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sebsto / gist:6af5bf3acaf25c00dd938c3bbe722cc1
Last active July 29, 2024 13:19
Start VNCServer on Mac1 EC2 Instance
# YouTube (english) :
# YouTube (french) :
# On your laptop, connect to the Mac instance with SSH (similar to Linux instances)
ssh -i <your private key.pem> ec2-user@<your public ip address>
# On the Mac
alekseykulikov /
Last active April 14, 2024 00:32
Principles we use to write CSS for modern browsers

Recently CSS has got a lot of negativity. But I would like to defend it and show, that with good naming convention CSS works pretty well.

My 3 developers team has just developed React.js application with 7668 lines of CSS (and just 2 !important). During one year of development we had 0 issues with CSS. No refactoring typos, no style leaks, no performance problems, possibly, it is the most stable part of our application.

Here are main principles we use to write CSS for modern (IE11+) browsers:

vasanthk / System
Last active September 19, 2024 19:42
System Design Cheatsheet

System Design Cheatsheet

Picking the right architecture = Picking the right battles + Managing trade-offs

Basic Steps

  1. Clarify and agree on the scope of the system
  • User cases (description of sequences of events that, taken together, lead to a system doing something useful)
    • Who is going to use it?
    • How are they going to use it?
dloman / xvfb
Last active September 12, 2023 12:32 — forked from jterrace/xvfb
# Provides: Xvfb
# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs
# Required-Stop:
# X-Start-Before:
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Loads X Virtual Frame Buffer
rgreenjr / postgres_queries_and_commands.sql
Last active September 19, 2024 05:47
Useful PostgreSQL Queries and Commands
-- show running queries (pre 9.2)
SELECT procpid, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start), usename, current_query
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE current_query != '<IDLE>' AND current_query NOT ILIKE '%pg_stat_activity%'
ORDER BY query_start desc;
-- show running queries (9.2)
SELECT pid, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start), usename, query
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE query != '<IDLE>' AND query NOT ILIKE '%pg_stat_activity%'
oodavid /
Created March 26, 2012 21:21
Restore MySQL from Amazon S3

Restore MySQL from Amazon S3

This is a hands-on way to pull down a set of MySQL dumps from Amazon S3 and restore your database with it

Sister Document - Backup MySQL to Amazon S3 - read that first

1 - Set your MySQL password and S3 bucket, make a temp dir, get a list of snapshots

# Set our variables

export mysqlpass="ROOTPASSWORD"

oodavid /
Created March 26, 2012 17:05
Backup MySQL to Amazon S3

Backup MySQL to Amazon S3

This is a simple way to backup your MySQL tables to Amazon S3 for a nightly backup - this is all to be done on your server :-)

Sister Document - Restore MySQL from Amazon S3 - read that next

1 - Install s3cmd

this is for Centos 5.6, see for other systems like ubuntu etc