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Created October 17, 2012 06:38
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install haproxy with supervisord
# Configurations for haproxy
maxconn 4096
chroot /var/haproxy
user haproxy
group haproxy
log local0 alert
stats socket /var/haproxy/stats.socket
mode http
timeout connect 10s
timeout client 30s
timeout server 30s
balance roundrobin
log global
option httplog
frontend http
bind *:80
option forwardfor
option http-server-close
option http-pretend-keepalive
timeout http-request 20s
timeout http-keep-alive 5s
default_backend default
acl path:hoge path_reg ^/hoge(/.*)?$
use_backend nginx if path:hoge
backend default
redirect location
backend nginx
server nx01 nx01:8080 weight 1 maxconn 1024
server nx02 nx02:8080 weight 1 maxconn 1024
command=/usr/local/sbin/haproxy -f /etc/haproxy.conf -n 4096 -N 4096
curl -sL | tar zx
cd haproxy-1.4.22/
make TARGET=linux2628 CPU=native URE_PCRE=1
sudo make PREFIX=/usr/local/haproxy/1.4.22 install
cd ../
rm -rf haproxy-1.4.22/
sudo alternatives --install /usr/local/sbin/haproxy haproxy /usr/local/haproxy/1.4.22/sbin/haproxy 10422 \
--slave /usr/local/share/man/man1/haproxy.1 man-haproxy.1 /usr/local/haproxy/1.4.22/share/man/man1/haproxy.1
sudo groupadd haproxy
sudo useradd -r -g haproxy haproxy
sudo mkdir -p /var/haproxy /etc/supervisord.d /var/log/haproxy
sudo chown -R haproxy:haproxy /var/haproxy
sudo cp ./haproxy.ini /etc/supervisord.d/
sudo cp ./haproxy.conf /etc/
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tobowers commented Mar 3, 2015

doesn't this prevent you from doing a reload using the -sf command?

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