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Created May 17, 2009 18:10
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  • Save sporkmonger/113079 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sporkmonger/113079 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Use this to give any StyledText widget decent ANSI color support; could use optimization, please fork; WTFPL license
package com.sporkmonger.rmud.swt.custom;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.LineStyleEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.LineStyleListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyleRange;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
public class ANSILineStyler implements LineStyleListener, VerifyListener {
private StyledText styledText = null;
private Display display = null;
private Pattern controlSequencePattern = Pattern.compile("((\u009B|\u001B\\[)(\\d+;)*(\\d+)?[m])");
private StyleRange lastStyle = null;
private ArrayList<StyleRange> queuedStyles = new ArrayList<StyleRange>();
private Color[] colorTable = new Color[20];
public ANSILineStyler(StyledText styledText) {
this.styledText = styledText;
this.display = this.styledText.getDisplay();
// normal colors
this.colorTable[0] = new Color(this.display, 0, 0, 0); // black
this.colorTable[1] = new Color(this.display, 204, 0, 0); // red
this.colorTable[2] = new Color(this.display, 0, 204, 0); // green
this.colorTable[3] = new Color(this.display, 204, 204, 0); // yellow
this.colorTable[4] = new Color(this.display, 0, 0, 204); // blue
this.colorTable[5] = new Color(this.display, 204, 0, 204); // magenta
this.colorTable[6] = new Color(this.display, 0, 204, 204); // cyan
this.colorTable[7] = new Color(this.display, 192, 192, 192); // white
this.colorTable[8] = null; // not used
this.colorTable[9] = null; // not used
// bright colors
this.colorTable[10] = new Color(this.display, 128, 128, 128); // black
this.colorTable[11] = new Color(this.display, 255, 0, 0); // red
this.colorTable[12] = new Color(this.display, 0, 255, 0); // green
this.colorTable[13] = new Color(this.display, 255, 255, 0); // yellow
this.colorTable[14] = new Color(this.display, 0, 0, 255); // blue
this.colorTable[15] = new Color(this.display, 255, 0, 255); // magenta
this.colorTable[16] = new Color(this.display, 0, 255, 255); // cyan
this.colorTable[17] = new Color(this.display, 255, 255, 255); // white
this.colorTable[18] = null; // not used
this.colorTable[19] = null; // not used
public void lineGetStyle(LineStyleEvent event) {
int start = event.lineOffset;
int end = event.lineOffset + event.lineText.length();
StyleRange firstStyle = null;
ArrayList<StyleRange> applicableStyles = new ArrayList<StyleRange>();
for (int i = 0; i < queuedStyles.size(); i++) {
StyleRange currentStyle = queuedStyles.get(i);
if (currentStyle.start >= start && currentStyle.start <= end) {
if (firstStyle == null || currentStyle.start < firstStyle.start) {
firstStyle = currentStyle;
if (lastStyle != null) {
StyleRange initialStyle = new StyleRange();
initialStyle.start = start;
if (firstStyle == null) {
initialStyle.length = end - start;
} else {
initialStyle.length = firstStyle.start - start - 1;
if (initialStyle.length > 0) {
if (lastStyle.fontStyle != SWT.NORMAL ||
lastStyle.foreground != null ||
lastStyle.background != null ||
lastStyle.underline != false) {
initialStyle.fontStyle = lastStyle.fontStyle;
initialStyle.foreground = lastStyle.foreground;
initialStyle.background = lastStyle.background;
initialStyle.underline = lastStyle.underline;
initialStyle.underlineStyle = lastStyle.underlineStyle;
initialStyle.underlineColor = lastStyle.underlineColor;
lastStyle = initialStyle;
StyleRange[] styles = new StyleRange[applicableStyles.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < applicableStyles.size(); i++) {
styles[i] = applicableStyles.get(i);
event.styles = styles;
public void verifyText(VerifyEvent event) {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(event.text);
StringBuilder remainder = new StringBuilder();
int offset = event.start;
while (buffer.length() > 0) {
byte[] bytes = buffer.toString().getBytes();
if (bytes[0] == 27 || bytes[0] == 155) {
Matcher matcher = controlSequencePattern.matcher(buffer);
if (matcher.find() && matcher.start() == 0) {
String controlSequence =;
buffer.replace(0, controlSequence.length(), "");
matcher = controlSequencePattern.matcher(buffer);
int start = offset + remainder.length();
int length = 0;
if (matcher.find()) {
length = matcher.start();
} else {
length = buffer.length();
char sequenceType = parseSequenceType(controlSequence);
int[] codes = parseSequenceCodes(controlSequence);
if (sequenceType == 'm') {
StyleRange newStyleRange = buildStyleRange(start, length, codes);
lastStyle = newStyleRange;
} else {
} else {
event.text = remainder.toString();
private StyleRange buildStyleRange(int start, int length, int[] codes) {
StyleRange newStyleRange = new StyleRange();
newStyleRange.start = start;
newStyleRange.length = length;
for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) {
Color tempColor = null;
switch (codes[i]) {
case 0:
newStyleRange.foreground = null;
newStyleRange.background = null;
newStyleRange.fontStyle = SWT.NORMAL;
newStyleRange.underline = false;
newStyleRange.underlineStyle = SWT.UNDERLINE_SINGLE;
case 1:
newStyleRange.fontStyle = SWT.BOLD;
case 2:
// It's actually supposed to be faint, but there's no way to display that
newStyleRange.fontStyle = SWT.NORMAL;
case 3:
newStyleRange.fontStyle = SWT.ITALIC;
case 4:
newStyleRange.underline = true;
newStyleRange.underlineStyle = SWT.UNDERLINE_SINGLE;
case 7:
// Swap foreground and background
tempColor = newStyleRange.foreground;
newStyleRange.foreground = newStyleRange.background;
newStyleRange.background = tempColor;
case 21:
newStyleRange.underline = true;
newStyleRange.underlineStyle = SWT.UNDERLINE_DOUBLE;
case 22:
newStyleRange.fontStyle = SWT.NORMAL;
case 24:
newStyleRange.underline = false;
newStyleRange.underlineStyle = 0;
case 27:
// Technically, this should just unset reversed foreground, but we're
// just going to reverse again
tempColor = newStyleRange.foreground;
newStyleRange.foreground = newStyleRange.background;
newStyleRange.background = tempColor;
if (codes[i] >= 30 && codes[i] < 40) {
newStyleRange.foreground = colorTable[codes[i] - 30];
} else if (codes[i] >= 40 && codes[i] < 50) {
newStyleRange.background = colorTable[codes[i] - 40];
} else if (codes[i] >= 90 && codes[i] < 100) {
newStyleRange.foreground = colorTable[codes[i] - 90 + 10];
} else if (codes[i] >= 100 && codes[i] < 110) {
newStyleRange.background = colorTable[codes[i] - 100 + 10];
return newStyleRange;
private int[] parseSequenceCodes(String controlSequence) {
String codeSequence = null;
if (controlSequence.charAt(0) == '\u009B') {
codeSequence = controlSequence.substring(1, controlSequence.length() - 1);
} else if (controlSequence.charAt(0) == '\u001B') {
codeSequence = controlSequence.substring(2, controlSequence.length() - 1);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid ANSI control sequence: '" + controlSequence + "'");
String[] codeStrings = codeSequence.toString().split(";");
if (codeStrings.length == 0) {
return new int[] {0};
} else {
int[] codes = new int[codeStrings.length];
for (int i = 0; i < codeStrings.length; i++) {
if (codeStrings[i].equals("")) {
codes[i] = 0;
} else {
codes[i] = Integer.parseInt(codeStrings[i]);
return codes;
private char parseSequenceType(String controlSequence) {
return controlSequence.charAt(controlSequence.length() - 1);
public void dispose() {
styledText = null;
display = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
if (colorTable[i] != null) {
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