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Last active August 29, 2017 18:40
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Search for latest AWS AMI
aws ec2 \
--region us-east-1 describe-images \
--filters \
'Name=architecture,Values=x86_64' \
'Name=root-device-type,Values=ebs' \
'Name=state,Values=available' \
'Name=virtualization-type,Values=hvm' \
'Name=image-type,Values=machine' \
'Name=name,Values=amzn-ami-hvm-*gp2' \
--query 'Images[*].{ImageId:ImageId,Name:Name}' \
| jq 'map(select(.Name | test("^[^rc]*$"))) | sort_by(.Name) | reverse | .[0].ImageId' -r
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