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Created January 26, 2012 22:50
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Save steckel/1685619 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Environment aware, client side redirect
window.DeviceRedirect = class DeviceRedirect
constructor: (@platforms, @envRegEx, @ignoreList...) ->
init: ->
@currentLocation = window.location.href.toLowerCase()
@isHere = if @currentLocation.match @envRegEx then true else false
ismobile = (/iphone|ipod|android|blackberry|opera mini|opera mobi|windows phone|palm|iemobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()))
istablet = (/ipad|tablet/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()))
isdesktop = if ismobile or istablet then false else true
@isThis =
"mobile": ismobile
"tablet": istablet
"desktop": isdesktop
@shouldIgnore = false
if @ignoreList?
for href in @ignoreList
@shouldIgnore = true if @currentLocation.match href
go: ->
if @currentLocation.match(/localhost/g) or @currentLocation.match(/localtunnel/g) or @shouldIgnore
console.log "Ignoring this location"
for platform, location of @platforms
location = location.toLowerCase()
notAlreadyThere = if @currentLocation.match(location) then false else true
if @isThis["#{platform}"] and notAlreadyThere
window.location = "http://#{location}"
setTimeout ->
window.devRedirect = new DeviceRedirect(
mobile: ""
tablet: ""
desktop: ""
, /dev/g).init()
window.stagingRedirect = new DeviceRedirect(
mobile: ""
tablet: ""
desktop: ""
, /staging/g).init()
window.productionRedirect = new DeviceRedirect(
mobile: ""
tablet: ""
desktop: ""
, null, "").init()
if devRedirect.isHere
else if stagingRedirect.isHere
, 500
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