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Created July 24, 2020 11:32
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[ copy selection as html ] a quickscript to copy the selected text as HTML with rainbow parens
#lang at-exp racket/base
(require racket/format
; Author: Andre Alves Garzia (
; Date: 07-2020
; License: MIT
; This quickscript copies the selection to the clipboard as
; HTML. It uses a pretty <style> and the clever placement of
; <spans> to colorize parens using rainbow colors.
; The lexinate function and the CSS associated with the rainbow parens,
; or as I like to describe: "all that is actually interesting and useful
; in this script" is originally made by Erkin Batu Altunbaş, copied from:
; PS: I've did a minor change to lexinate to read from a string port
; instead of the current-input-port.
(define-script copy-selection-as-html
#:label "Copy selection as HTML"
#:help-string "Copy selection as HTML with rainbow parens"
#:output-to clipboard
(λ (selection)
(code->html selection)))
(define selection-as-port "")
(define (lexinate results depth)
(define (make-span depth str)
(format "<span class=\"paren-~a\">~a</span>" depth str))
(define-values (str type paren start end) (racket-lexer selection-as-port))
(if (not (non-empty-string? str))
(string-join (reverse results) "")
(case paren
((\( \[ \{)
(lexinate (cons (make-span depth str) results) (add1 depth)))
((\) \] \})
(lexinate (cons (make-span (sub1 depth) str) results) (sub1 depth)))
(lexinate (cons str results) depth)))))
(define style @string-append{
<style type="text/css">
code { white-space: pre; hyphens: none; }
.paren-0 { color: #ef2929; }
.paren-1 { color: #ffaf5f; }
.paren-2 { color: #fce94f; }
.paren-3 { color: #afff00; }
.paren-4 { color: #87ffff; }
.paren-5 { color: #5fafd7; }
.paren-6 { color: #d18aff; }
.paren-7 { color: #ff7bbb; }
.paren-8 { color: #dd0000; }
.paren-9 { color: #ff8700; }
.paren-10 { color: #ffd700; }
.paren-11 { color: #a1db00; }
.paren-12 { color: #87d7af; }
.paren-13 { color: #1f5bff; }
.paren-14 { color: #af5fff; }
.paren-15 { color: #ff4ea3; }
.paren-16 { color: #a40000; }
.paren-17 { color: #ff5d17; }
.paren-18 { color: #c4a000; }
.paren-19 { color: #5faf00; }
.paren-20 { color: #00d7af; }
.paren-21 { color: #005f87; }
.paren-22 { color: #9a08ff; }
.paren-23 { color: #ff1f8b; }
(define (code->html source)
(set! selection-as-port (open-input-string source))
(string-append style "<code>" (lexinate '() 0) "</code>"))
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