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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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11.11.2014 Symfony overview, Controller, Routing, Twig

  • Install Symfony standart edition
  • Symfony Bundles
  • Symfony Components
  • Create Bundle, route and controller
  • Add twig view

18.11.2014 Databases and Doctrine

  • Configuring the Database
  • Creating an Entity Class
  • Add Mapping Information
  • Generating Getters and Setters
  • Entity mager - persist, flush
  • Entity Relationships/Associations
  • Lifecycle Callbacks


02.12.2014 Forms

  • Symfony Forms
  • Creating a Simple Form
  • Built-in Field Types
  • Rendering a Form in a Template

09.12.2014 DI

  • Dependency Injection overview
  • Types of injections. Constructor injection, method injection, property injection
  • Lazy-loading, proxy objects
  • Symfony Di configuration
  • Create services


23.12.2014 Translation

  • Configuration
  • Basic Translation
  • Message Placeholders
  • Pluralization
  • Translations in Templates
  • Fallback Translation Locales
  • Handling the User's Locale
  • The Locale and the URL
  • Debugging Translations
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