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Created November 11, 2012 00:11
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~/play/rdiorb$ ./rdio-call --consumer-key <key> --consumer-secret <secret> search query=Morrissey types=artist count=1 -i
{"query"=>"Morrissey", "types"=>"artist", "count"=>"1"}
args: {"query"=>"Morrissey", "types"=>"artist", "count"=>"1"}
Called method: search({"query"=>"Morrissey", "types"=>"artist", "count"=>"1"}) : auth=
Post to url=/1/ method=search args={"query"=>"Morrissey", "types"=>"artist", "count"=>"1"}
"status": "ok",
"result": {
"artist_count": 29,
"number_results": 29,
"results": [
"key": "r85752",
"name": "Morrissey",
./rdio-call --consumer-key qsg9wezwt7pjsc26hmgza73b --consumer-secret F2nGvD2vu6 getAlbumsForArtist artist=r85752 count=1 -i
# oauth use
1.9.3-p0 :001 > require 'oauth'
=> true
1.9.3-p0 :002 > consumer =<key>,<secret>, :site => "")
1.9.3-p0 :004 > consumer.request(:post, "", nil, {}, {:method => 'search', :types => 'artist', :query => 'Morrissey', :count => 1}).body
=> "{\"status\": \"ok\", \"result\": {\"artist_count\": 29, \"number_results\": 29, \"results\": [{\"key\": \"r85752\", \"name\": \"Morrissey\", \"shortUrl\": \"\", \"url\": \"/artist/Morrissey/\", \"hasRadio\": true, \"length\": 260, \"baseIcon\": \"artist/no-artist-image-square.png\", \"radioKey\": \"rr85752\", \"icon\": \"\", \"type\": \"r\", \"topSongsKey\": \"tr85752\"}]}}"
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