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AXUIElement JXA Objective-C Bridge Example
#!/usr/bin/env osascript -l JavaScript
const App = Application.currentApplication();
App.includeStandardAdditions = true;
ObjC.bindFunction('AXUIElementCreateApplication', ['id', ['unsigned int']]);
ObjC.bindFunction('AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue', [
['id', 'id', 'id *'],
ObjC.bindFunction('AXUIElementPerformAction', ['int', ['id', 'id']]);
* Get the process id for the first process matching the given bundle id.
* @param bundleId The bundle id to query.
* @returns {pid_t}
const getPidForBundleId = (bundleId) =>
(runningApplication) =>
(ObjC.unwrap(runningApplication.bundleIdentifier) ?? '').toLowerCase() ==
function run(appName = '', bundleId = '') {
// test case
if (!appName.length) {
appName = 'textmate';
bundleId = 'com.macromates.TextMate';
// Get the Dock application.
let DockApp = $.AXUIElementCreateApplication(
// Get the Dock's children elements.
let dockChildren = Ref();
$.AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(DockApp, 'AXChildren', dockChildren);
// Get the children of the first child of the dock, which is the list of apps.
let dockAppListEntries = Ref();
// Find the app list entry whose title matches the given title.
const entry = ObjC.deepUnwrap(dockAppListEntries[0]).find((appEntry) => {
let entryName = Ref();
$.AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(appEntry, 'AXTitle', entryName);
return !!ObjC.unwrap(entryName[0]).match(new RegExp(appName, 'i'));
// Quit if nothing was found.
if (!entry) {
// Show the app menu for the matched entry.
$.AXUIElementPerformAction(entry, 'AXShowMenu');
delay(0.01); // Pause slightly to allow menu to draw in UI.
// Get the matched entry's children.
let entryChildren = Ref();
$.AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(entry, 'AXChildren', entryChildren);
// Get the children of the app menu for the matched entry.
let entryMenuItems = Ref();
// Find the menu item whose title matches "new file."
let newFile = ObjC.deepUnwrap(entryMenuItems[0]).find((menuItem) => {
let entryName = Ref();
$.AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(menuItem, 'AXTitle', entryName);
return `${ObjC.unwrap(entryName[0])}`.toLowerCase() == 'new file';
// Quit if nothing was found.
if (!newFile) {
// Click the found menu item matching "new file."
$.AXUIElementPerformAction(newFile, 'AXPress');
delay(0.1); // Pause slightly to allow the press action to run.
// Bring the application to the foreground, using its bundle id.
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