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Forked from truher/knapsack-test.js
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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#global portviz:false, _:false
# * 0-1 knapsack solution, recursive, memoized, approximate.
# *
# * credits:
# *
# * the Go implementation here:
# *
# *
# * approximation details here:
# *
# *
# * details:
_ = require('underscore')
class Memoization
constructor: ->
@memory = {}
key: (i, w) ->
i + "::" + w
get: (i, w) ->
@memory[@key(i, w)]
put: (i, w, r) ->
@memory[@key(i, w)] = r
class Knapsack
constructor: (@items, epsilon = 0.01) ->
maxValue = _.max(_.pluck(@items, 'value'))
@scaleK = epsilon * maxValue / @items.length
@memory = new Memoization()
subproblem: (i, W) ->
i = Math.round(i)
W = Math.round(W)
if i < 0 or W is 0
return (
items: []
totalWeight: 0
totalValue: 0
mm = @memory.get(i, W)
return mm unless _.isUndefined(mm)
item = @items[i]
return @memory.put(i, W, @subproblem(i - 1, W)) if item.weight > W
excluded = @subproblem(i - 1, W)
included = @subproblem(i - 1, W - item.weight)
if included.totalValue + Math.floor(item.value / @scaleK) > excluded.totalValue
i1 = included.items.slice()
i1.push item
return @memory.put(i, W,
items: i1
totalWeight: included.totalWeight + item.weight
totalValue: included.totalValue + Math.floor(item.value / @scaleK)
@memory.put i, W, excluded
one: (maxweight) ->
scaled = @subproblem(@items.length - 1, maxweight)
items: scaled.items
totalWeight: scaled.totalWeight
totalValue: scaled.totalValue * @scaleK
ef: (maxweight, step) ->
for weight in [0...maxweight + 1] by step
scaled = @subproblem(@items.length - 1, weight)
items: scaled.items
totalWeight: scaled.totalWeight
totalValue: scaled.totalValue * @scaleK
exports.Knapsack = Knapsack
#global portviz:false, _:false
# * after
# *
# * details:
# Run with nodeunit for example
_ = require('underscore')
Knapsack = require('./knapsack').Knapsack
allwants = [
name: "map"
weight: 9
value: 150
name: "compass"
weight: 13
value: 35
name: "water"
weight: 153
value: 200
name: "sandwich"
weight: 50
value: 160
name: "glucose"
weight: 15
value: 60
name: "tin"
weight: 68
value: 45
name: "banana"
weight: 27
value: 60
name: "apple"
weight: 39
value: 40
name: "cheese"
weight: 23
value: 30
name: "beer"
weight: 52
value: 10
name: "suntan cream"
weight: 11
value: 70
name: "camera"
weight: 32
value: 30
name: "T-shirt"
weight: 24
value: 15
name: "trousers"
weight: 48
value: 10
name: "umbrella"
weight: 73
value: 40
name: "waterproof trousers"
weight: 42
value: 70
name: "waterproof overclothes"
weight: 43
value: 75
name: "note-case"
weight: 22
value: 80
name: "sunglasses"
weight: 7
value: 20
name: "towel"
weight: 18
value: 12
name: "socks"
weight: 4
value: 50
name: "book"
weight: 30
value: 10
near = (actual, expected, tolerance) ->
return true if expected is 0 and actual is 0
return Math.abs(expected - actual) / actual < tolerance if expected is 0
Math.abs(expected - actual) / expected < tolerance
exports.KnapsackTest =
'one knapsack': (test) ->
combiner = new Knapsack(allwants)
oneport =
test.ok near(oneport.totalValue, 1030, 0.01), "correct total value"
test.ok near(oneport.totalValue, 1030, 0.01), "correct total value"
test.equal oneport.totalWeight, 396, "correct total weight"
'frontier': (test) ->
combiner = new Knapsack(allwants)
ef = combiner.ef(400, 1)
test.equal ef.length, 401, "401 because it includes the endpoints"
ef = combiner.ef(400, 40)
test.equal ef.length, 11, "11 because it includes the endpoints"
expectedTotalValue = [0, 330, 445, 590, 685, 755, 810, 860, 902, 960, 1030]
_.each ef, (element, index) ->
# 15% error! bleah!
test.ok near(element.totalValue, expectedTotalValue[index], 0.15), "actual " + element.totalValue + " expected " + expectedTotalValue[index]
test.deepEqual _.pluck(ef, "totalWeight"),
[0, 39, 74, 118, 158, 200, 236, 266, 316, 354, 396]
test.deepEqual, (x) ->
), [0, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 10, 12, 14, 11, 12]
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