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Created March 8, 2019 23:47
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Fixer script for NVidia driver installs on dkms-compatible systems
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function red_echo()
tput setaf 1
echo "$*"
tput sgr0
if [[ "$*" == *--help* ]]; then
echo "Usage:"
echo " sudo $0 [--force] [--help]"
echo "Options:"
echo " --force: Force-uninstall previous nvidia driver versions."
echo " --help: Print this help script"
# Check for `cc`
if [[ -z "$(which cc 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
red_echo "WARN: No 'cc'; Ensure that 'gcc' is installed and symlinked to 'cc' or nvidia's build system will likely fail!"
# Make sure we're sudo before continuing
if [[ "$EUID" != "0" ]]; then
red_echo "I AM (G)ROOT!! running 'sudo $0 $*'..."
sudo $0 $*
exit 0
red_echo '************************************'
red_echo '* Kernel upgrade got you down? *'
red_echo '* Never fear for your GPU again! *'
red_echo '* Just run fix_nvidia! *'
red_echo '************************************'
# Try to guess nvidia versio, e.g. '/usr/src/nvidia-390-390.59' -> '390.59'
NVIDIA_VERSION=$(for f in /usr/src/nvidia-*; do (echo $f | cut -d- -f2-); done | head -1)
# If they've asked for an uninstall, then do so.
if [[ "$*" == *--force* ]]; then
red_echo "Uninstalling nvidia ${NVIDIA_VERSION} kernel module as requested by '--force'..."
dkms remove nvidia/${NVIDIA_VERSION} --all
# Install the new GPU code
red_echo "Installing nvidia ${NVIDIA_VERSION} kernel module..."
dkms install --verbose -m nvidia/${NVIDIA_VERSION}
# If there was no module from before, just modprobe it now
if [[ -z "$(lsmod | grep -E '^nvidia')" ]]; then
red_echo "Looks like the nvidia kernel module wasn't loaded, auto-modprobulating...."
modprobe nvidia
red_echo "Looks like the nvidia kernel module was loaded, you should restart now."
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