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Created January 15, 2018 13:48
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example of mutant
var h = require('mutant/html-element')
var Struct = require('mutant/struct')
var send = require('mutant/send')
var computed = require('mutant/computed')
var when = require('mutant/when')
var state = Struct({
text: 'Test',
color: 'red',
value: 0
var isBlue = computed([state.color], color => color === 'blue')
var element = h('', {
classList: ['cool', state.text],
style: {
'background-color': state.color
}, [
h('div', [
state.text, ' ', state.value, ' ', h('strong', 'test')
h('div', [
h('button', {
'ev-click': send(state.color.set, 'red')
}, 'Change color to red'),
h('button', {
'ev-click': send(state.color.set, 'blue')
}, 'Change color to blue')
setTimeout(function () {
state.text.set('Another value')
}, 5000)
setInterval(function () {
state.value.set(state.value() + 1)
}, 1000)
setInterval(function () {
// bulk update state
text: 'Retrieved from server (not really)',
color: '#FFEECC',
value: 1337
}, 10000)
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