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Pesticide Feedstock Adsorption Study Year of Publication Journal Name Research Place Keywords
Cymoxanil Grape pomace Lab scale solution 2021 Environmental Technology & Innovation Korea Biochar , Cymoxanil, Grape pomace, Pesticide, Pyrolysis
Thiamethoxam Filter cake generated in the sugar and alcohol agroindustry Lab scale solution 2021 Water Air Soil Pollution Brazil Biochar, Adsorption, Mesoporous, Pyrolysis, Pesticide, Thiamethoxam
2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid Corn straw Lab scale solution 2010 Chemosphere China Activated porous biochar , Surface modification, Surface properties, Adsorption , performance, Principal component analysis
Neonicotinoids Sugarcane Lab scale solution 2021 Journal of Cleaner Production China Sugarcane bagasse , Imidacloprid, Potassium hydroxide, Magnetic modification, Removal mechanisms
Imidacloprid Waste water sludge Lab scale solution 2021 Journal of Hazardous Materials China Sludge biochar, Graphene oxide, Cobalt ferrite, Environmental concentration, Imidacloprid
Carbofuran Tea Residue Lab scale solution 2014 Proceedings of the Peradeniya Univ. International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
Carbofuran Tea Waste and Rice Husk Lab scale solution 2015 Thesis (Digital Library - University of Peradeniya ) Sri Lanka Carbofuran, Pesticide, Tea waste , Rice husk
Atrazine pyrolysis of oak Lab scale solution 2018 Frontiers in Chemistry West Lafayette, IN, United States atrazine, biochar, isothermal titration calorimetry, pollution-control, flow-through
Atrazine Corn Lab scale solution 2018 Environmental Science and Pollution Research China Biochar colloids, Biochar residues, Atrazine, Adsorption, Pyrolysis temperatures
Atrazine Sugarcane Lab scale solution 2022 agronomy Panama
Atrazine Rice straw Lab scale solution 2022 Agronomy China Atrazine; Fe-Mn modification; adsorption; desorption; π–π interaction
Atrazine from oak (Quercus spp) Lab scale solution 2016 Journal of Water Resource and Protection West Lafayette, IN, USA Atrazine, Biochar, Shredded Tires, Sorption, Water Quality
Atrazine Sheep manure Lab scale solution 2019 Polish Journal of Environmental Studies China atrazine adsorption; kinetics; isotherms; thermodynamics; sheep manure-derived biochar
Metolachlor walnut shells Lab scale solution 2021 Environmental Science and Pollution Research China Adsorbent . BC . Kinetics . Pyrolysis . Water pollution
Atrazine and 2,4-D Rice Husk Lab scale solution 2020 GEOSCIENCE ENGINEERING Vietnam Adsorbent; Adsorption; Atrazine; Biochar; 2,4-D.
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol sugarcane baggase Lab scale solution 2015 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Pakistan Biochar , 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, Competitive removal, SEM,Sugarcane baggase
Pymetrozine bush, wheat straw, peanut and corn Lab scale solution 2013 Adsorption Science & Technology China ----------------
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid Groundnut Shell Lab scale solution 2016 Arabian Journal of Chemistry Nagpur, India Additive; Adsorption; Characterization; Utilization
Naphthalene Pine wood Lab scale solution 2012 Environmental science and Technology China, India ---------
2,4,6-trichlorophenol Eupatorium adenophorum Lab scale solution 2019 Bioresource Technology China Eupatorium adenophorum, Biochar, Nano-iron/nickel, 2,4,6-Trichlorophe
2,4,6‐trichlorophenol Peanut shell and bush Lab scale solution 2011 Scientific Reports China
Metolachlor Walnut shell Lab scale solution 2021 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering China Adsorbent, BC, Citric acid, Fulvic acid, Metolachlor
Atrazine wheat straws Lab scale solution 2017 Science of the Total Environment China Nitrogen-functionalized, Wheat straw, Atrazine, Adsorption, Carbon sheets
Dichlorvos coconut fibre Lab scale solution 2019 Water Science & Technology Thailand adsorption, biochar, dichlorvos, diffusion, mechanism, pesticide
Dimethyl Sulfide Chicken Manure Lab scale solution 2015 Sustainability Korea adsorption; biochar; water pollution; recycling; economic
 Glyphosate rice husk Lab scale solution 2016 Microporous and Mesoporous Materials Sri Lanka Smart biochar, Herbicide, Steam activation, Physisorption, Chemisorption
Alachlor and Pentachlorobenzene Miscanthus giganteus and sugar beet shreds. Lab scale solution 2021 Chemical Papers Republic of Serbia Adsorption · Biochar · Hydrochar · Alachlor · Pentachlorobenzene · Remediation
Glyphosate Woody (dendro) Lab scale solution 2015 Chemosphere Sri Lanka Herbicide ,Bioenergy,Chemisorption, Adsorption capacity, Functional groups
Atrazine Sludge Lab scale solution 2015 Chemosphere China Atrazine, Biochar, Chromium, H-bond, Lead, Sorption
Paraquat coconut fiber , corn cob, bagasse , rice husk Lab scale solution 2020 Lowland Technology International Journal Thailand Adsorption, Biochar ,Paraquat, Kinetic , Mechanism, Pore volume
2,4-D tea waste, burcucumber, oak wood and bamboo Lab scale solution 2017 Bioresource Technology Australia 2,4-D, biochar, Pyrolysis, Physical activation, Sorption kinetics
Atrazine, 17α-Estradiol, and Phenanthrene Wheat Straw and Peanut Shell Lab scale solution 2016 Water Air Soil Pollution China Sorption . Biochar. Organic pollutants
Atrazine Rice Husk Lab scale solution 2022 Engenharia Agrícola Brasil biochar, mathematical modeling, intraparticle diffusion.
Chlorpyrifos Wheat Straw Lab scale solution 2015 RSC Advances China ------------
Metribuzin switchgrass Lab scale solution 2017 Environmental Science and Pollution Research Mississippi State, USA Metribuzin . Low-cost adsorbent . Adsorption . Magnetic biochar . Isotherms . Solution pH . Phenoxy herbicides . Adsorbent characterization
dicamba sludge Lab scale solution 2021 Journal of Environmental Management China Biochar, Dicamba , Adsorption, Persistent free radicals, Fe-modified Sludge
Atrizine Rice Husk Lab scale solution 2022 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D Vadlamudi, India Pesticides, Atrizine, Biochar, Rice husk, Adsorbent
atrazine fallen leaves, Lab scale solution 2021 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering China Fallen leaf biochar, Nano-MgO modification, Atrazine, Adsorption
metolachlor, atrazine and isoproturon alkali lignin (Aldrich) powder, softwood (Pinus radiate) and hard- wood (Populus euramericana) shavings Lab scale solution 2016 Water Science & Technology China adsorption, biochar, mesopore, pesticide
imidacloprid Loofah sponge Lab scale solution 2021 Science of the Total Environment China Loofah sponge, Imidacloprid, Potassium hydroxide, Magnetic modification, Adsorption mechanisms
Atrazine Apricot Kernel Shell Lab scale solution 2022 Sustainability China apricot shell; biochar; microspheres; atrazine; adsorption
Aqueous carbofuran sugarcane bagasse Lab scale solution 2019 RSC Advances India ------
Chlorpyrifos Tobacco Lab scale solution 2021 Separation Science and Technology Brazil Organophosphates; pesticides; water Treatment; adsorption; smuggled cigarettes
imidacloprid and sulfadiazine straw and newspaper Lab scale solution 2021 Chemical Engineering Journal China Adsorption, Graphene-like biochar, Ball-milling, TEMPO-mediated oxidation, Hydrophilic organic pollutants
Tebuconazole and Linuron Sludge Lab scale solution 2021 Journal of Chemistry China -------------
metolachlor Codonopsis pilosula (Dangshen) and Angelica sinensis (Danggui). Lab scale solution 2020 Environmental Research China Chinese medicinal herb residue, Adsorption mechanism, Functional groups, Pore-filling H/C ratio
carbofuran tea waste Lab scale solution 2016 Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability Sri Lanka Isotherm modeling; black carbon; pesticide; chemisorption; slow pyrolysis
pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Wheat and rice straw Lab scale solution 2017 Arabian Journal of Chemistry India Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl; biochars; deashing; pyrolysis; sorption
atrazine and nicosulfuron peanut-shell Lab scale solution 2019 Science of the Total Environment China Atrazine, Nicosulfuron, Biochar, Sorption, Deashing
Metribuzin Herbicide Wheat Straw Lab scale solution 2021 Applied sciences Romania adsorption; biochar; metribuzin; wheat straw
Herbicides cherry pits (CHER), Jatropha presscake waste pellets ( JAT), chopped bamboo pieces (BAM), sugarcane bagasse pellets (BAG), pine forestry waste pellets (PINE), and pecan shells (PEC). Lab scale solution 2021 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE North Carolina. 2,4-D; adsorption; aerobic pyrolysis; biochar; simazine
Epoxiconazole Straw, Coconut shell, sawdust coal, bamboo, rice husk Lab scale solution 2020 Biochemical Engineering Journal China Epoxiconazole; Biochar; Agricultural wastes; Adsorption; Water environment.
Paraquat Coconut Fibre Lab scale solution 2022 Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy Thailand Biochar, Paraquat, Biodegradation, Adsorption, Cell immobilization, Water
Carbofuran Tea Waste and Rice Husk Lab scale solution 2015 Chemosphere Sri Lanka Chemisorption, Physisorption, Enthalpy, Entropy, Pesticide
Carbofuran rice husk Lab scale solution 2017 RECENT ADVANCES IN ASSESSMENT ON CLEAR WATER, SOIL AND AIR Sri Lanka Agricultural by-product , Dynamic adsorption , Pesticide, Pyrolysis, Activated carbon, Steam activation
Deisopropylatrazine Broiler Litter Lab scale solution 2010 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Louisiana, United States Biochar; deisopropylatrazine; copper; broiler litter; activated carbon
Atrazine Wheat Straw Lab scale solution 2018 Environmental Science and Pollution Research China Wheat straws, Modified biochars, Atrazine , Porosity, Adsorption mechanism
Chlorpyrifos Wheat Straw Lab scale solution 2016 RSC Advances China -------------
Chlorpyrifos Trapa bispinosa peel Lab scale solution 2022 Biomass Conversion and Biorefnery India Agricultural waste, Adsorption, Biochar, Chlorpyrifos, Trapa bispinosa, Ultrasonication
Imidacloprid Sugarcane bagasse Lab scale solution 2023 Environmental Science and Pollution Research China Adsorption, Biochar, Pesticides, Removal, Waste materials, Wastewater
Atrazine and 2,4-D cedar bark sawdust Lab scale solution 2022 Environmental Science and Pollution Research Brazil Adsorbent, Adsorption, Atrazine, Chemical activation, Physical activation
atrazine and fipronil rice husk and sugarcane bagasse Lab scale solution 2020 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY India Atrazine; fipronil; biomixtures; sorption; ashes; biochars
atrazine dried stem of the Calligonum comosum Lab scale solution 2017 Journal of Molecular Liquids Iran Pesticide, adsorption, activated carbon, biocahr, chemical activation
chlorpyrifos Sugarcane Bagasse Lab scale solution Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering India Bagasse, Chlorpyrifos, Biochar, Adsorption, Pesticide, Modelling
Neonicotinoids Maize straw and pig manure Lab scale solution 2018 Environmental Pollution China Biochar, Neonicotinoids, Sorption, Deashing treatment
Atrazine Agriculture wastes (soybeans, corn stalks, rice stalks, poultry manure, cattle manure, and pig manure) Lab scale solution 2015 Bioresource Technology China Biochar, Atrazine, Adsorption, Pesticide
Neuro-Active Pesticides (thiacloprid and thiamethoxam) exhausted husk, and dry tannin from barks of black wattle Lab scale solution 2017 Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society Brazil pesticides, biochar, adsorption, desorption, reuse
atrazine and imidacloprid Rice straw Lab scale solution 2017 International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health India Biochar; Freundlich isotherm; Pesticide; Batch adsorption system
2,4-D adsorption corncobs, bamboo and wood chips, rice husk, coconut, longan Lab scale solution 2014 Water Research Colorado, USA Pesticide,Herbicide,Water treatment,Charcoal,Low-cost adsorbent
Atrazine and simazine Maple, elm, and oak woodchips and barks Lab scale solution 2010 Journal of Hazardous Materials USA Biochar, Atrazine, Simazine, Sorption, Competitive sorption
Pymetrozine Brewer’s spent grain Lab scale solution 2014 BioResources China Biochar; Pymetrozine; Brewer's spent grain; Contaminants removal; Adsorption
Phenoxy herbicide switchgrass Lab scale solution 2017 Chemosphere Mississippi State, USA 2,4-D; Adsorption; Isotherms; Low cost adsorbent; MCPA; Phenoxy herbicides.
herbicide paraquat Swine-manure Lab scale solution 2013 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology China Liquid-phase adsorption, Paraquat, Swine manure, Biochar, Kinetic modeling
Fipronil its metabolites Corn stalks Lab scale solution 2021 Process Safety and Environmental Protection China Fipronil, Metabolites, Enantioselectivity, Toxicity, Degradation, Remediation
Imidacloprid Peanut shell Lab scale solution 2018 BioResource China Biochar; Peanut shell; Imidacloprid; Removal; Adsorption
Chlorpyrifos Rice husk Lab scale solution 2020 Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology Nigeria Rice husk; biochar; adsorption; pesticide; surface water.
diazinon Coconut Shell Lab scale solution 2020 Arabian Journal of Chemistry Malaysia Adsorption; biochar; Organophosphorus Pesticides; Diazinon; Treatment
Bentazone Azadirachta indica (Neem tree bark) Lab scale solution 2020 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH India Bentazone; central composite design; desirability function; Azadirachta indica; biochar; adsorption; pesticide
Thiamethoxam Sugarcane Residue Lab scale solution 2021 Water Air Soil Pollution Brazil Biochar, Adsorption, Mesoporous, Pyrolysis, Pesticide, Thiamethoxam
chlorpyrifos Sugarcane bagasse Lab scale solution 2022 Chemical Engineering Research and Design India Chlorpyrifos, Adsorption, Biochar, Alginate, Isotherm, Kinetics
2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid rice husk Lab scale solution 2022 Journal of Molecular Liquids China Phosphorus-doped biochar, Phosphorus-oxygen groups, Pesticide pollution, Efficient adsorption, Win-Win Strategy
Imidacloprid Corn cob Lab scale solution 2022 Chemosphere China Imidacloprid, Corn cob, Potassium hydroxide, Magnetic modification, Mechanisms
Emerging contaminants Neem Chip Lab scale solution 2022 Environmental Advances Sri Lanka Biochar, Emerging contaminant, Isotherm, Kinetics, Mancozeb, Neem, Pyrolysis, Surface science, Thermodynamics
Paraquat corn cob Lab scale solution 2022 Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering Thailand Adsorption capacity, Bio-char, Corn cob, Paraquat, Pyrolysis, Hydrogen bonding
thiamethoxam: municipal sludge Lab scale solution 2023 Journal of Water Process Engineering China Fenton-like, Thiamethoxam, Magnetic biochar, Pyrolysis, Municipal sludge
metazachlor agricultural biomasses (Banana pseudostem waste, Red mombin seed , Corncob, Cocoa pod husk and Coffee husk Lab scale solution 2022 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering czech republic Adsorption, Agricultural waste,Biochar, Herbicide, Molecular modeling, Structure
atrazine rice husk Lab scale solution 2022 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Thailand Atrazine, Hydrochar, Adsorption, Surface properties
atrazine Cedrella fissilis sawdust Lab scale solution 2022 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Brazil Adsorption, Atrazine, Biochar, Pesticides, River water
atrazine corn straw Lab scale solution 2022 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Brazil Adsorption, Atrazine, Biochar, Corn straw, Mathematical modelling
carbendazim corn straw Lab scale solution 2022 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering China Corn straw biochar, Fungicides, Modification, Removal mechanisms, Pyrolysis temperature
organophosphorus corn straw Lab scale solution 2021 Journal of Chromatography A China Biochar, Corn straw, Magnetic solid-phase microextraction, Organophosphorus pesticides, Trace determination
organochlorine Nephelium lappaceum (Rambutan) fruit peel waste Lab scale solution 2022 Chemosphere Malaysia Organochlorine pesticides, Nephelium lappaceum peel waste, Peel extract, Zerovalent , iron-biochar nanocomposite, Removal, Dechlorination, Regeneration
organophosphate Potato peel Lab scale solution 2022 Chemosphere India Adsorption, Biocompatibility, Physiology, Potato biochar, Optimization, Organophosphate
atrazine bamboo culm Lab scale solution 2021 Journal of Molecular Liquids Brazil Production temperature, Biochar,Physicochemical properties, Atrazine, Adsorption
atrazine and diuron Hovenia dulcis Lab scale solution 2022 Journal of Molecular Liquids Brazil Pesticides, DFT calculations, Atrazine and diuron, Adsorption mechanism
neonicotinoid Tenebrio molitor frass Lab scale solution 2022 Separation and Purification Technology China Tenebrio molitor frass, Neonicotinoid pesticides, Sorption model, Adsorption mechanism
SA (m2/g) Vt (m3/g) pH_BC pH CT (min) Dose (g/L) T (K) Co (mg/L) Adsorption Capacity (mg/g)
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 318 20 50
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 318 60 125
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 318 100 200
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 318 200 210
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 318 300 323
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 308 20 51
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 308 60 110
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 308 100 175
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 308 200 210
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 308 300 260
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 303 20 48
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 303 60 96
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 303 100 115
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 303 200 160
82.06 6.06E-02 3.69 2 1440 0.75 303 300 200
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 328 25 48
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 328 50 75
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 328 75 115
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 328 100 239.3
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 318 25 53
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 318 50 98
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 318 75 110
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 318 100 247.4
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 308 25 52
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 308 50 98
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 308 75 125
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 308 100 250.8
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 298 25 51
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 298 50 100
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 298 75 150
798.752 0.431 7.51 4 180 0.4 298 100 241.7
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 298 25 40
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 298 50 65
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 298 100 76
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 298 200 90.61
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 308 25 43
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 308 50 78
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 308 100 83
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 308 200 94.45
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 318 25 45
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 318 50 80
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 318 100 90
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 318 200 95.83
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 328 25 50
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 328 50 80
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 328 100 90
898 0.296 7.51 6 120 1 328 200 96.68
131.09 0.165 7.55 10 40 0.5 298 10 1.8
131.09 0.165 7.55 10 40 0.5 298 20 2.5
131.09 0.165 7.55 10 40 0.5 298 30 2.7
131.09 0.165 7.55 10 40 0.5 298 40 3.9
131.09 0.165 7.55 10 40 0.5 298 50 4.3
473.43 0.47 7.51 2 120 0.5 293 30 146.41
473.43 0.47 7.51 2 120 0.5 303 30 140.25
473.43 0.47 7.51 2 120 0.5 313 30 133.51
473.43 0.47 7.51 2 120 0.5 323 30 129.03
547 0.296 7.51 5.04 1440 1.04 298 1.34 51
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 298 25 110
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 298 50 130
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 298 100 150
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 308 150 180
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 308 25 112
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 308 50 134
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 308 100 155
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 318 150 185
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 318 25 115
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 318 50 138
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 318 100 159
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 328 150 190
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 328 25 120
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 328 50 150
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 328 100 210
1067 0.53 7.51 6.5 180 1.04 328 100 225
671.75 0.296 7.51 7 120 0.1 303 200 809.09
671.75 0.296 7.51 7 120 0.1 313 200 758.28
671.75 0.296 7.51 7 120 0.1 323 200 746.23
671.75 0.296 7.51 7 120 0.1 333 200 714.28
547 0.296 7.51 7 1200 0.1 303 25 20
547 0.296 7.51 7 1200 0.1 303 50 30
547 0.296 7.51 7 1200 0.1 303 100 40
547 0.296 7.51 7 1200 0.1 303 150 60
547 0.296 7.51 7 1200 0.1 303 200 80
547 0.296 7.51 7 1200 0.1 303 250 111
1,324.62 0.296 7.51 7 90 1 293 20 100
1,324.62 0.296 7.51 7 90 1 303 20 110
1,324.62 0.296 7.51 7 90 1 323 20 90
662 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 50 20
662 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 65 30
662 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 85 35
662 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 100 40
662 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 115 45
662 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 150 60
662 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 200 70
522 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 50 52
522 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 65 65
522 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 85 70
522 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 100 80
522 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 115 90
522 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 150 100
522 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 200 110
601 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 50 49
601 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 65 58
601 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 85 68
601 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 100 74
601 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 115 84
601 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 150 90
601 0.296 7.51 7 3240 2.5 298 200 98
835 0.7 7.51 7 400 0.025 298 200 300
629 0.63 7.51 7 400 0.025 298 200 278
698 0.56 7.51 7 400 0.025 298 200 287
1237.13 0.66723 7.51 3 240 0.3 313 250 104.2
547 0.0107 7.51 2880 1 300 5 10
547 0.0107 7.51 6 2880 1 300 10 12
547 0.0107 7.51 6 2880 1 300 25 40
547 0.0107 7.51 6 2880 1 300 50 75
547 0.0107 7.51 6 2880 1 300 100 115
547 0.0107 7.51 6 2880 1 300 150 120
547 0.0107 7.51 6 2880 1 300 200 110
547 0.0107 7.51 6 2880 1 300 250 100
991 0.0115 7.51 6 2880 1 300 5 20
991 0.0115 7.51 6 2880 1 300 10 25
991 0.0115 7.51 6 2880 1 300 25 50
991 0.0115 7.51 6 2880 1 300 50 100
991 0.0115 7.51 6 2880 1 300 100 130
991 0.0115 7.51 6 2880 1 300 150 125
991 0.0115 7.51 6 2880 1 300 200 150
991 0.0115 7.51 6 2880 1 300 250 180
1,068 0.0139 7.51 6 2880 1 300 5 15
1,068 0.0139 7.51 6 2880 1 300 10 30
1,068 0.0139 7.51 6 2880 1 300 25 54
1,068 0.0139 7.51 6 2880 1 300 50 100
1,068 0.0139 7.51 6 2880 1 300 100 155
1,068 0.0139 7.51 6 2880 1 300 150 175
1,068 0.0139 7.51 6 2880 1 300 200 185
1,068 0.0139 7.51 6 2880 1 300 250 200
547 0.296 7.51 2 60 3 298 20 128.2
547 0.296 7.51 7 1800 1 303 250 80
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 298 5 2
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 298 10 11
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 298 15 15
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 298 20 16
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 298 30 17
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 298 40 20
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 308 5 4
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 308 10 14
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 308 15 20
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 308 20 25
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 308 30 28
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 308 40 30
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 318 5 6
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 318 10 16
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 318 15 23
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 318 20 26
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 318 30 30
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 318 40 34
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 328 5 5
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 328 10 15
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 328 15 25
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 328 20 30
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 328 30 33
431 0.296 7.51 7 180 1 328 40 35
1211.57 0.84 7.51 6 480 0.2 303 25 36
1211.57 0.84 7.51 6 480 0.2 303 50 43
1211.57 0.84 7.51 6 480 0.2 303 100 78
1211.57 0.84 7.51 6 480 0.2 303 150 100
1211.57 0.84 7.51 6 480 0.2 303 200 110
1211.57 0.84 7.51 6 480 0.2 303 250 140
904 0.39 4.3 6 360 1 298 60 0.46
982 0.498 3.7 6 360 1 298 60 1.03
641 0.302 5.5 6 360 1 298 60 0.67
906 0.459 4.9 6 360 1 298 60 1.83
1175 1.085 8.9 6 360 1 298 60 8.3
1265 0.956 6.5 6 360 1 298 60 6.9
547 0.296 7.51 7 180 0.2 301 15 51
725 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 298 60 5.9
949 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 298 60 15.9
970 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 298 60 16.7
754 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 298 60 15.2
725 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 305 60 5.5
949 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 305 60 14.5
970 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 305 60 15
754 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 305 60 14
725 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 313 60 5
949 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 313 60 13.2
970 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 313 60 13.8
754 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 313 60 12.9
725 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 318 60 4.4
949 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 318 60 12.1
970 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 318 60 13
754 0.296 7.6 6.8 90 1 318 60 12.1
79.4 0.066 7.51 2 180 0.2 298 400 103.9
630 0.34 7.51 2 135 0.2 298 20 18.9
600 0.3 7.51 2 135 0.2 298 20 12.3
570 0.31 7.51 2 135 0.2 298 20 11.6
490 0.28 7.51 2 135 0.2 298 20 7.9
298.01 0.126 7.51 2 900 1 298 20 51
298.01 0.126 7.51 2 900 1 298 30 51
298.01 0.126 7.51 2 900 1 298 40 51
298.01 0.126 7.51 2 900 1 298 50 51
298.01 0.126 7.51 2 900 1 298 60 51
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 25 20
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 50 25
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 100 45
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 150 50
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 200 60
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 250 62
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 300 65
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 350 76
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 400 79
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 25 89
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 50 23
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 100 24
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 150 37
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 200 43
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 250 49
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 300 53
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 350 56
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 400 86
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 25 40
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 50 44
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 100 58
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 150 65
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 200 75
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 250 78
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 300 94
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 350 97
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 400 100.1
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 25 9
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 50 11
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 100 15
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 150 18
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 200 20
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 250 21
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 300 22
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 350 24
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 298 400 25
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 25 8
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 50 11
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 100 12
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 150 20
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 200 25
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 250 28
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 300 30
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 350 35
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 308 400 37
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 25 9
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 50 20
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 100 23
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 150 28
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 200 30
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 250 34
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 300 35
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 350 36
1.1 0.296 7.51 2 360 1 318 400 38
27.96 0.018 7.51 4 180 1.5 298 15 6.6403
27.96 0.018 7.51 4 180 1.5 308 15 6.99
27.96 0.018 7.51 4 180 1.5 318 15 7.18
27.96 0.018 7.51 4 180 1.5 328 15 7.67
97.2 0.296 7.51 5 60 1.5 298 2.8 19.61
30.43 0.0543 7.51 8 150 0.5 298 200 69.44
7.02 0.0024 7.51 6 150 1 298 10 2.08
7.02 0.0024 7.51 6 150 1 298 10 0.94
518 0.18 7.51 6 180 1 298 50 12
673 0.327 7.51 6 180 1 298 50 10
1178 0.542 7.51 6 180 1 298 50 6
2192 1.059 7.51 6 180 1 298 50 4
1858 0.891 7.51 6 180 1 298 50 2
547 0.296 7.51 6 280 0.5 298 150 71.68
176.4 0.296 7.51 6 180 2 298 5 2.22
1196.3 0.296 7.51 6 360 1 298 50 868.98
1196.3 0.296 7.51 6 360 1 298 50 756.47
1196.3 0.296 7.51 6 360 1 298 50 274.7
873 0.791 7.51 6 360 1 298 60 60
1,082 0.555 7.51 6 360 1 298 60 97
26.8 0.296 7.51 6 90 0.01 298 30 29.54
0.25 0.1344 2.73 7 4320 0.005 293 10 49
0.25 0.1344 2.73 7 4320 0.025 293 20 75
0.25 0.1344 2.73 7 4320 0.025 293 30 100
0.25 0.1344 2.73 7 4320 0.025 293 40 120
0.25 0.1344 2.73 7 4320 0.025 293 50 125
0.25 0.1344 2.73 7 4320 0.025 293 60 129
0.25 0.1344 2.73 7 4320 0.025 293 70 130
0.25 0.1344 2.73 7 4320 0.025 293 80 147
0.25 0.1344 2.73 7 4320 0.025 293 90 155
0.25 0.1344 2.73 7 4320 0.025 293 100 166
19.8 0.087 6.2 6.2 60 0.001 298 1 10
19.8 0.087 6.2 6.2 60 0.001 298 5 9
19.8 0.087 6.2 6.2 60 0.001 298 10 8
19.8 0.087 6.2 6.2 60 0.001 298 25 6
19.8 0.087 6.2 6.2 60 0.001 298 50 4
19.8 0.087 6.2 6.2 60 0.001 298 75 1.9
523.04 0.658 3.83 7 1440 0.5 298 5 1
523.04 0.658 3.83 7 1440 0.5 298 10 2
523.04 0.658 3.83 7 1440 0.5 298 20 3.5
523.04 0.658 3.83 7 1440 0.5 298 30 3.9
523.04 0.658 3.83 7 1440 0.5 298 40 4
523.04 0.658 3.83 7 1440 0.5 298 50 4.9
680.36 0.742 4.79 7 1440 0.5 298 5 6
680.36 0.742 4.79 7 1440 0.5 298 10 12
680.36 0.742 4.79 7 1440 0.5 298 20 16.2
680.36 0.742 4.79 7 1440 0.5 298 30 17.7
680.36 0.742 4.79 7 1440 0.5 298 40 18
680.36 0.742 4.79 7 1440 0.5 298 50 19.8
289.91 0.444 2.73 7 1440 0.5 298 5 1.2
289.91 0.444 2.73 7 1440 0.5 298 10 5
289.91 0.444 2.73 7 1440 0.5 298 20 7.8
289.91 0.444 2.73 7 1440 0.5 298 30 8
289.91 0.444 2.73 7 1440 0.5 298 40 8.2
289.91 0.444 2.73 7 1440 0.5 298 50 8.34
691.28 0.943 2.38 7 1440 0.5 298 5 0.7
691.28 0.943 2.38 7 1440 0.5 298 10 2
691.28 0.943 2.38 7 1440 0.5 298 20 6
691.28 0.943 2.38 7 1440 0.5 298 30 8.12
691.28 0.943 2.38 7 1440 0.5 298 40 8.34
691.28 0.943 2.38 7 1440 0.5 298 50 8.54
272.2 0.371 3.03 7 1440 0.5 298 5 0.6
272.2 0.371 3.03 7 1440 0.5 298 10 1.2
272.2 0.371 3.03 7 1440 0.5 298 20 1.8
272.2 0.371 3.03 7 1440 0.5 298 30 2.8
272.2 0.371 3.03 7 1440 0.5 298 40 3.8
272.2 0.371 3.03 7 1440 0.5 298 50 4.53
178.59 0.506 7.09 7 1440 0.5 298 5 0.3
178.59 0.506 7.09 7 1440 0.5 298 10 1
178.59 0.506 7.09 7 1440 0.5 298 20 1.5
178.59 0.506 7.09 7 1440 0.5 298 30 2
178.59 0.506 7.09 7 1440 0.5 298 40 2.01
178.59 0.506 7.09 7 1440 0.5 298 50 2.03
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 10 8
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 20 9
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 40 12
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 80 17
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 120 19.8
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 160 22
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 200 25
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 10 30
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 20 60
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 40 70
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 80 75
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 120 85
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 160 91.1
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 200 90
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 10 50
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 20 100
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 40 150
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 80 200
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 120 230
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 160 240
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 200 250
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 10 80
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 20 149
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 40 200
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 80 260
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 120 275
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 160 285
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 288 200 300
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 10 5
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 20 10
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 40 20
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 80 25
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 120 30
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 160 35
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 200 38
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 10 30
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 20 65
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 40 85
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 80 92
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 120 95
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 160 100
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 200 105
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 10 75
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 20 125
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 40 185
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 80 210
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 120 225
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 160 250
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 200 270
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 10 70
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 20 150
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 40 220
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 80 275
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 120 300
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 160 310
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 298 200 325
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 10 8
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 20 15
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 40 25
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 80 35
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 120 40
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 160 45
4.68 1.49E-02 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 200 50
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 10 30
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 20 70
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 40 90
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 80 110
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 120 120
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 160 130
455 2.51E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 200 135
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 10 70
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 20 140
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 40 200
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 80 225
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 120 260
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 160 285
582 2.70E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 200 300
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 10 70
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 20 175
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 40 225
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 80 300
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 120 325
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 160 340
660 3.28E-01 2.73 7 720 0.009 308 200 350
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 298 5 15
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 298 10 20
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 298 15 40
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 298 20 100
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 298 25 110
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 298 30 130
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 298 5 10
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 298 10 20
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 298 15 40
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 298 20 80
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 298 25 110
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 298 30 140
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 308 5 10
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 308 10 30
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 308 15 50
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 308 20 105
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 308 25 110
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 308 30 140
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 308 5 12
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 308 10 30
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 308 15 70
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 308 20 110
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 308 25 140
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 308 30 160
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 328 5 8
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 328 10 30
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 328 15 35
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 328 20 60
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 328 25 125
297.13 0.1344 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 328 30 130
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 328 5 10
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 328 10 30
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 328 15 50
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 328 20 90
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 328 25 120
8.59 0.0172 2.73 6.5 1440 0.25 328 30 140
3.11 0.1344 9 6.5 720 0.25 298 25 0.41
148.155 0.1344 9 6.5 720 0.25 298 25 0.42
148.155 0.1344 9 6.5 720 0.25 298 25 0.28
11.26 0.1344 9 6.5 720 0.25 298 25 0.22
8.613 0.016574 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 0.5 0.2
8.613 0.016574 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 1 0.5
8.613 0.016574 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 5 1
8.613 0.016574 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 10 1.2
8.613 0.016574 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 20 1.8
8.613 0.016574 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 50 2
148.155 0.158607 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 0.5 0.5
148.155 0.158607 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 1 1
148.155 0.158607 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 5 2
148.155 0.158607 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 10 4
148.155 0.158607 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 20 6
148.155 0.158607 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 50 8.5
4.003 0.023397 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 0.5 0.4
4.003 0.023397 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 1 0.8
4.003 0.023397 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 5 1.75
4.003 0.023397 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 10 2.2
4.003 0.023397 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 20 3
4.003 0.023397 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 50 4.2
5.04 0.016829 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 0.5 0.2
5.04 0.016829 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 1 0.4
5.04 0.016829 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 5 1.9
5.04 0.016829 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 10 2.2
5.04 0.016829 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 20 3.2
5.04 0.016829 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 50 3.9
54.387 0.075186 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 0.5 0.1
54.387 0.075186 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 1 0.3
54.387 0.075186 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 5 1.6
54.387 0.075186 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 10 2.1
54.387 0.075186 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 20 2.7
54.387 0.075186 2.29 6.5 1440 0.1 298 50 3
189.35 0.252 2.73 3 150 1.6 298 1.5 1.21
189.35 0.252 2.73 3 150 1.6 308 1.5 1.23
189.35 0.252 2.73 3 150 1.6 318 1.5 1.26
358.67 0.22 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 5 22
358.67 0.22 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 10 42
358.67 0.22 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 15 60
358.67 0.22 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 20 78
358.67 0.22 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 25 90
358.67 0.22 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 30 95
358.67 0.22 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 35 96.15
141.72 0.09 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 5 19
141.72 0.09 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 10 22
141.72 0.09 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 15 25
141.72 0.09 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 20 33
141.72 0.09 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 25 35
141.72 0.09 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 30 36
141.72 0.09 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 35 37.88
9.96 0.02 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 5 3
9.96 0.02 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 10 5
9.96 0.02 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 15 7
9.96 0.02 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 20 8.5
9.96 0.02 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 25 10
9.96 0.02 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 30 11
9.96 0.02 2.73 3 360 0.2 298 35 11.98
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 298 10 10
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 298 50 25
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 298 100 50
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 298 200 75
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 298 400 152
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 298 600 230
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 298 800 240
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 298 1000 250
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 308 10 9
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 308 50 20
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 308 100 40
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 308 200 60
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 308 400 150
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 308 600 200
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 308 800 225
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 308 1000 220
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 318 10 10
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 318 50 30
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 318 100 40
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 318 200 60
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 318 400 70
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 318 600 100
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 318 800 120
361.77 0.045 2.73 2 60 1 318 1000 125
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 5 1.5
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 10 4.9
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 15 7.5
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 20 11.5
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 25 12.5
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 5 3
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 10 5
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 15 9
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 20 16
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 25 17.5
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 5 5
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 10 10
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 15 17.5
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 20 22.5
3.41 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 25 25
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 5 2.5
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 10 5.5
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 15 10
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 20 11
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 25 12.5
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 5 1
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 10 2
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 15 2.5
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 20 5.5
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 25 7
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 5 3.5
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 10 7.5
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 15 12.5
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 20 16
9.54 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 25 17.5
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 5 5
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 10 8
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 15 15
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 20 17
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 25 19
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 5 1
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 10 3
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 15 6
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 20 8
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 25 9
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 5 6
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 10 11
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 15 22
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 20 33
15.08 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 25 40
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 5 1
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 10 3
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 15 5
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 20 7
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 298 25 11.5
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 5 0.5
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 10 3
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 15 5
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 20 7.5
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 308 25 12.5
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 5 0.2
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 10 2
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 15 4.5
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 20 8.5
18.01 0.1344 2.73 1 500 8 318 25 15
68.77 0.01 6.24 5 60 1 298 40 30.73
169.81 0.02 7.17 5 60 1 298 75 48.75
236.74 0.05 9.87 5 60 1 298 100 132.87
251.47 0.083 10.12 5 60 1 298 140 160.77
335 0.136 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 1 15
335 0.136 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 2 25
335 0.136 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 3 56
335 0.136 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 6 58
335 0.136 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 12 76
335 0.136 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 15 80
335 0.134 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 1 28
335 0.134 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 2 44
335 0.134 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 3 48
335 0.134 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 3 52
335 0.134 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 3.5 54
335 0.134 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 4.5 56
335 0.134 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 5 58
94 0.018 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 13 65
94 0.018 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 1 1
94 0.018 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 1 2
94 0.018 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 1.5 3
94 0.018 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 2.5 4
94 0.018 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 4 5
94 0.018 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 6.2 6
94 0.018 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 6.8 7
94 0.018 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 12 9
94 0.018 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 13 10
60 0.118 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 1.5 1
60 0.118 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 3 2
60 0.118 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 5 3
60 0.118 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 11 4
60 0.118 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 13.5 5
60 0.118 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 14 6
60 0.118 8.91 5.5 360 1 298 15 7
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 293 5 7
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 293 10 10
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 293 15 12
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 293 20 15
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 293 25 16
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 293 30 18
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 298 5 8
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 298 10 12
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 298 15 16
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 298 20 18
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 298 25 20
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 298 30 23
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 318 5 10
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 318 10 15
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 318 15 23
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 318 20 25
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 318 25 28
171.28 0.118 8.91 6 720 3 318 30 30
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 293 1.5 125
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 293 2 160
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 293 3 180
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 293 4 225
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 293 6 250
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 293 9 300
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 298 1.5 120
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 298 2 160
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 298 3 180
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 298 4 220
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 298 6 240
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 298 9 280
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 318 1.5 120
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 318 2 140
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 318 3 160
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 318 4 220
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 318 6 240
1084 0.504 8.91 6 720 3 318 9 270
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 293 2 130
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 293 3 150
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 293 4 180
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 293 5 220
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 293 7 240
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 293 10 280
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 298 2 120
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 298 3 150
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 298 4 170
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 298 5 190
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 298 7 230
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 298 10 260
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 318 1.5 1120
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 318 3 140
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 318 6 160
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 318 7.5 170
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 318 9 190
900.91 0.437 8.91 6 720 3 318 15 230
467 0.118 8.91 5.8 720 1 298 0.2 22
467 0.118 8.91 5.8 720 1 298 0.6 25
467 0.118 8.91 5.8 720 1 298 0.8 26
467 0.118 8.91 5.8 720 1 298 1 28
467 0.118 8.91 5.8 720 1 298 1.5 30
467 0.118 8.91 5.8 720 1 298 2 31
467 0.118 8.91 5.8 720 1 298 2.7 32
467 0.118 8.91 5.8 720 1 298 3 33
467 0.118 8.91 5.8 720 1 298 4 34
467 0.118 8.91 5.8 720 1 298 5 36
23.4 0.005 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 10 10
23.4 0.005 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 20 15
23.4 0.005 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 30 20
23.4 0.005 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 40 28
23.4 0.005 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 70 35
23.4 0.005 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 100 40
38.25 0.01 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 10 10
38.25 0.01 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 20 15
38.25 0.01 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 30 25
38.25 0.01 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 40 35
38.25 0.01 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 70 47
38.25 0.01 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 100 53
127.5 0.08 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 10 10
127.5 0.08 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 20 18
127.5 0.08 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 30 25
127.5 0.08 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 40 35
127.5 0.08 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 70 45
127.5 0.08 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 100 63
226.07 1.05 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 10 10
226.07 1.05 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 20 15
226.07 1.05 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 30 30
226.07 1.05 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 40 40
226.07 1.05 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 70 50
226.07 1.05 8.91 7 50 0.5 298 100 70
171.28 0.118 8.91 7 720 7.5 298 5 1.5
171.28 0.118 8.91 7 720 7.5 298 7 2
171.28 0.118 8.91 7 720 7.5 298 10 3..5
171.28 0.118 8.91 7 720 7.5 298 15 4.5
171.28 0.118 8.91 7 720 7.5 298 30 6
171.28 0.118 8.91 7 720 7.5 298 45 7
171.28 0.118 8.91 7 720 7.5 298 65 9
171.28 0.118 8.91 7 720 7.5 298 80 11
47.31 0.0095 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 1.2 0.8
47.31 0.0095 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 1.5 1.2
47.31 0.0095 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 1.8 1.8
47.31 0.0095 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 2 2
47.31 0.0095 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 2.5 2.2
47.31 0.0095 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 3 2.4
47.31 0.0095 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 3.5 2.6
47.31 0.0095 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 4 2.8
98.12 0.0099 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 1.2 1
98.12 0.0099 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 1.3 1.2
98.12 0.0099 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 1.5 1.6
98.12 0.0099 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 1.7 2.4
98.12 0.0099 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 2 2.8
98.12 0.0099 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 2.4 3.3
98.12 0.0099 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 2.8 3.8
98.12 0.0099 7.5 7 120 1.5 298 3 4
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 293 50 130
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 293 100 190
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 293 200 240
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 293 300 270
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 293 400 300
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 293 50 150
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 293 100 240
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 293 200 320
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 293 300 340
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 293 400 380
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 303 50 160
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 303 100 280
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 303 200 400
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 303 300 500
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 303 400 550
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 313 50 150
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 313 100 250
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 313 200 500
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 313 300 650
1473 0.81 8.91 7 120 0.4 313 400 800
171.28 0.118 7.8 6.78 60 0.5 303 2.5 1.8
171.28 0.118 7.8 6.78 60 0.5 303 8 2.8
171.28 0.118 7.8 6.78 60 0.5 303 15 3
171.28 0.118 7.8 6.78 60 0.5 303 20 4
171.28 0.118 7.8 6.78 60 0.5 303 30 4.5
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 303 20 0.2
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 303 40 0.3
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 303 150 0.4
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 303 200 0.8
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 303 350 1.6
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 308 20 0.2
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 308 40 0.4
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 308 150 0.8
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 308 200 1.2
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 308 350 2
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 313 20 0.2
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 313 40 0.4
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 313 150 0.8
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 313 200 1.8
1052.06 0.036932 9.2 7 360 1 313 350 2.4
17.5 0.19 9.21 8.5 360 1 300 1 0.581
17.5 0.19 9.21 8.5 360 1 300 2.5 0.8
17.5 0.19 9.21 8.5 360 1 300 5.5 1
17.5 0.19 9.21 8.5 360 1 300 7.5 1.15
17.5 0.19 9.21 8.5 360 1 300 8.5 1.25
17.5 0.19 9.21 8.5 360 1 300 11 1.35
17.5 0.19 9.21 8.5 360 1 300 18 1.5
19.6 0.09 8.91 8.5 360 1 300 1 0.8
19.6 0.09 8.91 8.5 360 1 300 2.5 1
19.6 0.09 8.91 8.5 360 1 300 5 1.3
19.6 0.09 8.91 8.5 360 1 300 8 1.5
19.6 0.09 8.91 8.5 360 1 300 10 1.8
19.6 0.09 8.91 8.5 360 1 300 12 2.1
19.6 0.09 8.91 8.5 360 1 300 14 2.3
25.8 0.08 9.46 8.5 360 1 300 1 0.6
25.8 0.08 9.46 8.5 360 1 300 2 0.8
25.8 0.08 9.46 8.5 360 1 300 5 1.3
25.8 0.08 9.46 8.5 360 1 300 6 1.5
25.8 0.08 9.46 8.5 360 1 300 8 1.6
25.8 0.08 9.46 8.5 360 1 300 10 1.9
25.8 0.08 9.46 8.5 360 1 300 12 2.3
15.4 0.05 8.1 8.5 360 1 300 1 1
15.4 0.05 8.1 8.5 360 1 300 2 1.2
15.4 0.05 8.1 8.5 360 1 300 3 1.4
15.4 0.05 8.1 8.5 360 1 300 4 1.6
15.4 0.05 8.1 8.5 360 1 300 5 2.4
15.4 0.05 8.1 8.5 360 1 300 8 2.6
15.4 0.05 8.1 8.5 360 1 300 9 2.8
13.5 0.08 8.93 8.5 360 1 300 1 1
13.5 0.08 8.93 8.5 360 1 300 2 1.2
13.5 0.08 8.93 8.5 360 1 300 3 1.5
13.5 0.08 8.93 8.5 360 1 300 4 2
13.5 0.08 8.93 8.5 360 1 300 5 2.3
13.5 0.08 8.93 8.5 360 1 300 7 3
13.5 0.08 8.93 8.5 360 1 300 9 3.2
13.4 0.05 8.88 8.5 360 1 300 1 0.9
13.4 0.05 8.88 8.5 360 1 300 2 1
13.4 0.05 8.88 8.5 360 1 300 3 1.3
13.4 0.05 8.88 8.5 360 1 300 4 1.8
13.4 0.05 8.88 8.5 360 1 300 5 2.5
13.4 0.05 8.88 8.5 360 1 300 6 2
13.4 0.05 8.88 8.5 360 1 300 7 3.8
851 0.34 8.91 7 360 2 298 10 0.1
851 0.34 8.91 7 360 2 298 15 2
851 0.34 8.91 7 360 2 298 20 2.2
851 0.34 8.91 7 360 2 298 30 2.4
851 0.34 8.91 7 360 2 298 50 2.6
851 0.34 8.91 7 360 2 298 70 4.06
275 0.41 8.91 7 360 2 298 5 5
275 0.41 8.91 7 360 2 298 10 12
275 0.41 8.91 7 360 2 298 15 24
275 0.41 8.91 7 360 2 298 45 32
275 0.41 8.91 7 360 2 298 70 34.23
1.1 0.118 8.91 2 360 1 298 50 5
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 298 80 8
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 298 140 10
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 298 180 15
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 298 240 20
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 298 280 22
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 298 320 24
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 298 340 26
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 298 360 28
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 308 50 10
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 308 80 16
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 308 140 24
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 308 180 32
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 308 240 30
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 308 280 34
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 308 320 36
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 308 340 38
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 308 360 40
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 318 50 5
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 318 80 10
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 318 140 15
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 318 180 20
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 318 240 26
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 318 280 30
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 318 320 35
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 318 340 37
1.1 0.118 8.91 7 360 1 318 360 40
4.52 0.007 8.91 7 240 1 298 5 4
4.52 0.007 8.91 7 240 1 298 8 8
4.52 0.007 8.91 7 240 1 298 10 13
4.52 0.007 8.91 7 240 1 298 20 15
4.52 0.007 8.91 7 240 1 298 30 18.17
134.32 0.042 8.91 7 240 1 308 5 5
134.32 0.042 8.91 7 240 1 308 8 9
134.32 0.042 8.91 7 240 1 308 10 14
134.32 0.042 8.91 7 240 1 308 20 19
134.32 0.042 8.91 7 240 1 308 30 23.33
534.83 0.287 8.91 7 240 1 318 5 8
534.83 0.287 8.91 7 240 1 318 8 12
534.83 0.287 8.91 7 240 1 318 10 16
534.83 0.287 8.91 7 240 1 318 20 20
534.83 0.287 8.91 7 240 1 318 30 23.79
97.2 0.118 8.91 5 360 0.8 333 2.8 19.61
434.833 0.174 8.91 7 360 2 298 1 9.65
508.072 0.203 8.91 7 360 2 298 1 10.33
405.976 0.162 8.91 7 360 2 298 1 4.228
30.43 0.0543 8.91 8 360 0.5 298 50 44
19.8 0.087 6.2 7 360 1 333 10 10.17
131.09 0.165 8.91 10 360 0.5 313 10 3.6
473.43 0.118 8.91 4.1 120 0.2 293 20 146.41
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