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Takes the contents of a Google Sheet and turns them into New Relic Insights Events
// Google Sheets to New Relic Insights
// Google Apps Script that takes the contents of a Google Sheet (or any two-dimensional array)
// and sends each row to New Relic as an Insights Event.
// Configurable settings
const InsightsInsertKey = 'your_insights_insert_api_key';
const RpmAccountId = 'your_RPM_account_ID';
const CSVDelimiter = ',';
const DateFormats = ["M/D/YYYY", "M/D/YYYY h:mm:ss A"];
// New Relic Insights settings (do not change)
const MaxEvents = 1000;
const MaxPayloadSize = 1000000;
const MaxStringLength = 4096;
const MaxAttributeNameLength = 255;
const MaxAttributes = 255;
const InsightsUrl = `${RpmAccountId}/events`;
const InsightsOptions = {
url: InsightsUrl,
method: 'post',
contentType: 'application/json',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Insert-Key': InsightsInsertKey,
'Content-Encoding': 'gzip',
'Event-Count': 0
// Enables this script to use moment.js
// main() is a simple example of how to get the sheet and data range you want to export to Insights
// sendToInsights() is the actual function that accepts a two-dimensional array of data, such as Google Sheets offers up.
function main () {
// If running this from within the sheet you want to consume, leave fileId and sheetName blank.
var fileId = 'your_spreadsheet_ID_here';
var sheetName = 'your_sheet_name_here';
if(isNotEmptyStr(fileId) && isNotEmptyStr(sheetName)) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(fileId);
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);
} else {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
sendToInsights(ss.getName(), sheet.getName(), sheet.getActiveRange());
function sendToInsights(filename, sheetname, data) {
var eventCountRaw = 0;
var eventCountSubmitted = 0;
var payloadSize = 0;
var events = [];
var headers = [];
var requests = [];
var eventType = filename;
if(filename !== sheetname) {
eventType += `:${sheetname}`;
eventType = sanitizeName(eventType);
Logger.log(`Batching events of eventType ${eventType} to send to Insights`);
for(record of data) {
if(eventCountRaw == 1) {
for(key of record) {
var key = sanitizeName(key);
if(key.length > MaxAttributeNameLength) {
key = key.slice(0, MaxAttributeNameLength);
if (events.length >= MaxEvents) {
console.log(`Batch #${requests.length}: count: ${events.length}, size: ${payloadSize}`);
payloadSize = 0;
events = [];
var event = {};
for (var i = 0; i < record.length; i++) {
if(event.length >= MaxAttributes) {
var value = record[i];
if(isEmptyObj(value)) {
var attr = headers[i];
// Truncate long strings so they fit in Insights Events.
if (value.length > MaxStringLength) {
event[attr] = value.slice(0, MaxStringLength);
} else {
if (!isNaN(value)) {
event[attr] = Number(value);
} else {
var dateCheck = moment(value.toString(), DateFormats, true);
if (dateCheck.isValid()) {
// Date --> Unix Timestamp for Insights to parse
event[attr] = Number(dateCheck.unix());
event[attr + '_CalendarQuarter'] = `${dateCheck.year().toString()}-Q${dateCheck.quarter().toString()}`;
} else {
event[attr] = value;
// Once event is built-out, push event to stack to be processed, compute payload size.
if(!isEmptyObj(event)) {
event.eventType = eventType;
var newPayloadSize = JSON.stringify(event).length;
// Batching the events into Insights-manageable chunks
// At end of each loop, do so if event payload is maxed already.
if ((newPayloadSize + payloadSize) >= MaxPayloadSize) {
console.log(`Batch #${requests.length}: count: ${events.length}, size: ${payloadSize}`);
payloadSize = 0;
events = [];
payloadSize += newPayloadSize;
console.log(`Batch #${requests.length} (LAST BATCH): count: ${events.length}, size: ${payloadSize}`);
var responses = UrlFetchApp.fetchAll(requests);
for(var r = 0; r < responses.length; r++) {
var rcode = responses[r].getResponseCode();
if(rcode < 200 || rcode >= 300) {
Logger.log(`Batch #${r} post failed with HTTP code: ${rcode}, message: ${responses[r].getContentText()}`);
eventCountSubmitted -= requests[r].headers['Event-Count'];
} else {
Logger.log(`Batch #${r} successfully posted to Insights.`);
Logger.log(`Lines processed (including header): ${eventCountRaw}`);
Logger.log(`Events recorded: ${eventCountSubmitted}`);
function buildRequest(body) {
let request = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(InsightsOptions));
request.payload = Utilities.gzip(Utilities.newBlob(JSON.stringify(body)));
request.headers['Event-Count'] = body.length;
return request;
function isEmptyObj(obj) {
for(var key in obj) {
return false;
return true;
function isNotEmptyStr(str) {
return (str && str.length > 0);
function sanitizeName(str) {
return str.replace(/\s/g, '').replace(/-/g, '_').replace(/\&/g,"And");
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