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Last active November 5, 2020 00:19
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rem -*- mode: basic -*-
Option Explicit
rem --------------------------------
function parse_json(json)
dim parse_result
parse_result = _parse_json(json)
parse_json = parse_result(0)
end function
function _parse_json(json)
dim retval, pos, c, rest
dim str
dim DQ, LF
DQ = chr(34)
LF = chr(10)
dim xs
xs = list_new(4)
pos = 1
do while pos < len(json)
rest = substring(json, pos)
c = get_char(rest, 0)
if c = "[" then
dim list_elem
dim size
retval = _parse_json(substring(rest, 1))
list_elem = retval(0)
size = retval(1)
list_add(xs, list_elem)
pos = pos + size
elseif c = "]" then
exit do
elseif c = " " or c = "," or c = LF then
pos = pos + 1
elseif c = DQ then
str = consume_str(rest)
list_add(xs, str)
pos = pos + len(str) + 2
elseif is_number(c) then
str = consume_int(rest)
list_add(xs, CInt(str))
pos = pos + len(str)
pos = pos + 1
end if
_parse_json = Array(xs, pos)
end function
function consume_int(rest)
dim pos
pos = 0
do while pos < len(rest)
if not is_number(get_char(rest, pos)) then
exit do
end if
pos = pos + 1
consume_int = left(rest, pos)
end function
function consume_str(rest)
dim pos, c
dim DQ
DQ = chr(34)
pos = 1
do while pos < len(rest)
c = get_char(rest, pos)
if c = DQ then
exit do
end if
pos = pos + 1
dim s1
s1 = left(rest, pos)
consume_str = substring(s1, 1)
end function
function is_number(c)
dim retval as boolean
is_number = ( _
c = "0" _
or c = "1" _
or c = "2" _
or c = "3" _
or c = "4" _
or c = "5" _
or c = "6" _
or c = "7" _
or c = "8" _
or c = "9" _
or c = "-" _
end function
function indent(n)
indent = Space(4 * n)
end function
function _list_to_json(xs, lv)
dim s, retval as string
dim i, val
dim DQ, LF
DQ = chr(34)
LF = chr(10)
s = indent(lv) & "["
s = s & LF
i = -1
do while i + 1 < xs.len
i = i + 1
val = list_get(xs, i)
s = s
if list_is_list2(val) then
s = s & _list_to_json(val, lv + 1)
select case TypeName(val)
case "Integer"
s = s & indent(lv + 1) & val
case "Double"
s = s & indent(lv + 1) & val
case "String"
s = s & indent(lv + 1) & DQ & val & DQ rem TODO escape
case else
s = s & indent(lv) & "TODO unsupported type: " & TypeName(val)
end select
end if
if i < xs.len - 1 then
s = s & ", "
end if
s = s & LF
s = s & indent(lv) & "]"
_list_to_json = s
end function
function list_to_json(xs)
list_to_json = _list_to_json(xs, 0)
end function
rem --------------------------------
function substring(str, index)
substring = right(str, len(str) - index)
end function
function get_char(str, index)
get_char = right(left(str, index + 1), 1)
end function
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