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Created March 6, 2024 09:55
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update.ps1 - a script that i use on windows servers to keep tooling up to date
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
Write-Output "Updates starting at $(Get-Date)"
scoop update
choco upgrade all -y
# Update .NET tools
$tools = dotnet tool list -g | Select-Object -Skip 2
foreach ($row in $tools) {
$cols = $row.Split(" ")
$tool = $cols[0]
try {
dotnet tool update -g $tool
catch [System.Exception] {
Write-Warning "Failed to update tool '$tool': $($_.Exception.Message)"
# VS Code Extension Update (with safety check)
if (Test-Path (Get-Command -CommandType Application -Name 'code').Path) {
code --update-extensions
else {
Write-Warning "Visual Studio Code does not seem to be installed or the 'code' command is not found."
Write-Output "Updates finished at $(Get-Date)"
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