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Face the music

Steven C. stevencch99

Face the music
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PJUllrich /
Last active June 28, 2024 20:25
Big-O Time Complexities for Elixir Data Structures

Big-O Time Complexities for Elixir data structures

Map [1]

Operation Time Complexity
Access O(log n)
Search O(log n)
Insertion O(n) for <= 32 elements, O(log n) for > 32 elements [2]
Deletion O(n) for <= 32 elements, O(log n) for > 32 elements
stevencch99 /
Created September 4, 2019 06:06 — forked from enzinier/
Install font Adobe Source Code Pro on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
# Userland mode (~$USER/), (~/).
# ~/.fonts is now deprecated and that
# ~/.local/share/fonts should be used instead
echo "installing fonts at $PWD to $FONT_HOME"
mkdir -p "$FONT_HOME/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro"
function primeString(s, count = 1) {
// 如果字串中有重複的模式,最少也會重複 1 次,故迭代超過字串長度的一半還沒找到就不用找了
if(count > s.length / 2) { return true }
// 每次迭代將字串的一小塊,設定為分割陣列的符號 chunk
let chunk = s.slice(0, count)
// 被 chunk 切過的部分會變成陣列中的空元素,此行判斷是不是能夠將陣列切成重複的小塊
// 如果切完後全部的陣列元素都是空的,代表字串被 chunk 整除,恭喜找到規律。
let grouped = s.split(chunk).every(i => i === '')
wilon / vim-surround使用指南.MD
Last active August 30, 2024 07:21


命令 说明 + 示例
ds 删除括号
ds " "Hello world!" =>
Hello world!
cs 替换括号
cs "( "Hello world!" =>
(Hello world!)
cS 替换括号,括号内文本做新一行
cS "{ "Hello world!" => {     Hello world! }
enzinier /
Created March 4, 2017 03:38
Install font Adobe Source Code Pro on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
# Userland mode (~$USER/), (~/).
# ~/.fonts is now deprecated and that
# ~/.local/share/fonts should be used instead
echo "installing fonts at $PWD to $FONT_HOME"
mkdir -p "$FONT_HOME/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro"
jessejanderson /
Last active August 20, 2024 20:11
Intro to OTP in Elixir - Resources
dvliman / gist:10402435
Created April 10, 2014 17:02
ruby $ global variable
$: (Dollar Colon) is basically a shorthand version of $LOAD_PATH. $: contains an array of paths that your script will search through when using require.
$0 (Dollar Zero) contains the name of the ruby program being run. This is typically the script name.
$* (Dollar Splat) is basically shorthand for ARGV. $* contains the command line arguments that were passed to the script.
$? (Dollar Question Mark) returns the exit status of the last child process to finish.
$$ (Dollar Dollar) returns the process number of the program currently being ran.
$~ (Dollar Tilde) contains the MatchData from the previous successful pattern match.
$1, $2, $3, $4 etc represent the content of the previous successful pattern match.
$& (Dollar Ampersand) contains the matched string from the previous successful pattern match.
$+ (Dollar Plus) contains the last match from the previous successful pattern match.
$` (Dollar Backtick) contains the string before the actual matched string of the previous successful pattern match.