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Created April 8, 2018 05:00
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A program that breaks a string and prints words consistently
# Usage: python max_line_length file_path
# Summary: Prints out the contents of a file given a max line length,
# ensuring that the space at the end of each line is minimal.
# Example: `python 100 words.txt`
import sys
def get_consistent_lines(max_line_length, string):
# This function takes a string and a maximum line length,
# and returns a string with newlines inserted such that
# the space at the end of each line is consistent.
# This is defined as the set of newlines that result in the minimum
# "cost", where the cost is the sum of the square of the number
# of spaces left over at the end of each line.
stripped_string = string.replace('\n', ' ')
words = stripped_string.strip().split(" ")
# cost_array[i] is the cost of the optimal
# solution for considering words 0 - i.
cost_array = [None] * len(words)
# previous_break_indexes[i] is the index in words
# in which a newline should be inserted, if
# i were the last index in the array.
previous_break_indexes = [None] * len(words)
for i in xrange(len(words)):
# On each iteration of this loop i,
# we compute the optimal solution
# for the array of words 0 - i.
# Once the loop has completed, we will
# have computed the the optimal solution
# for the whole array words.
minimum_cost = sys.maxsize
minimum_index = 0
for j in xrange(i + 1):
line_length = len(" ".join(words[j:i+1]))
if not line_length > max_line_length:
extra_space = max_line_length - line_length
# Need to do this check, because j starts at 0, and at
# that point, since there are no previous words, the previous cost is 0
previous_cost = 0 if j == 0 else cost_array[j - 1]
total_cost = (previous_cost + (extra_space ** 2))
if total_cost < minimum_cost:
minimum_cost = total_cost
minimum_index = j
previous_break_indexes[i] = minimum_index
cost_array[i] = minimum_cost
final_break_indexes = get_break_indexes(previous_break_indexes, [])
return get_final_string(words, final_break_indexes)
def get_file_contents(file_path):
with open(file_path) as f:
def get_final_string(words, final_break_indexes):
final_string = ""
for i in xrange(len(words)):
if i + 1 in final_break_indexes:
extra_char = "\n"
extra_char = " "
final_string += words[i] + extra_char
return final_string.strip()
def get_break_indexes(previous_break_indexes, final_break_indexes):
# Recursive function, that given the previous_break_index array,
# works backwards from the last element, and builds up a final
# list of indexes before which there should be line breaks.
if previous_break_indexes == []:
return final_break_indexes
last_break_index = previous_break_indexes[-1]
return get_break_indexes(previous_break_indexes[0:last_break_index], final_break_indexes)
def print_consistent_lines(max_line_length, string):
print get_consistent_lines(max_line_length, string)
if __name__ == "__main__":
max_line_length = int(sys.argv[1])
file_path = sys.argv[2]
print_consistent_lines(max_line_length, get_file_contents(file_path))
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