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Last active January 26, 2020 16:23
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Using DD & PV for disk cloning with progress
# Coreutils 8.24+ ships with dd with the status=progress option
root@host:~# dd if=/dev/sdb conv=sync,noerror status=progress | lz4 > disk.img.lz4
1430323712 bytes (1.4 GB, 1.3 GiB) copied, 41 s, 34.9 MB/s
# pv (Pipeview) can also show a nice progress bar
root@host:~# dd if=/dev/sdb conv=sync,noerror | pv -tpreb | lz4 > ~stefanl/touch.img.lz4
472MiB 0:00:14 [36.0MiB/s] [ <=> ]
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