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Last active July 13, 2022 07:56
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Advent of Code 2020 Day 19 in Scala 3
val input = io.Source.fromResource("2020/day-19.txt").getLines.toList
enum Rule:
case MatchString(s: String)
case AndThen(a: Rule, b: Rule)
case Either(a: Rule, b: Rule)
case Ref(id: Int)
import Rule.*
object Rule:
def parse(raw: String): Rule = raw match
case s""""$s"""" => MatchString(s)
case s"$a | $b" => Either(parse(a), parse(b))
case s"$a $b" => AndThen(parse(a), parse(b))
case ref => Ref(ref.toInt)
val rules: Map[Int, Rule] = input.collect {
case "8: 42" => 8 -> Rule.parse("42 | 42 8")
case "11: 42 31" => 11 -> Rule.parse("42 31 | 42 11 31")
case s"$id: $rawRule" => id.toInt -> Rule.parse(rawRule)
extension (rule: Rule)
def matchStart(message: String): Vector[String] = rule match
case MatchString(s) => Option.when(message.startsWith(s))(message.stripPrefix(s)).toVector
case AndThen(a, b) => a.matchStart(message).flatMap(b.matchStart)
case Either(a, b) => a.matchStart(message) ++ b.matchStart(message)
case Ref(id) => rules(id).matchStart(message)
def valid(message: String): Boolean =
val messages = input.dropWhile(_.contains(":")).tail
val ans = messages.count(rules(0).valid)
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