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Created July 3, 2020 14:38
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import System.IO
import System.Random
import Data.Char
import Text.Read
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Functor.Identity
data PlayerP = Odd String| Even String |Invalid deriving Show
type Player = PlayerP
type Computer = PlayerP
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
putStrLn "Welcome to Morra!!!"
putStr "Enter your name : "
name <- getLine
putStrLn "Press 1 for playing as odd, 2 for playing as even:"
parInp <- getChar
putStr "\n"
let playerParity = case (subtract 48) . ord $ parInp of
1 -> Just $ Odd name
2 -> Just $ Even name
_ -> Nothing
case playerParity of
Nothing -> main
Just p -> putStrLn (show p ++ "\n" ++ case p of
Odd _ -> show $ Even "Computer"
_ -> show $ Odd "Computer")
(a:b:c:[]) <- replicateM 3 $ game (fromMaybe Invalid playerParity) name
(pl, co) <- return (evalState (oneGame a b c) (0,0))
case compare pl co of
GT -> putStrLn $ "\n----------------" ++ name ++ " is the Winner!!!--------------------------"
_ -> putStrLn "\n----------------Computer is the Winner!!!---------------------"
return ()
game :: Player -> String -> IO Int
game pl name = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
putStrLn "Choose 1 or 2 : "
-- (plInp :: Int) <- readIO =<< getLine
plInpc <- getChar
putStr "\n"
let plInp = case (subtract 48) . ord $ plInpc of
1 -> 1
2 -> 2
_ -> (-1)
if (plInp == (-1))
then do
putStrLn "Invalid"
return 0
else do
putStrLn $ name ++ ": " ++ show plInp
a <- shoot
putStrLn $ "Computer : " ++ show a
let win = case pl of
Even s | even (plInp + a) -> disp s
| odd (plInp + a) -> disp "Computer"
Odd s | even (plInp + a) -> disp "Computer"
| odd (plInp + a) -> disp s
win <- win
case win of
"Computer" -> return 2
name -> return 1
shoot :: IO Int
shoot = randomRIO (1, 2)
disp :: String -> IO String
disp s = do
putStrLn $ s ++ " wins this round!"
return s
sep :: IO ()
sep = putStrLn "--------------------------------------------------------------"
type PScore = Int
type CScore = Int
type GameState = (PScore, CScore)
valFromGameState :: GameState -> (Int, Int)
valFromGameState = id
-- 1 for player's point, 2 for computer's point
nextGameState :: Int -> GameState -> GameState
nextGameState ind s = case ind of
1 -> (fst s + 1, snd s)
2 -> (fst s, snd s + 1)
_ -> s
type GameStateMonad = StateT GameState Identity
getNextGameState :: Int -> GameStateMonad (Int, Int)
getNextGameState ind = state $ \st -> let st' = nextGameState ind st in (valFromGameState st', st')
-- In this instance of the game, player scores two points and computer scores one point
oneGame :: Int -> Int -> Int -> GameStateMonad (Int, Int)
oneGame a b c = do
x <- getNextGameState a
y <- getNextGameState b
return =<< getNextGameState c
-- main = do
-- -- Final state should be (2, 1)
-- print (evalState oneGame (0,0))
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