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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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# Take a subset of the data.
diamina <- read.csv("~/Downloads/diamina_meadows_125000_sample.csv", sep=";", dec=",")
diamina <- subset(diamina, Xcoord>230000 & Ycoord>6910000)
diamina$habitable <- as.factor(diamina$habitable)
diamina$id <- 1:nrow(diamina)
# Continuos spatial model:
# Without scaling the coordinates we might end up in problems with INLA.
coords.scale <- 1e-6
locations <- as.matrix(diamina[,c("Xcoord","Ycoord")])
locations[,1] <- (locations[,1] + 100000) * 10
locations <- locations * coords.scale
# Construct an estimation mesh.
# The estimates are computed at the node locations and estimates at the observation locations
# are interpolated from those.
mesh <- inla.mesh.2d(locations, max.edge=c(0.005,2), cutoff=0.001)
points(locations, col="red", pch='.')
# INLA doesn't support categorical variables for this model, so we need the following trick.
model <- meadows ~ -1 + intercept + habitable2 + habitable3 + sqrt(dfield) + sqrt(driver) + twi + f(s, model=spde)
covar <- + habitable + dfield + driver + twi, diamina)[,-1])
# Some data manipulation for INLA.
spde <- inla.spde2.matern(mesh)
index <- inla.spde.make.index("s", spde$n.spde)
A <- inla.spde.make.A(mesh, loc=locations)
stack.obs <- inla.stack(data=list(meadows=diamina$meadows),
A=list(A, 1),
effects=list(c(index, list(intercept=1)), covar=covar),
result <- inla(model,, spde=spde),
control.predictor=list(A=inla.stack.A(stack.obs), compute=TRUE),
# Compare observed and predicted values.
index.obs <- inla.stack.index(stack.obs, "obs")$data
cbind(obs=diamina$meadows, pred=round(result$summary.fitted.values$mean[index.obs]))
# Posterior spatial scale.
spde.result <- inla.spde.result(result, "s", spde)
plot(spde.result$marginals.range.nominal[[1]] / coords.scale, type="l")
# Discrete spatial model (Besag-York-Mollié):
diamina <- read.csv("~/Downloads/diamina_meadows_125000_sample.csv", sep=";", dec=",")
diamina <- subset(diamina, Xcoord>230000 & Ycoord>6910000)
diamina$habitable <- as.factor(diamina$habitable)
diamina$id <- 1:nrow(diamina)
# Find neighbours with the k-nearest neighbour algorithm with k=20 (randomly picked).
# The neighbours are marked in a matrix (with indexes i,j) so that i,j = 1 if points i and j are
# neighbours, otherwise i,j = 0.
locations <- as.matrix(diamina[,c("Xcoord","Ycoord")])
knn <- knearneigh(locations, k=20, longlat=FALSE, RANN=FALSE)
nb <- knn2nb(knn)
graph.file <- tempfile()
graph <- nb2INLA(graph.file, nb)
model <- meadows ~ habitable + sqrt(dfield) + sqrt(driver) + twi + f(id, model="bym", graph=graph.file)
result <- inla(model, family="binomial", data=diamina, control.predictor=list(compute=TRUE), verbose=TRUE)
# Compare observed and predicted values.
cbind(obs=diamina$meadows, pred=round(result$summary.fitted.values$mean))
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