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Created June 1, 2020 20:24
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Simple translation to ByteCode example
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
sealed trait ByteCode
object ByteCode {
case class Push(n: Int) extends ByteCode
case object Add extends ByteCode
sealed trait Instruction
sealed trait Exp extends Instruction
case class Declare(name: String, value: Primitive) extends Instruction
case class Add(expa: Exp, expb: Exp) extends Exp
case class Read(name: String) extends Exp
case class Primitive(n: Int) extends Exp
case object Program {
import collection.mutable.Map
def translate(program: List[Instruction]): List[ByteCode] = {
val table: Map[String, Int] = Map.empty
val bytecode: ListBuffer[ByteCode] = new ListBuffer
def eval(exp: Exp): Unit = exp match {
case Primitive(n: Int) =>
bytecode += ByteCode.Push(n)
case Add(a: Exp, b: Exp) =>
bytecode += ByteCode.Add
case Read(name) =>
table.get(name).map { value =>
bytecode += ByteCode.Push(value)
}.getOrElse {
throw new Exception(s"Compilation error: lookup on undeclared variable: $name")
program.foreach {
case Declare(name, Primitive(n)) => table(name) = n
case exp: Exp => eval(exp)
object example extends App {
val program = List(
Declare("x", Primitive(3)),
Declare("y", Primitive(4)),
Add(Primitive(8), Add(Read("x"), Read("y")))
Program.translate(program) foreach println
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