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Created November 5, 2019 12:16
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Top level chapter descriptions for the Read controlled clinical terminology version 3 (CTV3) (compiled from NHS TRUD uk_readctv3xmap_25.0.0_20180401000001)
chapter description
0. Occupations
01 Top managers
02 Management support professions
03 Education/welfare/health prof.
04 Literary/artistic/sports occ.
05 Prof. scientists/engin/technol
06 Managerial occupations
07 Clerical occupations
08 Selling occupations
09 Security/protective services
0A Catering/personal services
0B Farming/fishing occupations
0C Materials processors exc metal
0D Making/repairing ex metal/elec
0E Metal/electrical workers
0F Painters/product assemblers
0G Product inspectors/packagers
0H Construction/mining workers
0I Transporting/moving/storing
0Z Other occupations
1. History / symptoms
11 Depth of history
12 Family history
13 Social/personal history
14 Past medical history
15 Gynaecological history
16 General symptoms
17 Respiratory symptoms
18 Cardiovascular symptoms
19 Gastrointestinal symptoms
1A Genitourinary symptoms
1B Nervous system symptoms
1C Ear/nose/throat symptoms
1D General symptom description
1E Rare history finding
1F Dietary history
1G Concerned about appearance
1H Awareness of diagnosis
1I Disorder excluded
1J Suspected condition
1K Gender
1L Temporal observations
1M Pain
1N Symptoms of skin and integumentary tissue
1O Disorder confirmed
1P Behaviours and observations relating to behaviour
1Q Character trait observations
1R Resuscitation status
1S Mental and psychological observations
1T History of substance misuse
1V Drug misuse behaviour
1W Possible condition
1X NHS Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening Programme family origin
1Y Patient feels well
1Z History/symptom NOS
1a Social/personal history additional
1b Sexual orientation
1z Read Code Administration
2. Examination / Signs
21 Depth of examination
22 General examination of patient
23 Examn. of respiratory system
24 Exam. of cardiovascular system
25 Exam. of digestive system
26 Exam. of genitourinary system
27 Obstetric examination
28 Nervous system and mental state general examination
29 Motor/sensory systems exam.
2A Examination of reflexes
2B Central nervous system exam.
2C Haemopoietic system exam.
2D Ear, nose + throat examination
2E Examination of fever
2F Examination of skin
2G Examination of the extremities
2H Orthopaedic examination
2I General sign qualifications
2J General clinical states
2K Examination of abdomen
2L Neonatal examination
2Z Examination/signs NOS
3. Diagnostic procedures
31 Special diagnostic procedures
32 Electrocardiography
33 Physiological function tests
34 Non-surgical biopsy (admin)
35 Surgical biopsy (admin)
36 Endoscopy / administration
37 Exploratory diagn. procedures
38 Misc. diagnostic procedures
39 Disability assessment-physical
3A Disability assessment - mental
3B Biopsy admin
3C Exhaled nitric oxide test
3Z Diagnostic procedure NOS
4. Laboratory procedures
41 Laboratory procedures -general
42 Haematology
43 Immunology
44 Blood chemistry
45 Chemical function tests
46 Urine examination
47 Examination of faeces
48 Cerebro-spinal fluid exam.
49 Semen examination
4A Vomit examination
4B Synovial fluid examination
4C Bone marrow examination
4D Pleural fluid examination
4E Sputum examination
4F Ascitic fluid examination
4G Calculus examination
4H Amniotic fluid examination
4I Miscellaneous samples
4J Microbiology
4K General pathology
4L Genetic observations
4M Tumour staging
4N Dialysis fluid examination
4P Saliva examination
4Q Generic biochemistry levels
4Z Laboratory procedure NOS
5. Radiology/physics in medicine
51 Radiology/physics - general
52 Plain radiography
53 Soft tissue imaging - plain
54 Contrast radiography excl.CVS
55 Cardiovascular sys.angiography
56 Other X-ray diagn. procedures
57 Diagnostic nuclear medicine
58 Physics: other diagn. methods
59 External radiotherapy
5A Other nuclear therapy
5B Physics - other therapy
5C Imaging interpretation
5Z Radiology/physics NOS
6. Preventive procedures
61 Contraception
62 Patient pregnant
63 Birth details
64 Child health care
65 Infectious dis:prevent/control
66 Chronic disease monitoring
67 Counselling/health education
68 Screening
69 Special examinations
6A Patient reviewed
6B Health promotion
6C Primary prevention
6D Secondary prevention
6E Accident prevention
6F Stroke prevention
6G Postnatal care
6H Brief intervention
6Z Preventive procedures NOS
7. Operations, procedures, sites
70 Nervous system operations
71 Endocrine system and breast operations
72 Eye operations
73 Ear operations
74 Respiratory tract operations
75 Mouth operations
76 Upper digestive tract operations
77 Lower digestive tract operations
78 Other abdominal organ operations
79 Heart operations
7A Artery and vein operations
7B Urinary operations
7C Male genital organ operations
7D Lower female genital tract operations
7E Upper female genital tract operations
7F Obstetric operations
7G Skin operations
7H Soft tissue operations
7J Skull or spine, bone and joint operations
7K Other bone and joint operations
7L Miscellaneous operations
7M Subsidiary classification of methods of operation
7N Subsidiary classification of laterality and operation sites
7P Diagnostic imaging, testing and rehabilitation
7Q Drugs
8. Other therapeutic procedures
81 Removal of unwanted material
82 Correction of misplacement
83 Immobilisation and support
84 Planned procedure
85 Other mechanical procedures
86 Other physical agent therapy
87 Respiratory procedures
88 Cardiovascular procedures
89 Pre/post-operative procedures
8A Monitoring of patient
8B Other therapy
8C Other care
8D Anatomo-physiolog. assistance
8E Physiotherapy/remedial therapy
8F Other rehabilitation
8G Psychotherapy/sociotherapy
8H Referral for further care
8I Procedure not carried out
8J Radiotherapy treatment groups
8K Body surface points
8L Operative procedures planned
8M Patient requested procedure
8N Environmental adaptation
8O Provision of services and equipment
8P Removal of surgical material and sutures
8Q Behaviour management
8R Use of foot impulse device
8S Use of intermittent pneumatic compression device
8T Referral - additional
8V Admission procedure
8W Referral statuses
8Z Other therapy procedure NOS
9. Administration
91 Patient registration
92 Patient de-registration
93 Patient record types
94 Death administration
95 Maternity services admin.
96 Contraceptive claims
97 Immunisation claims
98 Other items of service admin.
99 Ancillary staff administration
9A Rent and rates payments
9B Supply of drugs payment admin
9C Training/seniority/leave admin
9D Certificates - administration
9E Medical examinations/reports
9F Child examn/reports/meetings
9G Notifications
9H Mental health administration
9I Practice supplies admin.
9J Drug stock control admin.
9K Forms - miscellaneous
9L Accounting administration
9M Audit administration
9N Patient encounter admin. data
9O Prevention/screening admin.
9P Clinical trial administration
9Q Research administration
9R Patient misc. admin. data
9S Ethnic groups (census)
9T Ethnicity and other related nationality data
9U Complaints about care
9V Bill/Fee administration
9W Power of attorney
9X Advanced directive administration
9Y Further opinion sought
9Z Administration NOS
9a Explanation of practice procedure
9b Record transfer administration
9c Context values
9d Relative
9e GP out of hours service administration
9f History taking administration
9g Significant event audit
9h Exception reporting: GP contract quality indicators
9i Ethnic category - 2001 census
9j Risk management administration
9k Enhanced services administration
9l Patient record status
9m Prevention/screening administration - additional
9n Practice based commissioning administration
9o Walk in centre administration
9p Medication monitoring administration
9q Consent status
9r Information gathering
9s Drug misuse clinic administration
9t Ethnic category - 2011 census
A. Infectious and parasitic diseases
A0 Intestinal infectious diseases
A1 Tuberculosis
A2 Zoonotic bacterial diseases
A3 Other bacterial diseases
A4 Poliomyelitis and other non-arthropod-borne viral diseases of central nervous system
A5 Viral diseases with exanthem
A6 Arthropod-borne viral diseases
A7 Other viral and chlamydial diseases
A8 Rickettsioses and other arthropod-borne diseases
A9 Syphilis and other venereal diseases
AA Other spirochaetal diseases
AB Mycoses
AC Helminthiases
AD Other infectious and parasitic diseases
AE Late effects of infectious and parasitic diseases
Ay Other specified infectious or parasitic diseases
Az Infectious and parasitic diseases NOS
B. Neoplasms
B0 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx
B1 Malignant neoplasm of digestive organs and peritoneum
B2 Malignant neoplasm of respiratory tract and intrathoracic organs
B3 Malignant neoplasm of bone, connective tissue, skin and breast
B4 Malignant neoplasm of genitourinary organ
B5 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites
B6 Malignant neoplasm of lymphatic and haemopoietic tissue
B7 Benign neoplasms
B8 Carcinoma in situ
B9 Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour
BA Unspecified nature neoplasm
BB [M]Morphology of neoplasms
BC Polyp
By Neoplasms otherwise specified
Bz Neoplasms NOS
C. Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunity disorders
C0 Disorders of thyroid gland
C1 Other endocrine gland diseases
C2 Nutritional deficiencies
C3 Other metabolic and immunity disorders
Cy Other specified endocrine, nutritional, metabolic or immunity disorders
Cz Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic or immunity disorder NOS
D. Diseases of blood and blood-forming organs
D0 Deficiency anaemias
D1 Haemolytic anaemias
D2 Aplastic and other anaemias
D3 Clotting and bleeding disorders
D4 White blood cell and other blood disorders
Dy Other specified disorders of blood or blood forming organ
Dz Blood/blood forming organ NOS
E. Mental disorders
E0 Organic psychotic conditions
E1 Non-organic psychoses
E2 Neurotic, personality and other nonpsychotic disorders
E3 Mental retardation
Eu [X]Mental and behavioural disorders
Ey Other specified mental disorders
Ez Mental disorders NOS
F. Nervous system and sense organ diseases
F0 Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system
F1 Hereditary and degenerative diseases of the central nervous system
F2 Other central nervous system disorders
F3 Peripheral nervous system disorders
F4 Disorders of eye and adnexa
F5 Diseases of the ear and mastoid process
Fy Other specified diseases of nervous system or sense organ
Fz Nervous system or sense organ disease NOS
G. Circulatory system diseases
G0 Acute rheumatic fever
G1 Chronic rheumatic heart disease
G2 Hypertensive disease
G3 Ischaemic heart disease
G4 Pulmonary circulation diseases
G5 Other forms of heart disease
G6 Cerebrovascular disease
G7 Arterial, arteriole and capillary disease
G8 Vein, lymphatic and circulatory diseases NOS
G9 Vascular calcification
GA Rheumatic heart disease
GB Hereditary angiopathy with nephropathy, aneurysms and muscle cramps syndrome
Gy Other specified diseases of circulatory system
Gz Circulatory system disease NOS
H. Respiratory system diseases
H0 Acute respiratory infections
H1 Other upper respiratory tract diseases
H2 Pneumonia and influenza
H3 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
H4 Lung disease due to external agents
H5 Other respiratory system diseases
Hy Other specified diseases of respiratory system
Hz Respiratory system diseases NOS
J. Digestive system diseases
J0 Oral cavity, salivary glands and jaw diseases
J1 Oesophageal, stomach and duodenal diseases
J2 Appendicitis and other disorders of the appendix
J3 Hernia of abdominal cavity
J4 Noninfective enteritis and colitis
J5 Other diseases of the intestines and peritoneum
J6 Liver, biliary, pancreas + gastrointestinal diseases NEC
Jy Other specified diseases of digestive system
Jz Digestive system diseases NOS
K. Genitourinary system diseases
K0 Nephritis, nephrosis and nephrotic syndrome
K1 Other urinary system diseases
K2 Male genital organ diseases
K3 Disorders of breast
K4 Female pelvic inflammatory diseases
K5 Other female genital tract disorders
Ky Other specified diseases of genitourinary system
Kz Genitourinary disease NOS
L. Complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
L0 Pregnancy with abortive outcome
L1 Pregnancy complications
L2 Risk factors in pregnancy
L3 Complications occurring during labour and delivery
L4 Complications of the puerperium
L5 Maternal care for fetus
Ly Other specified complications of pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium
Lz Complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium NOS
M. Skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases
M0 Skin and subcutaneous tissue infections
M1 Other skin and subcutaneous tissue inflammatory conditions
M2 Other skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
My Other specified diseases of skin or subcutaneous tissue
Mz Skin and subcutaneous tissue disease NOS
N. Musculoskeletal and connective tissue diseases
N0 Arthropathies and related disorders
N1 Vertebral column syndromes
N2 Rheumatism, excluding the back
N3 Osteopathies, chondropathies and acquired musculoskeletal deformities
Ny Other specified diseases of musculoskeletal or connective tissue
Nz Musculoskeletal and connective tissue diseases NOS
P. Congenital anomalies
P0 Anencephalus and similar anomalies
P1 Spina bifida
P2 Other nervous system congenital anomalies
P3 Congenital eye anomalies
P4 Ear, face and neck congenital anomalies
P5 Bulbus cordis and cardiac septal closure anomalies
P6 Other congenital heart anomalies
P7 Other congenital circulatory system anomalies
P8 Respiratory system congenital anomalies
P9 Cleft palate and lip
PA Other congenital upper alimentary tract anomalies
PB Other congenital digestive system anomaly
PC Congenital genital organ anomalies
PD Urinary system congenital anomalies
PE Certain congenital musculoskeletal deformities
PF Other congenital limb anomalies
PG Other congenital musculoskeletal anomalies
PH Congenital integument anomalies
PJ Chromosomal anomalies
PK Other and unspecified congenital anomalies
Py Other specified congenital anomaly
Pz Congenital anomaly NOS
Q. Perinatal conditions
Q0 Fetus or neonate affected by maternal problem unrelated to pregnancy
Q1 Disorders due to slow fetal growth, low and high birthweight
Q2 Birth trauma, asphyxia and hypoxia
Q3 Fetus and newborn respiratory conditions
Q4 Other perinatal conditions
Qy Other specified perinatal conditions
Qz Perinatal conditions NOS
R. [D]Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions
R0 [D]Symptoms
R1 [D]Nonspecific abnormal findings
R2 [D]Cause of morbidity and mortality unsure and ill-defined
R3 [D]Specific abnormal findings
Ry [D]Other specified symptoms, signs or ill-defined conditions
Rz [D]Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions NOS
S. Injury and poisoning
S0 Fracture of skull
S1 Fracture of neck and trunk
S2 Fracture of upper limb
S3 Fracture of lower limb
S4 Dislocations and subluxations
S5 Sprains and strains of joints and adjacent muscles
S6 Intracranial injury excluding those with skull fracture
S7 Internal injury of chest, abdomen and pelvis
S8 Open wound of head, neck and trunk
S9 Open wound of upper limb
SA Open wound of lower limb
SB Injury to blood vessels
SC Late effects of injury, poisoning, toxic effects and other external causes
SD Superficial injury
SE Contusion (bruise) with intact skin
SF Crushing injury
SG Foreign body (FB) in orifice
SH Burns
SJ Nerve and spinal cord injuries
SK Traumatic complications and unspecified injuries
SL Poisoning
SM Nonmedicinal agent causing toxic effects
SN Other and unspecified external effect causes
SP Surgical and medical care complications NEC
SQ Open wounds involving multiple body regions
SR Injury involving multiple body regions
SS Accidental injury
Sy [X] Injury and poisoning classification terms
Sz Injury and poisoning NOS
T. Causes of injury and poisoning
T0 Railway accidents
T1 Motor vehicle traffic accidents (MVTA)
T2 Motor vehicle non-traffic accident, MVNTA
T3 Other road vehicle accidents
T4 Water transport accidents
T5 Air and space transport accidents
T6 Vehicle accidents not elsewhere classifiable
T7 Place of occurrence of accident or poisoning
T8 Accidental poisoning by drugs, medicines and biologicals
T9 Accidental poisoning by other solid and liquid substances, gases and vapours
TA Medical accidents to patients during surgical and medical care
TB Medical and surgical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient or later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of procedure
TC Accidental falls
TD Accidents caused by fire and flames
TE Accidents due to natural and environmental factors
TF Accidents caused by submersion, suffocation and foreign bodies
TG Other accidents
TH Late effects due to accidental injury
TJ Drugs, medicines and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
TK Suicide and selfinflicted injury
TL Homicide and injury purposely inflicted by other persons
TM Legal intervention causing injury
TN Injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted
TP Injury resulting operations of war
Tz Causes of injury and poisoning NOS
U. [X]External causes of morbidity and mortality
U0 [X]Transport accidents
U1 [X]Other external causes of accidental injury
U2 [X]Intentional self-harm
U3 [X]Assault
U4 [X]Event of undetermined intent
U5 [X]Legal intervention and operations of war
U6 [X]Complications of medical and surgical care
U7 [X]Sequelae of external causes of morbidity and mortality
U8 [X]Supplementary factors related to causes of morbidity and mortality classified elsewhere
Z. Unspecified conditions
ZV [V]Factors influencing health status and contact with health services
Zw [Q] Temporary qualifying terms
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