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Created December 26, 2013 21:26
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2013-12-26T19:25:35Z 13447 TID-m2biw WARN: {"retry"=>true, "queue"=>"default",
"class"=>"ParseFileWorker", "args"=>[{"filename"=>"/opt/media/AE-67452_36.XML"}],
"jid"=>"5d6c48fa94ed8c8da1b226fc", "enqueued_at"=>1388084903.6113343,
"error_message"=>"Could not connect to a primary node for replica set #
<Moped::Cluster:44552140 @seeds=[<Moped::Node resolved_address=\"\">]>",
"error_class"=>"Moped::Errors::ConnectionFailure", "failed_at"=>"2013-12-26T19:16:25Z",
"retry_count"=>3, "retried_at"=>2013-12-26 19:25:35 UTC}
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