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Open source requirements managements tools

Open source requirements management tools

Requirements management using version control.

Sphinx-Needs is an extension for the Python based documentation framework Sphinx, which you can simply extend by different extensions to fulfill nearly any requirement of a software development team.

Open-Needs is a tool collection for docs-as-code based projects. It allows to create and maintain objects like requirements or specifications in tools like Sphinx, AsciiDoctor, MkDocs and more.

Traceability extension for Sphinx documentation generator.

Sphinx plugin that allows defining documentation items and relations between those items. Can be used as a requirements management tool for e.g. ISO26262 projects.

A framework for the elicitation, specification, formalization and understanding of requirements.

Free and Open Source Requirements Management TooL

Open Source Requirements Management Tool

Open-source software for writing technical requirements specifications.

Treat Requirements Like Code (TRLC). TRLC is a domain-specific language developed at BMW for writing (and linking) requirements with meta-data.

Lightweight Open BMW Software Traceability Evidence Report

Our regulatory documentation manager. Streamlines 62304, 14971, and 510(k) documentation for software projects.

Open source requirement tracing suite.

A tool developed to support Software Specification analysis and Testable Requirements definition.

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