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downgrade minikube
Using these instructions as an example, I forced an install of 0.25.2 in the meantime:
minikube stop
minikube delete
brew cask uninstall --force minikube
brew cask edit minikube
#See below for file
brew cask install minikube
Using this file:
cask 'minikube' do
version '0.25.2'
sha256 'dc5b00c4a06e8160bd607732c9a2294598d803716e353293b4463cc2c9539eec'
# was verified as official when first introduced to the cask
url "{version}/minikube-darwin-amd64"
appcast '',
checkpoint: 'dc5b00c4a06e8160bd607732c9a2294598d803716e353293b4463cc2c9539eec'
name 'Minikube'
homepage ''
depends_on formula: 'kubernetes-cli'
container type: :naked
binary 'minikube-darwin-amd64', target: 'minikube'
zap trash: '~/.minikube'
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