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Created January 31, 2015 09:14
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Hopper Swift demangler
import subprocess
def looksLikeBeginning(doc,seg,adr):
if doc.is64Bits() and seg.readByte(adr) == 0x55 and seg.readByte(adr + 1) == 0x48 and seg.readByte(adr + 2) == 0x89 and seg.readByte(adr + 3) == 0xE5:
return True
if not doc.is64Bits() and seg.readByte(adr) == 0x55 and seg.readByte(adr + 1) == 0x89 and seg.readByte(adr + 2) == 0xE5:
return True
return False
doc = Document.getCurrentDocument()
seg = doc.getCurrentSegment()
adr = doc.getCurrentAddress()
str = seg.getStartingAddress()
while adr > str:
if looksLikeBeginning(doc,seg,adr):
addr = adr
adr = adr - 1
sym = doc.getNameAtAddress(addr)
proc = subprocess.Popen(['xcrun','swift-demangle',sym],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output, errors = proc.communicate()
if errors is not None:
if output is not None:
func = output.split('>', 1)[1]
func = func.strip()
if func is not None:
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