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Forked from hereisderek/.ignore
Created August 20, 2023 17:36
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my homebrew install list
tap "adoptopenjdk/openjdk"
tap "dart-lang/dart"
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/cask"
tap "homebrew/cask-fonts"
tap "homebrew/cask-versions"
tap "homebrew/core"
tap "jlhonora/lsusb"
cask "java"
# Graphical system information display for macOS
brew "archey"
# Light UNIX download accelerator
brew "axel"
# Programmable completion for Bash 3.2
brew "bash-completion"
# Dependency manager for Cocoa projects
brew "cocoapods"
# GNU File, Shell, and Text utilities
brew "coreutils"
# Configurable talking characters in ASCII art
brew "cowsay"
# Pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container
brew "docker", link: false
# Command-line interface for SQLite
brew "sqlite", link: true
# General-purpose lossless data-compression library
brew "zlib", link: true
# Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
brew "python"
# Isolated development environments using Docker
brew "docker-compose"
# Docker Machine driver for xhyve
brew "docker-machine-driver-xhyve"
# Open video compression format
brew "theora"
# Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
brew "ffmpeg", args: ["with-fdk-aac", "with-fontconfig", "with-freetype", "with-libass"]
# Banner-like program prints strings as ASCII art
brew "figlet"
# Infamous electronic fortune-cookie generator
brew "fortune"
# This library is for the GeoIP Legacy format (dat)
brew "geoip"
# Distributed revision control system
brew "git"
# Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient software
brew "go"
# Manage compile and link flags for libraries
brew "pkg-config"
# Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
# brew "python@2"
brew "vim"
# Command-line utility that implements hardlinks on macOS
brew "hardlink-osx"
# Improved top (interactive process viewer)
brew "htop"
# Library for USB device access
brew "libusb"
# Library to communicate with iOS devices natively
brew "libimobiledevice", args: ["HEAD"]
# Cross-platform library for communicating with iOS devices
brew "ideviceinstaller"
# Install and debug iPhone apps from the command-line
brew "ios-deploy"
# Rainbows and unicorns in your console!
brew "lolcat"
# Mac App Store command-line interface
brew "mas"
# Netwide Assembler (NASM) is an 80x86 assembler
brew "nasm"
# Port scanning utility for large networks
brew "nmap"
# Platform built on V8 to build network applications
brew "node"
# Collection of macOS command-line utilities
brew "osxutils"
# x86 and PowerPC Emulator
brew "qemu"
# Cross-platform application and UI framework
brew "qt"
# Utility that provides fast incremental file transfer
brew "rsync"
# Terminal multiplexer
brew "tmux"
# Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
brew "tor"
# Use SOCKS-friendly applications with Tor
brew "torsocks"
# Display directories as trees (with optional color/HTML output)
brew "tree"
# Compress/expand executable files
brew "upx"
# Executes a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
brew "watch"
# Internet file retriever
brew "wget"
# Lightweight macOS virtualization solution based on FreeBSD's bhyve
brew "xhyve"
# JavaScript package manager
brew "yarn"
# AdoptOpenJDK main binary releases for OpenJDK 10 with HotSpot
brew "adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk-openjdk10"
# The Dart SDK
brew "dart-lang/dart/dart", args: ["devel"]
brew "jlhonora/lsusb/lsusb"
cask "appcode"
cask "atom"
cask "atom-beta"
cask "brackets"
cask "docker-edge"
cask "etcher"
cask "android-file-transfer"
cask "font-fira-code"
cask "google-chrome-beta"
cask "google-cloud-sdk"
cask "ieasemusic"
cask "iina"
cask "intellij-idea"
cask "java8"
cask "kitematic"
cask "neteasemusic"
cask "owasp-zap"
cask "pycharm"
cask "realm-browser"
cask "sublime-text"
cask "iterm2"
cask "charles"
cask "sourcetree"
cask "vagrant"
cask "virtualbox"
# cask "virtualbox-beta"
# cask "virtualbox-extension-pack-beta"
cask "visual-studio-code"
cask "visual-studio-code-insiders"
cask "wireshark"
cask "alfred"
cask "google-drive-file-stream"
cask "sogouinput"
mas "Blackmagic Disk Speed Test", id: 425264550
mas "CloudMounter", id: 1130254674
mas "DrCleaner", id: 921458519
mas "DrUnarchiver", id: 1127253508
mas "", id: 985958984
mas "Microsoft Remote Desktop", id: 715768417
mas "Numbers", id: 409203825
mas "OmniGraffle", id: 1142578753
mas "Pages", id: 409201541
mas "PDF Reader Pro Lite", id: 919472673
mas "Slack", id: 803453959
mas "WeChat", id: 836500024
mas "Xnip", id: 1221250572
# xcode
mas "Xcode", id: 497799835
# for android
cask "android-studio"
cask "android-studio-preview"
cask "intel-haxm"
cask "android-sdk"
cask "android-ndk"
# Open-source build automation tool based on the Groovy and Kotlin DSL
brew "gradle"
# Statically typed programming language for the JVM
brew "kotlin"
# [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ] && echo please use root && exec sudo -- "$0" "$@"
# if [ "root" != "$USER" ]; then
# echo please use root
# exec sudo -- "$0" "$@"
# exit
# fi
# script absolute path
SCRIPTPATH="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )"
# disable gatekeeper
sudo spctl --master-disable
# CMD + SHIFT + .
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
function realpath() {
echo "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; pwd)/$(basename "$1")"
# move screenshort folder
mkdir -p ~/Pictures/Screenshots
defaults write location `realpath ~/Pictures/Screenshots`
# defaults read location
# add ~ to favorites/sidebar
# no longer works
# /usr/bin/sfltool add-item file://`realpath ~`
# loose concurrent open file limitation on mac
# ulimit -S -n 3000
chmod a+x ./
exec sudo ./
alias brewup='brew update; brew upgrade; brew prune; brew cleanup; brew doctor'
if ! type brew > /dev/null; then
# install brew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew tap Homebrew/bundle
#backup current brew installs
brew bundle dump --describe --file=./dump.list
brew bundle install --file=./brew.list
mkdir -p ~/.config
# where I keep some binary command
mkdir -p ~/bin
touch ~/.bash_profile
cp ./ ~/.config/
touch ~/.config/
chmod a+x ~/.bash_profile
chmod a+x ~/.config/
cat <<EOT >> ~/.bash_profile
if [ -f ~/.config/ ]; then
source ~/.config/
source ~/.config/
sdkmanager --update
sdkmanager "tools" "platform-tools" "platforms;android-27" # "build-tools;25.0.2" "extras;android;m2repository" "extras;google;m2repository"
# ln -s /Volumes/Persistence/Data/Data/.android /Users/derek/.android
export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"
# update brew
alias brewup='brew update; brew upgrade; brew prune; brew cleanup; brew doctor'
# export JAVA_OPTS='-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions --add-modules'
# to show all available java frameworks
# /usr/libexec/java_home -V
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="/usr/local/share/android-sdk"
export ANDROID_NDK_HOME="${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/ndk-bundle"
if [ -d ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/build-tools/ ]; then
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/$(ls $ANDROID_HOME/build-tools | sort | tail -1):$PATH
if [ -d ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/platform-tools/ ]; then
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH
export ARC_HOME=`realpath ~/bin/arcanist`
if [ -d $ARC_HOME ]; then
export PATH=$PATH:$ARC_HOME/bin
# Load my aliases
if [ -f ~/.config/.aliases ]; then
. ~/.config/.aliases
# Load my functions
if [ -f ~/.config/.functions ]; then
. ~/.config/.functions
if [ -d ~/bin ]; then
export PATH=~/bin:${PATH}
# Requires root
os=$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F. '{print $1 "." $2}')
if softwareupdate --history | grep --silent "Command Line Tools.*${os}"; then
echo 'Command-line tools already installed.'
echo 'Installing Command-line tools...'
touch ${in_progress}
product=$(softwareupdate --list | awk "/\* Command Line.*${os}/ { sub(/^ \* /, \"\"); print }")
softwareupdate --verbose --install "${product}" || echo 'Installation failed.' 1>&2 && rm ${in_progress} && exit 1
rm ${in_progress}
echo 'Installation succeeded.'
# [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ] && echo please use root && exec sudo -- "$0" "$@"
if [ "root" != "$USER" ]; then
echo please use root
exec sudo -- "$0" "$@"
# script absolute path
SCRIPTPATH="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )"
# loose concurrent open file limitation on mac
# ulimit -S -n 3000
# install brew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
alias brewup='brew update; brew upgrade; brew prune; brew cleanup; brew doctor'
brew tap Homebrew/bundle
brew install wget htop nmap bash-completion watch
brew install tree cask git
brew cask search chrome
brew cask install google-chrome-beta android-file-transfer sublime-text-dev
brew cask search sublime
brew install mas
brew cask install intellij-idea
# android-studio
brew cask install java android-studio-preview atom-beta visual-studio-code-insiders
brew cask install charles
brew cask install iterm2
brew tap caskroom/cask
brew cask install google-cloud-sdk
brew tap Homebrew/bundle
brew bundle dump
brew cask install android-studio intellij-idea
brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice
brew install ideviceinstaller ios-deploy cocoapods
brew tap dart-lang/dart
brew cask install virtualbox-beta virtualbox-extension-pack-beta
# entertainment
brew cask install qq
brew cask install ieasemusic
brew cask install spotify
# tools
brew cask install cakebrew
sudo spctl --master-disable
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
# CMD + SHIFT + .
brew cask install sourcetree
# ln -s /Volumes/Persistence/Data/Data/.android /Users/derek/.android
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