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Created October 9, 2018 13:51
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Creating features for hpp Kaggle
# Let us start with the variables having highest correlation with the target variable
# looking at OverallQual, GrLivArea, GarageCars and TotalBsmtSF
# Since it is one of the highest correlated variables with the response, we can create a quadratic variable that might be a part of the regression equation
total_df["OverallQual_2"] = total_df["OverallQual"].astype(int) ** 2
#also creating cubic
total_df["OverallQual_3"] = total_df["OverallQual"].astype(int) ** 3
# another sqrt transformation
total_df["OverallQual_sqrt"] = np.sqrt(total_df["OverallQual"].astype(int))
# OverallQual is just a categorical variable in guise of integers
# Changing OverallQual into a categorical variable
total_df['OverallQual'] = total_df['OverallQual'].astype(str)
# next variable: GrLivArea
# creating the polynomial variables from here as well
total_df["GrLivArea_2"] = total_df["GrLivArea"] ** 2
#also creating cubic
total_df["GrLivArea_3"] = total_df["GrLivArea"] ** 3
# another sqrt transformation
total_df["GrLivArea_sqrt"] = np.sqrt(total_df["GrLivArea"])
# log transformed
total_df['GrLivArea_log'] = np.log1p(total_df['GrLivArea'])
# we can also create buckets on GrLivArea
total_df['GrLivArea_Band'] = pd.cut(total_df['GrLivArea'], 6,labels=["1", "2", "3","4","5","6"])
# since these are essential categorical variables,
# let us convert them to string
total_df['GrLivArea_Band'] = total_df['GrLivArea_Band'].astype(str)
# creating polynomial features from TotalBsmtSF
total_df["TotalBsmtSF_2"] = total_df["TotalBsmtSF"] ** 2
#also creating cubic
total_df["TotalBsmtSF_3"] = total_df["TotalBsmtSF"] ** 3
# another sqrt transformation
total_df["TotalBsmtSF_sqrt"] = np.sqrt(total_df["TotalBsmtSF"])
# log transformed variable
total_df['TotalBsmtSF_log'] = np.log1p(total_df['TotalBsmtSF'])
# also creating a 1-0 flag called 'HasBsmt' using 'TotalBsmtSF'
#if area>0 it is 'Y', else 'N'
total_df['HasBsmt'] = np.where(total_df['TotalBsmtSF']>0, 'Y', 'N')
# we can also create buckets on TotalBsmtSF
total_df['TotalBsmtSF_Band'] = pd.cut(total_df['TotalBsmtSF'], 3,labels=["1", "2", "3"])
# since these are essential categorical variables,
# let us convert them to string
total_df['TotalBsmtSF_Band'] = total_df['TotalBsmtSF_Band'].astype(str)
# creating polynomial features from GarageCars
total_df["GarageCars_2"] = total_df["GarageCars"] ** 2
#also creating cubic
total_df["GarageCars_3"] = total_df["GarageCars"] ** 3
# another sqrt transformation
total_df["GarageCars_sqrt"] = np.sqrt(total_df["GarageCars"])
# log transformed variable
total_df['GarageCars_log'] = np.log1p(total_df['GarageCars'])
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