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Created March 15, 2017 18:25
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**WIP** ESO Max stat calculator
#! /usr/bin/env python
# reference:
# [ (7958 base Magicka + (Attribute Points x 111) + GearBonus) x
# (1 + 0.01 x (Champion Pts in Mage)^0.56) + MageMundus x (1 + .075 x DivinesTraits) + Food ] x
# (1 + SumofPassives)
import argparse
def magcalc(baseStat, AttributeModifier, Food):
baseStat = 7958
ArcaneModifier = { 'purple': 850, 'gold': 870}
GlyphModifier = { 'purple': 802, 'gold': 868}
AttributePoints = AttributeModifier * int(raw_input('Enter your total attribute points: '))
JewelryQuality = raw_input('quality of jewelry: ')
ArcaneModifier = ArcaneModifier[JewelryQuality.lower()]
ArcaneBonus = ArcaneModifier * int(raw_input('Total number of arcane items: '))
GlyphQuality = raw_input('quality of glyphs: ')
GlyphModifier = GlyphModifier[GlyphQuality.lower()]
GlyphBonus = GlyphModifier * int(raw_input('Total number of glyphs: '))
GearBonus = ArcaneBonus + GlyphBonus
allVars = [ AttributePoints, baseStat, GearBonus, Food ]
print ''
return allVars
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Stat Calculator')
parser.add_argument('stat', help='magicka // health // stamina')
args = parser.parse_args()
calc = args.stat
AttributeModifier = 111
baseStat = ''
Food = {'primary': 4252, 'secondary': 3912}
if 'mag'.lower() in calc:
print('Max Magicka Calculator')
print('Calculated Max Magicka: {}'.format(sum(magcalc(baseStat,
AttributeModifier, Food['secondary']))))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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