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Last active March 24, 2016 04:50
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normalize subject data
# install.packages('dplyr')
# install.packages('tidyr')
# install.packages('ggplot2')
# make some trials
data = expand.grid(
subjectID = seq(1, 1.5, length.out=4),
condition = 1:3,
trial = 1:20
# response is random but dependent on the condition and the subject
data$response = rnorm(
n = nrow(data),
mean = data$condition*2 * data$subjectID,
sd = 1
########## Normalize ###########
# get the average result for each condition per subject
dataBaseline = data %>%
# uncomment this line to use one condition as the basedline
#filter(condition == 1) %>%
group_by(subjectID, condition) %>%
summarize(responseBaseline = mean(response))
# get the average across conditions per subject
dataBaseline = dataBaseline %>%
group_by(subjectID) %>%
summarize(responseBaseline = mean(responseBaseline))
# distribute the aggregated value to each row and normalize
data = data %>%
left_join(dataBaseline) %>%
mutate(responseNormalized = response / responseBaseline)
############ scalar x-axis (smooth takes care of stats) ################
ggplot(data, aes(x=condition, color=factor(subjectID), fill=factor(subjectID))) +
geom_smooth(method='lm', aes(y=response)) +
labs(title = 'not normalized')
ggplot(data, aes(x=condition, color=factor(subjectID), fill=factor(subjectID))) +
geom_smooth(method='lm', aes(y=responseNormalized)) +
labs(title = 'normalized')
############ categorical x-axis (aggregate yourself) ################
# categorize conditions
data$condition = LETTERS[data$condition]
# r doesn't have a standard error function
stderr = function(x) sqrt(var(x,na.rm=TRUE)/length(na.omit(x)))
ci95 = function(x) stderr(x) * 1.96
# get the average per condition per subject
dataAggregated = data %>%
group_by(condition, subjectID) %>%
summarize(response = mean(response),
responseNormalized = mean(responseNormalized))
# get the average and CI per condition (across subjects)
dataPerCondition = dataAggregated %>%
group_by(condition) %>%
summarize(response_ci95 = ci95(response),
response_mean = mean(response),
responseNormalized_ci95 = ci95(responseNormalized),
responseNormalized_mean = mean(responseNormalized))
ggplot(dataPerCondition, aes(x=condition)) +
geom_pointrange(size=1, aes(
ymax=response_mean+response_ci95)) +
labs(title = 'not normalized')
ggplot(dataPerCondition, aes(x=condition)) +
geom_pointrange(size=1, aes(
ymin=responseNormalized_mean - responseNormalized_ci95,
ymax=responseNormalized_mean + responseNormalized_ci95)) +
labs(title = 'normalized')
####### Different approach: Cousineau within-subject error bars #########
# get average across all conditions per subject
dataAggregated = dataAggregated %>%
group_by(subjectID) %>%
mutate(averagePerID = mean(response))
# get the average of those subbject averages
bigAverage = mean(dataAggregated$averagePerID)
# scale based on those values
dataAggregated = dataAggregated %>%
mutate(response_Cousineau = response - averagePerID + bigAverage)
# get the average and CI per condition (across subjects)
dataPerCondition = dataAggregated %>%
group_by(condition) %>%
summarize(response_ci95 = ci95(response),
response_mean = mean(response))
ggplot(dataPerCondition, aes(x=condition)) +
geom_pointrange(size=1, aes(
ymax=response_mean+response_ci95)) +
labs(title = 'Within Subject Error Bars')
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