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Last active October 9, 2019 23:53
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New Rice
#! /bin/sh
sxhkd & polybar bar &
bspc monitor -d I II III IV V
bspc config border_width 5
bspc config window_gap 12
bspc config top_padding 60
bspc config bottom_padding 48
bspc config split_ratio 0.52
bspc config borderless_monocle true
bspc config gapless_monocle true
bspc rule -a Gimp desktop='^8' state=floating follow=on
bspc rule -a Chromium desktop='^2'
bspc rule -a mplayer2 state=floating
bspc rule -a focus=on
bspc rule -a Screenkey manage=off
; ██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗ ██╗██████╗ █████╗ ██████╗
; ██╔══██╗██╔═══██╗██║ ╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗
; ██████╔╝██║ ██║██║ ╚████╔╝ ██████╔╝███████║██████╔╝
; ██╔═══╝ ██║ ██║██║ ╚██╔╝ ██╔══██╗██╔══██║██╔══██╗
; ██║ ╚██████╔╝███████╗██║ ██████╔╝██║ ██║██║ ██║
; ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝
; To learn more about how to configure Polybar
; go to
; The README contains a lot of information
;background = ${xrdb:color0:#222}
background = #000
background-alt = #111
;foreground = ${xrdb:color7:#222}
foreground = #dfdfdf
foreground-alt = #555
primary = #00FF00
secondary = #e60053
alert = #bd2c40
;monitor = ${env:MONITOR:HDMI-1}
width = 70%
height = 40
offset-x = 15%
offset-y = 15
radius = 1.0
fixed-center = true
background = ${colors.background}
foreground = ${colors.foreground}
line-size = 3
line-color = #f00
border-size = 4
border-color = #00000000
padding-bottom = 8
padding-top = 8
padding-left = 8
padding-right = 8
module-margin-left = 1
module-margin-right = 2
font-0 = monogram:pixelsize=16;1
font-1 = monogram:fontformat=truetype:size=8:antialias=false;0
font-2 = monogram:pixelsize=16;1
modules-center = mpd
modules-right = filesystem xbacklight alsa pulseaudio wlan eth battery date powermenu
tray-position = right
tray-padding = 2
;tray-background = #0063ff
;wm-restack = bspwm
;override-redirect = true
;scroll-up = bspwm-desknext
;scroll-down = bspwm-deskprev
;scroll-down = i3wm-wsprev
cursor-click = pointer
cursor-scroll = ns-resize
width = 40%
modules-left = bspwm
type = internal/xwindow
label = %title:0:30:...%
type = internal/xkeyboard
blacklist-0 = num lock
format-prefix = ""
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-prefix-underline = ${colors.secondary}
label-layout = %layout%
label-layout-underline = ${colors.secondary}
label-indicator-padding = 2
label-indicator-margin = 1
label-indicator-background = ${colors.secondary}
label-indicator-underline = ${colors.secondary}
type = internal/fs
interval = 25
mount-0 = /
label-mounted = %{F#0a81f5}%mountpoint%%{F-}: %percentage_used%%
label-unmounted = %mountpoint% not mounted
label-unmounted-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
type = internal/bspwm
label-focused = %index%
label-focused-background = ${colors.background-alt}
label-focused-underline= ${colors.primary}
label-focused-padding = 2
label-occupied = %index%
label-occupied-padding = 2
label-urgent = %index%!
label-urgent-background = ${colors.alert}
label-urgent-padding = 2
label-empty = %index%
label-empty-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
label-empty-padding = 2
; Separator in between workspaces
; label-separator = |
type = internal/i3
format = <label-state> <label-mode>
index-sort = true
wrapping-scroll = false
; Only show workspaces on the same output as the bar
;pin-workspaces = true
label-mode-padding = 2
label-mode-foreground = #000
label-mode-background = ${colors.primary}
; focused = Active workspace on focused monitor
label-focused = %index%
label-focused-background = ${colors.background-alt}
label-focused-underline= ${colors.primary}
label-focused-padding = 2
; unfocused = Inactive workspace on any monitor
label-unfocused = %index%
label-unfocused-padding = 2
; visible = Active workspace on unfocused monitor
label-visible = %index%
label-visible-background = ${self.label-focused-background}
label-visible-underline = ${self.label-focused-underline}
label-visible-padding = ${self.label-focused-padding}
; urgent = Workspace with urgency hint set
label-urgent = %index%
label-urgent-background = ${colors.alert}
label-urgent-padding = 2
; Separator in between workspaces
; label-separator = |
type = internal/mpd
format-online = <label-song> <icon-prev> <icon-stop> <toggle> <icon-next>
icon-prev = 
icon-stop = 
icon-play = 
icon-pause = 
icon-next = 
label-song-maxlen = 25
label-song-ellipsis = true
type = internal/xbacklight
format = <label> <bar>
label = BL
bar-width = 10
bar-indicator = |
bar-indicator-foreground = #fff
bar-indicator-font = 2
bar-fill = ─
bar-fill-font = 2
bar-fill-foreground = #9f78e1
bar-empty = ─
bar-empty-font = 2
bar-empty-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
inherit = module/xbacklight
type = internal/backlight
card = intel_backlight
type = internal/cpu
interval = 2
format-prefix = ""
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-underline = #f90000
label = %percentage:2%%
type = internal/memory
interval = 2
format-prefix = ""
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-underline = #4bffdc
label = %percentage_used%%
type = internal/network
interface = wlp61s0
interval = 3.0
format-connected = <ramp-signal> <label-connected>
format-connected-underline = #9f78e1
label-connected = %essid%
format-disconnected =
;format-disconnected = <label-disconnected>
;format-disconnected-underline = ${self.format-connected-underline}
;label-disconnected = %ifname% disconnected
;label-disconnected-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
ramp-signal-0 = 
ramp-signal-1 = 
ramp-signal-2 = 
ramp-signal-3 = 
ramp-signal-4 = 
ramp-signal-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
type = internal/network
interface = enp0s25
interval = 3.0
format-connected-underline = #55aa55
format-connected-prefix = ""
format-connected-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
label-connected = %local_ip%
format-disconnected =
;format-disconnected = <label-disconnected>
;format-disconnected-underline = ${self.format-connected-underline}
;label-disconnected = %ifname% disconnected
;label-disconnected-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
type = internal/date
interval = 5
date =
date-alt = " %Y-%m-%d"
time = %H:%M
time-alt = %H:%M:%S
format-prefix = 
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-underline = #0a6cf5
label = %date% %time%
type = internal/pulseaudio
format-volume = <label-volume> <bar-volume>
label-volume = VOL %percentage%%
label-volume-foreground = ${root.foreground}
label-muted = 🔇 muted
label-muted-foreground = #666
bar-volume-width = 10
bar-volume-foreground-0 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-1 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-2 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-3 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-4 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-5 = #f5a70a
bar-volume-foreground-6 = #ff5555
bar-volume-gradient = false
bar-volume-indicator = |
bar-volume-indicator-font = 2
bar-volume-fill = ─
bar-volume-fill-font = 2
bar-volume-empty = ─
bar-volume-empty-font = 2
bar-volume-empty-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
type = internal/alsa
format-volume = <label-volume> <bar-volume>
label-volume = VOL
label-volume-foreground = ${root.foreground}
format-muted-prefix = ""
format-muted-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
label-muted = sound muted
bar-volume-width = 10
bar-volume-foreground-0 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-1 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-2 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-3 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-4 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-5 = #f5a70a
bar-volume-foreground-6 = #ff5555
bar-volume-gradient = false
bar-volume-indicator = |
bar-volume-indicator-font = 2
bar-volume-fill = ─
bar-volume-fill-font = 2
bar-volume-empty = ─
bar-volume-empty-font = 2
bar-volume-empty-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
type = internal/battery
battery = BAT0
adapter = AC
full-at = 98
format-charging = <animation-charging> <label-charging>
format-charging-underline = #ffb52a
format-discharging = <animation-discharging> <label-discharging>
format-discharging-underline = ${self.format-charging-underline}
format-full-prefix = ""
format-full-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-full-underline = ${self.format-charging-underline}
ramp-capacity-0 = 
ramp-capacity-1 = 
ramp-capacity-2 = 
ramp-capacity-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
animation-charging-0 = 
animation-charging-1 = 
animation-charging-2 = 
animation-charging-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
animation-charging-framerate = 750
animation-discharging-0 = 
animation-discharging-1 = 
animation-discharging-2 = 
animation-discharging-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
animation-discharging-framerate = 750
type = internal/temperature
thermal-zone = 0
warn-temperature = 60
format = <ramp> <label>
format-underline = #f50a4d
format-warn = <ramp> <label-warn>
format-warn-underline = ${self.format-underline}
label = %temperature-c%
label-warn = %temperature-c%
label-warn-foreground = ${colors.secondary}
ramp-0 = 
ramp-1 = 
ramp-2 = 
ramp-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
type = custom/menu
expand-right = true
format-spacing = 1
label-open = 
label-open-foreground = ${colors.secondary}
label-close =  cancel
label-close-foreground = ${colors.secondary}
label-separator = |
label-separator-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
menu-0-0 = reboot
menu-0-0-exec = menu-open-1
menu-0-1 = power off
menu-0-1-exec = menu-open-2
menu-1-0 = cancel
menu-1-0-exec = menu-open-0
menu-1-1 = reboot
menu-1-1-exec = sudo reboot
menu-2-0 = power off
menu-2-0-exec = sudo poweroff
menu-2-1 = cancel
menu-2-1-exec = menu-open-0
screenchange-reload = true
;compositing-background = xor
;compositing-background = screen
;compositing-foreground = source
;compositing-border = over
;pseudo-transparency = false
margin-top = 5
margin-bottom = 5
; vim:ft=dosini
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:ft=conf
# Font family. You can also specify different fonts for the
# bold/italic/bold-italic variants. By default they are derived automatically,
# by the OSes font system. Setting them manually is useful for font families
# that have many weight variants like Book, Medium, Thick, etc. For example:
# font_family Operator Mono Book
# bold_font Operator Mono Thick
# bold_italic_font Operator Mono Medium
# font_family Input Mono
font_family Fantasque Sans Mono
italic_font auto
bold_font auto
bold_italic_font auto
# Font size (in pts)
font_size 18.0
# The foreground color
foreground #00FF00
# The background color
background #000000
# The foreground for selections
selection_foreground #2f2f2f
# The background for selections
selection_background #d75f5f
# The cursor color
cursor #8fee96
# The cursor shape can be one of (block, beam, underline)
cursor_shape block
# The interval (in seconds) at which to blink the cursor. Set to zero to
# disable blinking.
cursor_blink_interval 0.5
# Stop blinking cursor after the specified number of seconds of keyboard inactivity. Set to
# zero or a negative number to never stop blinking.
cursor_stop_blinking_after 15.0
# Number of lines of history to keep in memory for scrolling back
scrollback_lines 2000
# Program with which to view scrollback in a new window. The scrollback buffer is passed as
# STDIN to this program. If you change it, make sure the program you use can
# handle ANSI escape sequences for colors and text formatting.
scrollback_pager less +G -R
# Wheel scroll multiplier (modify the amount scrolled by the mouse wheel)
wheel_scroll_multiplier 5.0
# The interval between successive clicks to detect double/triple clicks (in seconds)
click_interval 0.5
# Characters considered part of a word when double clicking. In addition to these characters
# any character that is marked as an alpha-numeric character in the unicode
# database will be matched.
select_by_word_characters :@-./_~?&=%+#
# Hide mouse cursor after the specified number of seconds of the mouse not being used. Set to
# zero or a negative number to disable mouse cursor hiding.
mouse_hide_wait 3.0
# The enabled window layouts. A comma separated list of layout names. The special value * means
# all layouts. The first listed layout will be used as the startup layout.
# For a list of available layouts, see the file
enabled_layouts *
# If enabled, the window size will be remembered so that new instances of kitty will have the same
# size as the previous instance. If disabled, the window will initially have size configured
# by initial_window_width/height, in pixels.
remember_window_size no
initial_window_width 640
initial_window_height 400
# Delay (in milliseconds) between screen updates. Decreasing it, increases fps
# at the cost of more CPU usage. The default value yields ~100fps which is more
# that sufficient for most uses.
# repaint_delay 10
repaint_delay 10
# Delay (in milliseconds) before input from the program running in the terminal
# is processed. Note that decreasing it will increase responsiveness, but also
# increase CPU usage and might cause flicker in full screen programs that
# redraw the entire screen on each loop, because kitty is so fast that partial
# screen updates will be drawn.
input_delay 3
# Visual bell duration. Flash the screen when a bell occurs for the specified number of
# seconds. Set to zero to disable.
visual_bell_duration 0.0
# Enable/disable the audio bell. Useful in environments that require silence.
enable_audio_bell yes
# The modifier keys to press when clicking with the mouse on URLs to open the URL
open_url_modifiers ctrl+shift
# The program with which to open URLs that are clicked on. The special value "default" means to
# use the operating system's default URL handler.
open_url_with default
# The value of the TERM environment variable to set
term xterm-kitty
# The width (in pts) of window borders. Will be rounded to the nearest number of pixels based on screen resolution.
window_border_width 0
window_margin_width 15
# The color for the border of the active window
active_border_color #ffffff
# The color for the border of inactive windows
inactive_border_color #cccccc
# Tab-bar colors
active_tab_foreground #000
active_tab_background #eee
inactive_tab_foreground #444
inactive_tab_background #999
# The 16 terminal colors. There are 8 basic colors, each color has a dull and
# bright version.
# black
color0 #2f2f2f
color8 #555555
# red
color1 #d75f5f
color9 #d75f5f
# green
color2 #d4d232
color10 #8fee96
# yellow
color3 #af865a
color11 #cd950c
# blue
color4 #22c3a1
color12 #458588
# magenta
color5 #775759
color13 #775759
# cyan
color6 #84edb9
color14 #84edb9
# white
color7 #c0b18b
color15 #d8d8d8
# Key mapping
# For a list of key names, see:
# For a list of modifier names, see:
# You can use the special action no_op to unmap a keyboard shortcut that is
# assigned in the default configuration.
# Clipboard
map super+v paste_from_clipboard
map ctrl+shift+s paste_from_selection
map super+c copy_to_clipboard
map shift+insert paste_from_selection
# Scrolling
map ctrl+shift+up scroll_line_up
map ctrl+shift+down scroll_line_down
map ctrl+shift+k scroll_line_up
map ctrl+shift+j scroll_line_down
map ctrl+shift+page_up scroll_page_up
map ctrl+shift+page_down scroll_page_down
map ctrl+shift+home scroll_home
map ctrl+shift+end scroll_end
map ctrl+shift+h show_scrollback
# Window management
map super+n new_os_window
map super+w close_window
map ctrl+shift+enter new_window
map ctrl+shift+] next_window
map ctrl+shift+[ previous_window
map ctrl+shift+f move_window_forward
map ctrl+shift+b move_window_backward
map ctrl+shift+` move_window_to_top
map ctrl+shift+1 first_window
map ctrl+shift+2 second_window
map ctrl+shift+3 third_window
map ctrl+shift+4 fourth_window
map ctrl+shift+5 fifth_window
map ctrl+shift+6 sixth_window
map ctrl+shift+7 seventh_window
map ctrl+shift+8 eighth_window
map ctrl+shift+9 ninth_window
map ctrl+shift+0 tenth_window
# Tab management
map ctrl+shift+right next_tab
map ctrl+shift+left previous_tab
map ctrl+shift+t new_tab
map ctrl+shift+q close_tab
map ctrl+shift+l next_layout
map ctrl+shift+. move_tab_forward
map ctrl+shift+, move_tab_backward
# Miscellaneous
map ctrl+shift+up increase_font_size
map ctrl+shift+down decrease_font_size
map ctrl+shift+backspace restore_font_size
# Symbol mapping (special font for specified unicode code points). Map the
# specified unicode codepoints to a particular font. Useful if you need special
# rendering for some symbols, such as for Powerline. Avoids the need for
# patched fonts. Each unicode code point is specified in the form U+<code point
# in hexadecimal>. You can specify multiple code points, separated by commas
# and ranges separated by hyphens. symbol_map itself can be specified multiple times.
# Syntax is:
# symbol_map codepoints Font Family Name
# For example:
#symbol_map U+E0A0-U+E0A2,U+E0B0-U+E0B3 PowerlineSymbols
hide_window_decorations yes
macos_option_as_alt no
# Change the color of the kitty window's titlebar on macOS. A value of "system"
# means to use the default system color, a value of "background" means to use
# the default background color and finally you can use an arbitrary color, such
# as #12af59 or "red".
macos_titlebar_color background
allow_remote_control yes
# wm independent hotkeys
# terminal emulator
super + Return
# program launcher
super + @space
rofi -show run
# make sxhkd reload its configuration files:
super + Escape
pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd
# bspwm hotkeys
# quit/restart bspwm
super + alt + {q,r}
bspc {quit,wm -r}
# close and kill
super + x
bspc node -{c,k}
# alternate between the tiled and monocle layout
super + m
bspc desktop -l next
# send the newest marked node to the newest preselected node
super + y
bspc node newest.marked.local -n newest.!automatic.local
# swap the current node and the biggest node
super + g
bspc node -s biggest
# state/flags
# set the window state
super + {t,shift + t,s,f}
bspc node -t {tiled,pseudo_tiled,floating,fullscreen}
# set the node flags
super + ctrl + {m,x,y,z}
bspc node -g {marked,locked,sticky,private}
# focus/swap
# focus the node in the given direction
super + {_,shift + }{h,j,k,l}
bspc node -{f,s} {west,south,north,east}
# focus the node for the given path jump
super + {p,b,comma,period}
bspc node -f @{parent,brother,first,second}
# focus the next/previous node in the current desktop
super + {_,shift + }c
bspc node -f {next,prev}.local
# focus the next/previous desktop in the current monitor
super + bracket{left,right}
bspc desktop -f {prev,next}.local
# focus the last node/desktop
super + {grave,Tab}
bspc {node,desktop} -f last
# focus the older or newer node in the focus history
super + {o,i}
bspc wm -h off; \
bspc node {older,newer} -f; \
bspc wm -h on
# focus or send to the given desktop
super + {_,shift + }{1-9,0}
bspc {desktop -f,node -d} '^{1-9,10}'
# preselect
# preselect the direction
super + ctrl + {h,j,k,l}
bspc node -p {west,south,north,east}
# preselect the ratio
super + ctrl + {1-9}
bspc node -o 0.{1-9}
# cancel the preselection for the focused node
super + ctrl + space
bspc node -p cancel
# cancel the preselection for the focused desktop
super + ctrl + shift + space
bspc query -N -d | xargs -I id -n 1 bspc node id -p cancel
# move/resize
# expand a window by moving one of its side outward
super + alt + {h,j,k,l}
bspc node -z {left -20 0,bottom 0 20,top 0 -20,right 20 0}
# contract a window by moving one of its side inward
super + alt + shift + {h,j,k,l}
bspc node -z {right -20 0,top 0 20,bottom 0 -20,left 20 0}
# move a floating window
super + {Left,Down,Up,Right}
bspc node -v {-20 0,0 20,0 -20,20 0}
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stagfoo commented Oct 9, 2019

install entr

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