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Last active August 2, 2018 09:06
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my helm chart template functions
this function will parse the imageTag with semver
imagePullPolicy is determined based of a versions prerelease
example usage:
image: {{ .Values.ImageTag }}
{{ include "imagePullPolicy" .Values.ImageTag | indent 8 }}
env: ...
{{- define "imagePullPolicy" -}}
{{ $parsed := replace "_" "+" . | semver -}}
# semver prerelease: '{{ print $parsed.Prerelease }}'
# semver build metadata: '{{ print $parsed.Metadata }}'
{{- if eq $parsed.Prerelease "SNAPSHOT" }}
imagePullPolicy: Always
{{- else }}
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
{{- end }}
# imagePullPolicy is set by "imagePullPolicy" in _helpers.tpl
{{- end -}}
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