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Created October 23, 2019 10:27
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var path = require('path');
var esprima = require('esprima');
var esrefactor = require('esrefactor');
var escodegen = require('escodegen');
var estraverse = require('estraverse');
var prettier = require('prettier');
function expressionStatement ( expression) {
if( expression.type != 'ExpressionStatement' ){
return {
'type': 'ExpressionStatement',
'expression': expression
} else {
return expression;
function blockStatement ( block ) {
if( block.type != 'BlockStatement' ){
return {
type : 'BlockStatement',
body : [expressionStatement(block)]
} else {
return block;
function stringify_ast_peer( ast ) {
return escodegen.generate({
type: 'Program',
body : [ast]
function splice( arr, args ) {
return Array.prototype.splice.apply(arr, args);
var deminify_uuid = 0;
function uniq_deminify_identifier_name( prefix ) {
return prefix + '_' + (deminify_uuid++);
function identifier( name ){
return {
type : 'Identifier',
name : name
function uniq_deminify_identifier( prefix ) {
return identifier(uniq_deminify_identifier_name(prefix));
function assignmentExpression( left, right ) {
return {
type: "AssignmentExpression",
operator: "=",
left: left,
right: right
function variableDeclaration( _identifier, init ) {
return {
"type": "VariableDeclaration",
"declarations": [
"type": "VariableDeclarator",
"id": identifier( || _identifier),
"init": init
"kind": "var"
module.exports = function( code ) {
var ret = {};
var ast = esprima.parse(code, { range : true, loc : true });
var body = ast.body[0];
var expression = body.expression;
if( expression ){
if( expression.operator == '='
&& expression.right.type == 'CallExpression'
&& expression.right.arguments[0].type =='ArrayExpression'
ret.exports_name =;
var modules = expression.right.arguments[0];
var declaration = body.declarations;
if( declaration ){
declaration = declaration[0];
if( declaration.init.type == 'CallExpression'
&& declaration.init.arguments[0].type =='ArrayExpression'
ret.exports_name =;
var modules = declaration.init.arguments[0];
ret.modules = [];
if( ret.exports_name ){
var module_prefix = ret.exports_name + '_module_';
} else {
var module_prefix = 'untitled_module_';
if( !modules ){
modules.elements.forEach(function( module, idx ) {
var webpack_module = {
id : idx,
dependencies : [],
name : module_prefix + idx,
exports : [],
if( idx == 0 ){ = 'index';
console.log( module_prefix,;
if( !module ){
console.log( 'has empty module ', idx );
console.log( 'start at line : ', module.loc.start.line );
// 单独把模块抽出来做ast & refactor应该快很多
var module_code = code.slice(module.range[0], module.range[1]);
var code_for_ast = '(' + module_code + ')';
var ast = esprima.parse( code_for_ast, { range : true, loc : true });
var ctx = new esrefactor.Context(ast);
ctx.rename_identifier = function( node, rename_to ) {
var identifier = this.identify(node.range[0]);
if( !identifier ){
console.log( node );
[identifier.identifier, identifier.declaration].concat(identifier.references)
.forEach(function( node ) { = rename_to;
return identifier;
ctx.find_usage = function( node ) {
var identifier = this.identify(node.range[0]);
if( !identifier ){
console.log( node );
return [identifier.identifier, identifier.declaration].concat(identifier.references)
var params = ast.body[0].expression.params;
var renames = ['module', 'exports', 'require'];
params.forEach(function( param, idx ) {
var rename_to = renames[idx];
var identifier = ctx.rename_identifier(param, rename_to);
* process require calls
* collect dependents
if( idx == 2 ){
var require_call_to_found = identifier.references.slice(0);
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter : function( node, parent ) {
var idx = require_call_to_found.indexOf(node);
if( idx != -1 && !node.marked ){
node.marked = true;
if( parent.arguments && parent.arguments.length == 1){
var val = parent.arguments[0].value;
if( webpack_module.dependencies.indexOf(val) == -1 ){
webpack_module.dependencies.push( parent.arguments[0].value );
parent.arguments[0].value = './'+ module_prefix + parent.arguments[0].value;
require_call_to_found.every(function( node ) {
return node.marked
* rename exports internal names
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter : function( node, parent ) {
if( parent
&& parent.type == 'AssignmentExpression'
&& parent.left.type == 'MemberExpression'
&& == 'exports'
&& node == parent.right
var exports_name =;
if( webpack_module.exports.indexOf(exports_name) == -1 ){
if( node.type == 'Identifier'
// for reserved word
&& == 'Identifier'
if( exports_name == 'default' ){
exports_name = '_' + exports_name;
var identifier = ctx.rename_identifier(node, exports_name);
} else {
// other expressions
var actual_exports;
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter : function( node, parent ) {
if( parent
&& parent.type == 'AssignmentExpression'
&& parent.left.type == 'MemberExpression'
&& == 'module'
&& == 'exports'
&& node == parent.right
&& node.type == 'Identifier'
actual_exports = node;
if( actual_exports ){
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter : function( node, parent ) {
node._parent_node = parent;
var actual_exports_refs = ctx.find_usage(actual_exports);
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter : function( node, parent ) {
if( actual_exports_refs.indexOf(node) != -1 ){
if( parent.type == 'MemberExpression'
&& parent._parent_node
&& parent._parent_node.type == 'AssignmentExpression'
&& parent._parent_node.left.object == node
var exports_name =;
if( webpack_module.exports.indexOf(exports_name) == -1 ){
* rename required module references
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter : function( node, parent ) {
if( parent
&& (
parent.type == 'VariableDeclarator' ||
parent.type == 'AssignmentExpression'
&& node.type == 'CallExpression'
&& == 'require'
&& node.arguments.length == 1
var required_module = path.basename(node.arguments[0].value);
if( parent.left ){
ctx.rename_identifier(parent.left, required_module);
} else if( ){
ctx.rename_identifier(, required_module);
// find references and get the require func
// make code more readable
function deminify ( ast, depth ) {
depth = depth || 0;
// if( depth > 0 ){
// return
// }
// unwrap declaration
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter : function( node, parent ) {
if( parent
&& node.type == 'VariableDeclaration'
&& node.declarations.length > 1
&& (parent.type == 'index' || parent.type == 'BlockStatement')
var idx = parent.body.indexOf(node);
var nodes = sub_node ) {
return {
type : node.type,
kind : node.kind,
declarations : [sub_node],
_parent_node : parent
parent.body.splice.apply( parent.body, [idx, 1].concat(nodes) );
// for while if body block
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter : function( node, parent ) {
(node.type == 'ForInStatement'
|| node.type == 'ForStatement'
|| node.type == 'IfStatement'
|| node.type == 'WhileStatement'
) {
var sub_tree = [];
if( node.body ){
if( node.body.type != 'BlockStatement' ){
sub_tree.push( node.body = blockStatement(node.body) );
node.body._parent_node = node;
} else if( node.consequent ){
if( node.consequent.type != 'BlockStatement' ){
node.consequent = blockStatement(node.consequent);
node.consequent._parent_node = node;
// else & else if
if( node.alternate ){
if( node.alternate.type != 'BlockStatement'
&& node.alternate.type != 'IfStatement'
sub_tree.push(node.alternate = blockStatement(node.alternate));
node.alternate._parent_node = node;
} else {
// console.log( node );
// IfStatement has 2 sub node, so if skip, should traverse through them two.
if( sub_tree.length ){
sub_tree.forEach(function( node ) {
deminify(node, depth+1);
// && => if
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter : function( node, parent ) {
parent = parent || node._parent_node;
node._parent_node = parent;
if( node.type == 'LogicalExpression' ){
var test;
var or_test;
var consequent;
if( node.operator == '&&' ){
test = or_test = node.left;
consequent = expressionStatement(node.right);
} else if( node.operator == '||' ){
test = {
type : 'UnaryExpression',
operator : '!',
argument : node.left,
or_test = node.left
consequent = expressionStatement(node.right);
} else {
console.log( 'other logic operator : ', node.expression.operator );
if( parent.type == 'ExpressionStatement'
&&( parent._parent_node.type === 'BlockStatement'
|| parent._parent_node.type === 'index')
) {
if( test ){
parent.type = 'IfStatement';
parent.test = test
parent.consequent = blockStatement(consequent);
parent.test._parent_node = parent;
parent.consequent._parent_node = parent;
delete parent.expression;
deminify(parent, depth+1);
} else if (
parent.type === 'VariableDeclarator'
&& ( parent._parent_node._parent_node.type == 'BlockStatement'
|| parent._parent_node._parent_node.type == 'index')
* VariableDeclaration
* VariableDeclarator
* id
* init
* =>
* VariableDeclaration
* VariableDeclarator
* id
* init null
* Expression
* Assignment
* left
* right
// split into decarator and assignment
if( parent._parent_node.declarations.length == 1 ){
var init = parent.init;
parent.init = null;
var block = parent._parent_node._parent_node;
var assignment = assignmentExpression({
type : 'Identifier',
name :
}, init);
var idx = block.body.indexOf(parent._parent_node);
var new_node = expressionStatement(assignment);
splice(block.body, [idx + 1, 0, new_node]);
new_node._parent_node = block;
} else if (
parent.type === 'AssignmentExpression'
&& parent._parent_node.type == 'ExpressionStatement'
&& ( parent._parent_node._parent_node.type === 'BlockStatement'
|| parent._parent_node._parent_node.type === 'index')
* Block
* Expression
* Assignment
* left
* Logical
* =>
* Block
* Declaration
* IfStatement
* test
* consequent
* alternate
if( test ){
var block = parent._parent_node._parent_node;
var temp_boolean_val = uniq_deminify_identifier('boolean');
var temp_declaration = variableDeclaration(temp_boolean_val, or_test);
var idx = block.body.indexOf(parent._parent_node);
splice(block.body,[idx, 0, temp_declaration]);
var target_to_replace = parent._parent_node;
target_to_replace.type = 'IfStatement';
target_to_replace.test = temp_boolean_val;
if( node.operator == '&&' ){
target_to_replace.consequent = blockStatement(expressionStatement( assignmentExpression(parent.left, consequent.expression)));
target_to_replace.alternate = blockStatement(expressionStatement( assignmentExpression(parent.left, temp_boolean_val)));
} else if ( node.operator == '||' ){
target_to_replace.consequent = blockStatement(expressionStatement( assignmentExpression(parent.left, temp_boolean_val)));
target_to_replace.alternate = blockStatement(expressionStatement( assignmentExpression(parent.left, consequent.expression)));
temp_declaration._parent_node = block;
target_to_replace.consequent._parent_node = target_to_replace;
target_to_replace.alternate._parent_node = target_to_replace;
delete target_to_replace.expression;
deminify( temp_declaration, depth+1);
deminify( target_to_replace.consequent, depth+1);
deminify( target_to_replace.alternate, depth+1);
// unwrap ?:
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter : function( node, parent ) {
parent = parent || node._parent_node;
node._parent_node = parent;
if( node.type == 'ConditionalExpression' ){
if( parent.type == 'ExpressionStatement'
&& (parent._parent_node.type === 'BlockStatement'
|| parent._parent_node.type === 'index')
parent.type = 'IfStatement';
parent.test = node.test;
parent.consequent = blockStatement(node.consequent);
parent.alternate = blockStatement(node.alternate);
parent.test._parent_node = parent;
parent.consequent._parent_node = parent;
parent.alternate._parent_node = parent;
delete parent.expression;
deminify( parent, depth+1 );
} else if (
parent.type == 'VariableDeclarator'
&& ( parent._parent_node._parent_node.type == 'BlockStatement'
|| parent._parent_node._parent_node.type == 'index')
if( parent._parent_node.declarations.length == 1){
var init = parent.init;
parent.init = null;
var block = parent._parent_node._parent_node;
var assignment = assignmentExpression({
type : 'Identifier',
name :
}, init);
var idx = block.body.indexOf(parent._parent_node);
var new_node = expressionStatement(assignment);
splice(block.body, [idx+1, 0, new_node]);
new_node._parent_node = block;
} else if (
parent.type == 'AssignmentExpression'
&& ( parent._parent_node.type == 'ExpressionStatement' )
&& ( parent._parent_node._parent_node.type == 'BlockStatement'
|| parent._parent_node._parent_node.type == 'index')
var target_to_replace = parent._parent_node;
delete target_to_replace.expression;
target_to_replace.type = 'IfStatement';
target_to_replace.test = node.test;
target_to_replace.consequent = blockStatement(expressionStatement( assignmentExpression( parent.left, node.consequent )));
target_to_replace.alternate = blockStatement(expressionStatement( assignmentExpression( parent.left, node.alternate )));
target_to_replace.test._parent_node = target_to_replace;
target_to_replace.consequent._parent_node = target_to_replace;
target_to_replace.alternate._parent_node = target_to_replace;
deminify( target_to_replace.test, depth+1);
deminify( target_to_replace.consequent, depth+1);
deminify( target_to_replace.alternate, depth+1);
// unwrap sequance
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter : function( node, parent ) {
// add referance to ancients
if( !node._parent_node && parent ){
node._parent_node = parent;
var matched = false;
if( node.type == 'SequenceExpression'
&& parent.type != 'CallExpression'
&& parent.type != 'ForStatement'
var _parent_node = parent._parent_node;
var last = node.expressions[node.expressions.length - 1];
var make_expression = function( node ) {
return expressionStatement(node);
var rest = node.expressions.slice(0,-1).map(make_expression);
var rebind_tree = function( last_parent, rest_parent ) {
if( last_parent ){
last._parent_node = last_parent;
if( rest_parent ){
rest.forEach(function( node ) {
node._parent_node = rest_parent;
if( _parent_node.type == 'VariableDeclaration'
&& parent.type == 'VariableDeclarator'
var idx = _parent_node._parent_node.body.indexOf(_parent_node);
parent.init = last;
splice(_parent_node._parent_node.body, [idx, 0].concat(rest));
matched = [parent].concat(rest);
rebind_tree(parent, _parent_node._parent_node);
} else if(
_parent_node.type == 'BlockStatement'
|| _parent_node.type == 'index'
var idx = _parent_node.body.indexOf(parent);
// console.log( parent.type, idx, _parent_node.type );
if( parent.type == 'ExpressionStatement' ){
matched =;
splice(_parent_node.body, [idx, 1].concat(matched));
rest = matched;
rebind_tree(null, _parent_node);
} else if( parent.type == 'ReturnStatement' || parent.type == 'ThrowStatment' ){
matched = [parent].concat(rest);
parent.argument = last;
splice(_parent_node.body, [idx, 0].concat(rest));
rebind_tree(parent, _parent_node);
} else if( parent.type == 'IfStatement'){
matched = [parent].concat(rest);
parent.test = last;
splice(_parent_node.body, [idx, 0].concat(rest));
rebind_tree(parent, _parent_node);
} else if( parent.type == 'SwitchStatement'){
matched = [parent].concat(rest);
parent.discriminant = last;
splice(_parent_node.body, [idx, 0].concat(rest));
rebind_tree(parent, _parent_node);
} else {
// console.log( parent.type );
} else if( _parent_node == 'ForStatement' ){
} else {
// console.log( parent.type, _parent_node.type );
if( matched ){
matched.forEach(function( sub_tree ) {
// 这里应该处理新生成的节点
deminify(sub_tree, depth+1);
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter : function( node ) {
delete node._parent_node;
var body = ast.body[0].expression.body;
body.type = 'Program';
// console.log( JSON.stringify(body, null, 2));
webpack_module.code = escodegen.generate(body);
return ret;
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