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Gheorghi stelf

focusing 🦊
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stelf / tag.waves.with.acoustid.ps1
Last active August 11, 2024 13:40
reat from acousticid
# Ensure fpcalc (AcoustID fingerprinter) is installed and in PATH
# Ensure TagLibSharp is installed via NuGet: Install-Package TagLibSharp
using namespace TagLib
$config = @{
AcoustIdApiKey = "useyoursplease"
AcoustIdApiUrl = ""
$programFilesPath = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Program Files\PackageManagement\NuGet\' -Filter TagLibSharp.dll -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Depth 6 |
stelf / find-awb-urls.sql
Last active August 9, 2024 11:19
find AWB Critical CSS correspondance between contents of cache table and URLS
-- Query to retrieve CSS keys and corresponding URLs from WordPress tables
-- tested against mysql 5.x
-- table prefix is wpjg
-- generated with assistance from Claude
WHEN c.css_key = 'homepage' THEN home.option_value
stelf / ragis.bulk.upload.shp2psql.ps1
Created June 14, 2024 20:15
Bulk upload of directory of shape files into databse using PowerShell, shp2sql, ogrinfo and psql to feed into Postgis
# Set the target database connection details
# these are default for the ragis lectures
$remoteHost = ""
$databaseName = "ragis"
$targetSrid = 7801 #
if ($args.Count -lt 2) {
Write-Host "Usage: bulk.import.ps1 [source dir] [target schema]"
stelf / closest_bus_school_pairs.sql
Last active April 17, 2024 10:24
closest bus stop in respect to each school.
-- notes:
-- Use a CROSS JOIN when you need a simple Cartesian product without any dependency between the rows of the joined tables.
-- Use a CROSS JOIN LATERAL when the second table's rows depend on values from the first table's current row, allowing for
-- dynamic and row-specific computations during the join process. This is powerful for queries requiring a contextual
-- relationship between the data sets. Lateral means "to the side"
-- using CROSS JOIN and subquery
stelf / strip.schema.xslt
Created January 11, 2024 23:16
strip VisionR schema
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<!-- Template to process objectdefs and descend into module_name/objectdef/objectprop and match metaprops -->
<xsl:template match="import | objectdefs | objectdefs/* | objectdefs/*/* | objectdefs/*/*/* ">
<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
stelf /
Created March 17, 2023 15:38
geocoding a source CVS with google maps and then feed into a table in PostGIS
# geocoding a source CVS with google maps
# and then feed into a table in PostGIS
# interestingly some parts of the code were created with ChatGPT4
# but the output, of course, had to be revised a little
# license CC-Attribution
import csv
stelf / jira.identifiers.keycloud.sql
Created June 13, 2022 13:45
Oracle PLSQL: JIRA identifiers clowd matched against ticket keys (for analysis)
SELECT distinct
upper(CAST (keywords.str AS varchar2(32))) AS keyword,
JP.pkey || '-' || JI.issuenum AS issuekey
JOIN jiraissue JI ON
JA.issueid =
JOIN project JP ON
JI.project =
CROSS JOIN lateral
stelf /
Created March 24, 2022 15:09
Use System.IO.Directory to find files in .NET (faster than gci)
function Find-Files {
[Parameter()] [string] $Glob,
[Parameter()] [string] $Path = (Get-Location))
if (-not ( $Path -match '^\w:' ) ) {
$Path = (Get-Location).Path + '\' + $Path
stelf /
Created December 13, 2021 15:17
workaround the querySelectorAll bug that shows when calling it from COM+
$comDoc = New-Object -Com 'HTMLFile'
# load the wiki content
$res = Invoke-WebRequest $webLocation
# create a webview
$comDoc.Write( [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($res.Content) )
# query DOM
$elems = $comDoc.querySelector('table.prettytable')
# unfortunately querySelectorAll fails for various reasons
# so we have to enumerate the items manually
$codes = $elems.childNodes().item(0).childNodes() `
stelf / check.interesect.consistency.sql
Created December 4, 2021 00:03
check spatial intersection consistency by making sure no duplicate rows are returned
-- listing only records that appear more than twice
-- in result which finds points within areas
-- the partitioning allows us to figure the results
-- alongside corresponding dulplicate areas
-- the n.type may be skipped, is included as aexample
select * from (