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Last active August 29, 2024 14:01
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# This is an example script to force provision a UniFi network device using the controller API
# If you are running this externally then replace localhost with the hostname
# I would make a dedicated admin user for this
# If you want to make this re-usable for multiple sites/devices then use argument varibles ${1} and ${2}
# Site is typically just 'default' but could also be an eight character string found in the controller URL
# If you have a valid cert then remove --insecure
curl_cmd="curl --cookie ${cookie} --cookie-jar ${cookie} --insecure"
${curl_cmd} --data "{\"username\": \"${username}\", \"password\": \"${password}\"}" ${baseurl}/api/login
${curl_cmd} --data "{\"mac\": \"${mac}\", \"cmd\": \"force-provision\"}" ${baseurl}/api/s/${site}/cmd/devmgr
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