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Yan sokovnich

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sokovnich / tmux.conf
Created April 11, 2020 18:18 — forked from spicycode/tmux.conf
The best and greatest tmux.conf ever
# 0 is too far from ` ;)
set -g base-index 1
# Automatically set window title
set-window-option -g automatic-rename on
set-option -g set-titles on
#set -g default-terminal screen-256color
set -g status-keys vi
set -g history-limit 10000
sokovnich /
Created April 15, 2019 21:48 — forked from tkhoa2711/
A thread-safe implementation of Singleton in Python
import threading
# A thread-safe implementation of Singleton pattern
# To be used as mixin or base class
class Singleton(object):
# use special name mangling for private class-level lock
# we don't want a global lock for all the classes that use Singleton
# each class should have its own lock to reduce locking contention
__lock = threading.Lock()
sokovnich / postgres_queries_and_commands.sql
Created September 9, 2018 22:46 — forked from rgreenjr/postgres_queries_and_commands.sql
Useful PostgreSQL Queries and Commands
-- show running queries (pre 9.2)
SELECT procpid, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start), usename, current_query
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE current_query != '<IDLE>' AND current_query NOT ILIKE '%pg_stat_activity%'
ORDER BY query_start desc;
-- show running queries (9.2)
SELECT pid, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start), usename, query
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE query != '<IDLE>' AND query NOT ILIKE '%pg_stat_activity%'
sokovnich /
Created July 26, 2018 10:21 — forked from bashkirtsevich/
Машинное обучение

Для тех, кто хочет на русском языке почитать:

  1. Петер Флах Машинное обучение источник, Оглавление и отрывки из глав

  2. Джеймс Г., Уиттон Д., Хасти Т., Тибширани Р. Введение в статистическое обучение с примерами на языке R источник, Оглавление и отрывки из глав

  3. Себастьян Рашка Python и машинное обучение источник

  4. Хенрик Бринк, Джозеф Ричардс Машинное обучение источник