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Last active December 20, 2015 07:39
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-- | Some functions on directed graphs.
module Language.Coatl.Graph where
-- base
import Data.Maybe
-- containers
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
-- mtl
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.RWS
-- | A directed graph consists of a set of elements and, for each,
-- a set of connections leading from that element.
newtype Graph k = Graph
(Map k (Set k))
( Eq
, Show
-- | Create a graph from a list of elements and connections.
connections :: Ord k => [(k, [k])] -> Graph k
connections = Graph . M.fromList . map (fmap S.fromList)
-- | Check if there exists a path between two nodes in the graph.
-- Note that this does not consider a path to exist between a
-- node and itself unless there is an explicit connection between them.
path :: Ord k => Graph k -> k -> k -> Bool
path (Graph g) s e = evalState (loop g e s) (S.fromList . M.keys $ g)
-- Return 'True' if any of the actions in a list evaluate to
-- 'True'. This looks a little silly but it's necessary in State
-- so we don't accidentally evaluate everything.
anyM :: Monad m => [m Bool] -> m Bool
anyM [] = return False
anyM (a : as) = a >>= \x -> if x then return x else anyM as
-- Look through all the neighbors of a node to tell whether
-- there exists a path from the node to the target.
loop :: Ord k => Map k (Set k) -> k -> k -> State (Set k) Bool
loop m t k = get >>= \unvisited -> do
-- Remove this from "unvisited".
put $ S.delete k unvisited
-- Get all the neighbors.
let neighbors = fromMaybe S.empty $ M.lookup k m
-- If the target is in here, great!
if S.member t neighbors then return True else do
-- Figure out which neighbors have not been checked yet.
let toCheck = S.intersection neighbors unvisited
-- If this is empty, there is no path here. If not,
-- check all the unchecked neighbors.
if S.null toCheck then return False else
anyM . map (loop m t) $ S.toList toCheck
-- | Find all the cycles in a 'Graph k'. This is a modification
-- of Tarjan's algorithm for finding strongly-connected components.
cycles :: Ord k => Graph k -> [[k]]
cycles (Graph g) = snd $ execRWS
(mapM_ each' (M.keys g)) (g, []) S.empty where
each' k = get >>= \visited -> do
-- This thing has been visited.
modify $ S.insert k
-- Check whether this thing is in the stack already.
(m, stack) <- ask
case span (/= k) stack of
-- If it isn't...
(_, []) -> if S.member k visited
-- ...and this is not the first time visiting this, return.
then return ()
-- ...and this is the first time visiting this, push it to
-- the stack and try each of its neighbors.
else local (\(m', s) -> (m', k : s))
$ mapM_ each' (maybe [] S.toList . M.lookup k $ m)
-- Write the cycle we found.
(as, _) -> tell [k : reverse as]
-- | Topologically sort a 'Graph k'. This may fail with a list of
-- cycles if the graph is cyclic.
sort :: Ord k => Graph k -> Either [[k]] [Set k]
sort g = let cs = cycles g in
if not $ null cs then Left cs
else Right . snd $ execRWS new g S.empty
-- Find the nodes only depending on the given set of nodes.
only :: Ord k => Graph k -> Set k -> Set k
only (Graph n) s = S.fromList . map fst
. filter ((`S.isSubsetOf` s) . snd) $ M.toList n
-- Find the nodes that only depend on the nodes already
-- checked and that have not been already checked.
new = get >>= \already -> ask >>= \g'->
let as = only g' already `S.difference` already in
if S.null as then return ()
else put (as `S.union` already) >> tell [as] >> new
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