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Created September 18, 2012 16:10
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Fuzzy String Search based on a modified Dice Coeffecient alogorithm and conditional application of Levenstein Distance formula
function FuzzyComparator (keywords){
var adaptForComparison = function(str){
return str.replace(/\s+/,' ').toLowerCase();
var bigramize = function(keyword){
var iter = 0;
var bigrams = new Array();
for (iter=0;iter<keyword.length; iter=iter+2){
if (iter+1<keyword.length){
bigrams.push((keyword.charCodeAt(iter) << 8) | keyword.charCodeAt(iter+1));
bigrams.push((keyword.charCodeAt(iter - 1) << 8) | keyword.charCodeAt(iter));
return bigrams;
var bigramizeCandidate = function(candidate){
var tokens = candidate.split(' ');
var tokensAndBigramsForCandidate = [];
for (tokenIndex in tokens){
if (!Array.isArray(tokensAndBigramsForCandidate[tokens[tokenIndex]])){
tokensAndBigramsForCandidate[tokens[tokenIndex]] = new Array();
return tokensAndBigramsForCandidate;
var compareInternal = function(candidateBigrams, compareToBigrams){
var score = 0.0;
var matches = 0;
for (iter in candidateBigrams){
//console.log(candidateBigrams[iter] + ":" + compareToBigrams[iter]);
if (candidateBigrams[iter] == compareToBigrams[iter]){
return (2 * matches) / (candidateBigrams.length + compareToBigrams.length);
var calcBigramsetSize = function(bigramSet){
var retSize = 0;
for (bigramIndex in bigramSet){
retSize = retSize + bigramSet[bigramIndex].length;
return retSize;
this.fuzzyCompare = function(userInput, candidateInput){
var inputBigramsAndTokenSet = bigramizeCandidate(adaptForComparison(userInput));
var candidateBigramsAndTokenSet = bigramizeCandidate(adaptForComparison(candidateInput));
//var inputTokenSize = Object.keys(inputBigramsAndTokenSet).length;
//var candidateTokenSize = Object.keys(candidateBigramsAndTokenSet).length;
var inputTokenSize = calcBigramsetSize(inputBigramsAndTokenSet);
var candidateTokenSize = calcBigramsetSize(candidateBigramsAndTokenSet);
var bestPossibleScore = (inputTokenSize > candidateTokenSize) ? inputTokenSize : candidateTokenSize;
var totalScore = 0.0;
var bestCandidateIndex = null;
var bestInputIndex = null;
var bestScore = 0.0;
var bestCandidateIndex = null;
var bestInputIndex = null;
for (inputIndex in inputBigramsAndTokenSet){
if (inputBigramsAndTokenSet[inputIndex].length == 0) continue;
var bigramsForInputToken = inputBigramsAndTokenSet[inputIndex][0];
var score = 0.0;
for (candidateIndex in candidateBigramsAndTokenSet){
if (candidateBigramsAndTokenSet[candidateIndex].length == 0) continue;
var candidateTokenBigrams = candidateBigramsAndTokenSet[candidateIndex][0];
score = compareInternal(candidateTokenBigrams,bigramsForInputToken);
if (score >= bestScore){
bestScore = score;
bestCandidateIndex = candidateIndex;
bestInputIndex = inputIndex;
if (bestScore !=0){
totalScore = totalScore + bestScore;
return (totalScore / bestPossibleScore) * 100;
//Optimized Levenstein distance algorithm by akidee -
var levenshtein = function(){
var min = Math.min;
try { split = !('0')[0]; } catch(i) { split = true; }
return function (a, b) {
if (a == b) return 0;
if (!a.length || !b.length) return b.length || a.length;
if (split) {
a = a.split('');
b = b.split('');
var l_a = a.length + 1,
l_b = b.length + 1,
I = 0,
i = 0,
d = [0],
c, j = 0, J,
while(++j < l_b) d[j] = j;
i = 0;
while(++i < l_a){
J = j = 0;
c = a[I];
ld = d.slice(0);
d = [i];
while(++j < l_b){
d[j] = min(
ld[j] + 1,
d[J] + 1,
ld[J] + (c != b[J])
return d[l_b - 1];
//End of levenstein implementation
this.fuzzyCompareAndRank = function(userInput){
var results = new Array();
var score =0.0;
for (keywordIndex in keywords){
score = this.fuzzyCompare(keywords[keywordIndex], userInput);
if (score > 0){
var result = new Object();
result.text = keywords[keywordIndex];
result.weightage = score;
results.sort(function sortfunc(result1,result2){
return result2.weightage - result1.weightage ;
results.sort(function conditionalLevensteinSort(result1,result2){
if (result2.weightage == result1.weightage) {
return levenshtein(result1.text,userInput) - levenshtein(result2.text,userInput);
return 0;
return results;
this.fuzzyCompareAndRankObjects = function(userInput, evaluationClosure){
var results = new Array();
var score =0.0;
for (keywordIndex in keywords){
score = this.fuzzyCompare(evaluationClosure(keywords[keywordIndex]), userInput);
if (score > 0){
var result = new Object();
result.text = keywords[keywordIndex];
result.weightage = score;
results.sort(function sortfunc(result1,result2){
return result2.weightage - result1.weightage ;
results.sort(function conditionalLevensteinSort(result1,result2){
if (result2.weightage == result1.weightage) {
return levenshtein(result1.text,userInput) - levenshtein(result2.text,userInput);
return 0;
return results;
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Example usage:

var fuzzy = new FuzzyComparator(['Open New', 'Open a File','Open Another File', 'Open File','File Open','File Save','Exit','Delete File']);
console.log(fuzzy.fuzzyCompareAndRank('file open'));
Prints following :
[ { text: 'File Open', weightage: 100 },
  { text: 'Open File', weightage: 100 },
  { text: 'Open a File', weightage: 66.66666666666666 },
  { text: 'Open Another File', weightage: 66.66666666666666 },
  { text: 'File Save', weightage: 50 },
  { text: 'Open New', weightage: 50 },
  { text: 'Delete File', weightage: 50 } ]

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//Example usage:
var fuzzy = new FuzzyComparator(['Open New', 'Open a File','Open Another File', 'Open File','File Open','File Save','Exit','Delete File']);
console.log(fuzzy.fuzzyCompareAndRank('file open'));


Prints following :
[ { text: 'File Open', weightage: 100 },
{ text: 'Open File', weightage: 100 },
{ text: 'Open a File', weightage: 66.66666666666666 },
{ text: 'Open Another File', weightage: 66.66666666666666 },
{ text: 'File Save', weightage: 50 },
{ text: 'Open New', weightage: 50 },
{ text: 'Delete File', weightage: 50 } ]


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