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Last active September 25, 2024 12:29
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Accessibility Testing user stylesheet (for Stylus)
/* Based on Heydon Pickering's REVENGE.css */
table table,
table table th,
table table td {
outline: 2px solid red !important;
h1:not(:only-of-type) {
outline: 5px solid blue !important;
--error-multiple-h1: 'You have more than one H1 heading.';
table table {
outline: var(--error-outline);
--error-nested-tables: 'You have nested tables. Please revise your layout so that data is enclosed in one table.';
a[href^="javascript"] {
outline: var(--error-outline);
--error-javascript-href: 'The href does not appear to include a location. Did you mean to use a <button>?';
a[disabled] {
outline: var(--error-outline);
--error-anchor-disabled: 'The disabled property is not valid on anchors (links). Did you mean to use a <button>?';
label:not(:has(:is(input,output,textarea,select))):not([for]) {
outline: var(--error-outline);
--error-unassociated-label: 'The <label> neither uses the `for` attribute nor wraps an applicable form element'
input:not(form input) {
outline: var(--warning-outline);
--error-input-orphan: 'The input is outside a <form> element. Users may benefit from <form> semantics and behaviors.'
ul[class*="nav"]:not(:is(nav[aria-label], nav[aria-labelledby]) ul) {
outline: var(--error-outline);
--error-undiscoverable-breadcrumbs: 'It looks like you have provided navigation outside a labeled `<nav>` landmark';
body :not(:is(header,nav,main,aside,footer,search,[role="search"])):not(:is(header,nav,main,aside,footer,search,[role="search"]) *):not(.skip-link) {
outline: var(--error-outline);
--error-content-outside-landmark: 'You have some content that is not inside a landmark (header, nav, main, aside, or footer)';
fieldset:has(legend.visually-hidden) {
outline: 3px dashed green;
outline-offset: 2px;
position: relative;
--info-hidden-legend: 'This set of form fields is grouped in a fieldset with a hidden legend. We are revealing it in green.';
legend.visually-hidden {
position: absolute;
left: -5px;
width: revert;
height: revert;
overflow: visible;
clip: revert;
border: 0;
background-color: green !important;
color: white !important;
font-size: small;
top: -5px;
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