 0, max - range);
if (grab)
if (!MouseL.pressed())
grab = false;
value += Cursor::Delta().y * max / scarea.h;
value = Clamp<double>(value, 0, max - range);
if (grip.leftClicked() && WindowHovered())
grab = true;
else if (scarea.leftClicked())
value = (Cursor::PosF().y - scarea.y) * max / scarea.h;
value = Clamp<double>(value, 0, max - range);
scarea = RoundRect( + Vec2(-ScrollbarR * 2 - ScrollbarPadding, ScrollbarPadding), ScrollbarR * 2, rect.h - ScrollbarPadding * 2 - ScrollbarR * 2, ScrollbarR);
grip = RoundRect(scarea);
grip.y += scarea.h * value / max;
grip.h *= range / max;
void VerticalScrollbar::draw()
void HorizontalScrollbar::update(double& value)
if (rect.mouseOver())
value += Mouse::WheelH() * inc;
value = Clamp<double>(value, 0, max - range);
if (grab)
if (!MouseL.pressed())
grab = false;
value += Cursor::Delta().x * max / scarea.w;
value = Clamp<double>(value, 0, max - range);
if (grip.leftClicked() && WindowItemHovered())
grab = true;
else if (scarea.leftClicked())
value = (Cursor::PosF().x - scarea.x) * max / scarea.w;
value = Clamp<double>(value, 0, max - range);
scarea = RoundRect( + Vec2(ScrollbarPadding, -ScrollbarR * 2 - ScrollbarPadding), rect.w - ScrollbarPadding * 2 - ScrollbarR * 2, ScrollbarR * 2, ScrollbarR);
grip = RoundRect(scarea);
grip.x += scarea.w * value / max;
grip.w *= range / max;
void HorizontalScrollbar::draw()
static bool debug_window = false;
void ShowDebugWindow()
CheckBox(U"debug_drawRect", debug_drawRect);
CheckBox(U"Window", debug_window);
if (debug_window)
Label(U" Windows");
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < windows.size(); idx++)
auto& window = windows[idx];
Label(U" {}: id={} title=\"{}\""_fmt(idx,, window.title));
Label(U" WindowOrder");
Label(U" Background: {}"_fmt(windowOrder[Background]));
Label(U" Nomal: {}"_fmt(windowOrder[Nomal]));
Label(U" Forground: {}"_fmt(windowOrder[Forground]));
#pragma once
# include <Siv3D.hpp> // OpenSiv3D v0.4.2
namespace HogeGUI
enum WindowFlag
/// <summary>
/// 通常のウィンドウ
/// </summary>
None = 0,
/// <summary>
/// タイトルバーを表示しない
/// </summary>
NoTitlebar = 1 << 0,
/// <summary>
/// サイズ変更をしない
/// </summary>
NoResize = 1 << 1,
/// <summary>
/// 移動をしない
/// </summary>
NoMove = 1 << 2,
/// <summary>
/// 背景を表示しない
/// </summary>
NoBackground = 1 << 3,
/// <summary>
/// スクロールバーを表示しない
/// </summary>
NoScrollbar = 1 << 4,
/// <summary>
/// 自動リサイズ
/// </summary>
AutoResize = 1 << 5,
/// <summary>
/// 常に手前に表示
/// </summary>
AlwaysForground = 1 << 6,
/// <summary>
/// フォーカスしない
/// </summary>
NoFocus = 1 << 7
typedef int WindowFlags;
typedef size_t ID;
void Init();
void FrameBegin();
void FrameEnd();
void Shutdown();
/// <summary>
/// ウィンドウ開始
/// </summary>
/// <param name="title">タイトル</param>
/// <param name="pos">初期位置</param>
/// <param name="size">初期サイズ</param>
/// <param name="flags">ウィンドウ設定</param>
void WindowBegin(const String& title, WindowFlags flags = WindowFlag::None, Size size = Size(300, 300), Point pos = Point(0, 0));
/// <summary>
/// ウィンドウ開始
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">ウィンドウID</param>
/// <param name="title">タイトル</param>
/// <param name="pos">初期位置</param>
/// <param name="size">初期サイズ</param>
/// <param name="flags">ウィンドウ設定</param>
void WindowBegin(ID id, const String& title, WindowFlags flags = WindowFlag::None, Size size = Size(300, 300), Point pos = Point(0, 0));
/// <summary>
/// ウィンドウ終了
/// </summary>
void WindowEnd();
/// <summary>
/// ウィンドウのサイズを変更
/// </summary>
void WindowSetSize(SizeF size);
/// <summary>
/// ウィンドウの位置を変更
/// </summary>
void WindowSetPos(Vec2 pos);
/// <summary>
/// 現在のウィンドウ上にカーソルがあるか
/// </summary>
bool WindowHovered();
/// <summary>
/// 現在のウィンドウを最前面に移動する
/// </summary>
void WindowSetFocus();
/// <summary>
/// ウィンドウのカーソルを取得
/// </summary>
Vec2& WindowGetCursor();
/// <summary>
/// ボタン
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text"></param>
/// <param name="pos"></param>
bool Button(const String& text, Optional<Vec2> pos = unspecified);
/// <summary>
/// ボタン
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture"></param>
/// <param name="color"></param>
/// <param name="pos"></param>
bool Button(const Texture& texture, const ColorF& color = Palette::White, Optional<Vec2> pos = unspecified);
/// <summary>
/// ラベル
/// </summary>
void Label(const String& text, ColorF color = Palette::Black, Optional<Vec2> pos = unspecified);
/// <summary>
/// テキストボックス
/// </summary>
void TextBox(const String& label, String& text, double width = 200, Optional<Vec2> pos = unspecified);
/// <summary>
/// 画像
/// </summary>
void Image(const Texture& texture, const ColorF& color = Palette::White, Optional<Vec2> pos = unspecified);
/// <summary>
/// チェックボックス
/// </summary>
void CheckBox(const String& label, bool& checked, Optional<Vec2> pos = unspecified);
/// <summary>
/// プログレスバー
/// </summary>
void ProgressBar(const String& name, double value, double max, double min = 0, double width = 200, Optional<Vec2> pos = unspecified);
/// <summary>
/// コールバック関数から描画
/// </summary>
void Callback(const String& name, const std::function<void(RectF)>& func, SizeF size, Optional<Vec2> pos = unspecified);
/// <summary>
/// 垂直スクロールバー
/// </summary>
class VerticalScrollbar
RoundRect scarea;
RoundRect grip;
bool grab;
double max;
double range;
double inc = 1;
Rect rect;
void update(double& value);
void draw();
/// <summary>
/// 水平スクロールバー
/// </summary>
class HorizontalScrollbar
RoundRect scarea;
RoundRect grip;
bool grab;
double max;
double range;
double inc = 1;
Rect rect;
void update(double& value);
void draw();
void ShowDebugWindow();
void Main()
bool showTooltip = false;
Texture icon(Icon(0xf129, 20));
Texture siv3dKun(U"example/siv3d-kun.png");
while (System::Update())
HogeGUI::WindowBegin(U"Window", HogeGUI::None, Size(400, 500));
showTooltip = HogeGUI::WindowHovered();
if (showTooltip)
HogeGUI::WindowBegin(U"ToolTip", HogeGUI::NoMove | HogeGUI::AutoResize | HogeGUI::NoTitlebar | HogeGUI::AlwaysForground | HogeGUI::NoFocus);
HogeGUI::Image(icon, Palette::Black);
HogeGUI::Label(U"HogeHoge ToolTip");
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