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Created October 9, 2018 11:45
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HPP missing value treatment part 3
# function to scale a column
def norm_minmax(col):
return (col-col.min())/(col.max()-col.min())
# By business definition, LotFrontage is the area of each street connected to the house property
# Intuitively it should be highly correlated to variables like LotArea
# It should also depend on LotShape, LotConfig
# Let us make a simple Linear regressor to get the most accurate values
# convert categoricals to dummies
#also dropping the target 'SalePrice' for now as the target currently is 'LotFrontage'
total_df_dummy = pd.get_dummies(total_df.drop('SalePrice',axis=1))
# scaling all numerical columns
for col in total_df_dummy.drop('LotFrontage',axis=1).columns:
total_df_dummy[col] = norm_minmax(total_df_dummy[col])
frontage_train = total_df_dummy.dropna()
frontage_train_y = frontage_train.LotFrontage
frontage_train_X = frontage_train.drop('LotFrontage',axis=1)
# fit model
lin_reg= linear_model.LinearRegression(), frontage_train_y)
# check model results
lr_coefs = pd.Series(lin_reg.coef_,index=frontage_train_X.columns)
# use model predictions to populate nulls
nulls_in_lotfrontage = total_df.LotFrontage.isnull()
features = total_df_dummy[nulls_in_lotfrontage].drop('LotFrontage',axis=1)
target = lin_reg.predict(features)
# fill nan values
total_df.loc[nulls_in_lotfrontage,'LotFrontage'] = target
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