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Created February 6, 2011 17:53
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Very basic, very crude ring buffer in haskell
import Prelude hiding (read)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type SeqCounter = Int
type MaxBound = Int
data Ring a = Ring (Map.Map Int a) SeqCounter MaxBound
newRing :: Int -> Ring a
newRing mb = Ring Map.empty 0 mb
write :: v -> Ring v -> Ring v
write v ring = Ring nm nc m
(Ring rm c m) = ring
nc = c + 1
nm = Map.insert (nc `mod` m) v rm
read :: Ring m -> Int -> Maybe m
read ring n = Map.lookup (n `mod` mb) rm
(Ring rm _ mb) = ring
main = do
putStrLn $ show vals
mb = 10
fullRing = foldr write (newRing mb) ['z','y'..'a']
vals = map (read fullRing) [0..mb * 4]
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